Newsletter Articles
Why is voltage so important for us to live a healthy pain free lifestyle?
When talking about pain management, I often refer to energy medicine as a modality to aid in the healing process. We require stored energy in the body for daily living. This energy comes through our water, food, nutrition and exercise. If we become ill or are in chronic pain, a lot of our body’s energy is… Continue reading Why is voltage so important for us to live a healthy pain free lifestyle?
Will Congress Move to Help Dying Patients?
Right to Try legislation has passed the Senate. Now it must pass the House. Action Alert! The Trickett Wendler Right to Try Act of 2017 passed the Senate and now moves to the House. It seems to have some traction. Recently the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on the issue, and we’re expecting a… Continue reading Will Congress Move to Help Dying Patients?
FDA: All Homeopathic Drugs Illegal
But not all will be pulled from the market, yet. Action Alert! The policy comes in the form of a guidance document, which lays out the FDA’s current position on the regulation of homeopathic drugs. In the guidance, the FDA says: Any homeopathic drug that has not been considered “generally recognized as safe and effective”… Continue reading FDA: All Homeopathic Drugs Illegal
2 Minute Warning- January 11, 2018
This week’s featured stories: Government lifts ban on experimenting with deadly viruses (seems like a good idea). Flu vaccine is ineffective, but officials say- ‘take it anyway!‘ Gardasil approved based on faulty science. Who Knew? (We did) READ OUR STORY ON FDA’S HOMEOPATHY ATTACK EPA says glyphosate not a carcinogen, despite the evidence
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Heart health benefits of coconut oil
January 11, 2018 | By Dr. Stephen Sinatra I’m often asked if the health benefits of coconut oil are good for your heart, and my answer is a resounding yes. The ordinary coconut—known for its sweet milk, great fiber and ability to conk people on the heads in Marx Brothers movies—can do your heart good, and… Continue reading Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Heart health benefits of coconut oil
Protect Natural Estriol Now
The FDA may eliminate consumer access to estriol and other hormones. We must stop them. Action Alert! As we’ve detailed previously, the FDA is waging a War on Women’s Health and is even moving to ban compounded bioidentical estriol, which millions of women use to feel better and protect themselves from heart disease and cancer.… Continue reading Protect Natural Estriol Now
By ICIM Member John Ghuneim MD: Brain Sleep Deprivation’s Negative Impacts On The Human Body; How Sleep Restores The Brain
Humans cannot live without sleep and will suffer from some immediate backlash if they ignore the primal urge to shut their eyes. In a recent Ted-Ed lesson, neuroscientist Dr. Claudia Aguirre outlined the physical, mental, and emotional consequences that could emerge from sleep deprivation. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a day, while babies need at least… Continue reading By ICIM Member John Ghuneim MD: Brain Sleep Deprivation’s Negative Impacts On The Human Body; How Sleep Restores The Brain
Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione
Link: Here’s the issue: The FDA is once again overstepping by protecting the interests of Big Pharma rather than patient care by restricting access to compounded medicines. Physicians and patients will lose access to these safe, effective and cost effective medications unless we act using the legal methods demonstrated to defeat prior FDA overreach.… Continue reading Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione
Protect Natural Estriol!
Many millions of women depend on it. Action Alert! In 2008, the FDA – likely acting upon a petition it received from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Premarin (an estrogen drug made from pregnant horse mares’ urine) – went after bioidentical hormones, particularly estriol. Thanks to ANH members and the wider natural health community, the… Continue reading Protect Natural Estriol!