Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

These OTC drugs cause more problems than they fix. From Fox News: House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer was in the hospital on Wednesday after getting a pneumonia diagnosis a day earlier, and was expected to make a full recovery. The Maryland Democrat, 79, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Tuesday with pneumococcal pneumonia,… Continue reading Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

Chargemaster Rap

Hospital prices are not determined by supply and demand but are purely administrative decisions. These decisions are made by the institution’s Chargemaster. Hospitals are not required to make their Chargemaster public. Read Full Article.

Fixing Health Care Not That Complicated

Obamacare doesn’t even need to be repealed and replaced in order to do it. Action Alert! Last week, the Senate considered a number of bills to repeal and/or replace Obamacare—all of which failed. For those interested in keeping score: One version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act included Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) initiative that insurers… Continue reading Fixing Health Care Not That Complicated