Under the Influence — Doctors and Prescription Drug Firms

Today’s news, both political and financial, is filled with tales of greed and corruption. Vested interests ensure that earmarks litter important legislation. The lust for a quick profit and lax regulation have led to bank closures. Wall Street and Capitol Hill are now awash in finger-pointing by consumers whose investments are worth a fraction of… Continue reading Under the Influence — Doctors and Prescription Drug Firms

Where Do Your Representatives Stand?

Your Voice Counts on Capitol Hill The frenzied activity in Congress over the banking crisis is in response, at least in part, to an unprecedented outpouring of voter outrage. Less well publicized was the reaction to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). It provoked the greatest outpouring of voter activity that Capitol Hill… Continue reading Where Do Your Representatives Stand?

Wellness: An Essential Part of Health Reform Legislation

The Board of Directors of the American Association for Health Freedom has voted to support a key resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives that would include “sustainable wellness programs that address the underlying causal factors of chronic disease” in an effort to re-engineer our healthcare reform. H.Con.Res. 406 has detailed language to change the… Continue reading Wellness: An Essential Part of Health Reform Legislation

Survey Shows Integrative Medicine on Rise with Practitioners

To no surprise to AAHF, as more and more consumers are embracing integrative medicine, so are practitioners.  According to a recent survey by Jackson & Coker, a significant number of healthcare providers are using some form of integrative medicine to enhance their own health and well-being, or they have introduced certain facets of alternative medicine… Continue reading Survey Shows Integrative Medicine on Rise with Practitioners

Hyperbaric Oxygen for Our Nation’s Veterans

Report from the Trenches:  Government Affairs from your Nation’s Capitol Dr. William A. Duncan, Your Lobbyist in Washington The DoD-Brain Injury Rescue & Rehabilitation Project Since January of 2007, the American Association for Health Freedom has sponsored a project to have veterans of the war treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).  Thank you to the… Continue reading Hyperbaric Oxygen for Our Nation’s Veterans