Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

(Why the incredibly long title to this article? Because some might dismiss a shorter title for the article as “just another rant by a “crazy health food nut.” Hard to do that when the title includes the source, a professional journal, published by the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, whose website——tells us the… Continue reading Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs—Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, as Summarized on Green Medicine Radio

Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by 50%? Kidney disease by up to 50%? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the science suggests. Over the years, we’ve written extensively about the dangers of stomach acid drugs—conventional medicine’s completely wrongheaded answer to stomach pain and acid reflux. Scientists aren’t certain what causes acid reflux, but a leading hypothesis is that it’s… Continue reading Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Big Food vs. Big Medicine: One Fluid, the Other Frozen

As consumers demand safer and more natural foods, the market is starting to comply. So why doesn’t Big Medicine do the same? Action Alert! Consumers, according to the New York Times, have been leaving Big Food in droves, and are increasingly buying organic (not to mention free-range, cage-free, grass-fed, and/or locally sourced) foods. After years… Continue reading Big Food vs. Big Medicine: One Fluid, the Other Frozen

Action Alert: Big Food vs. Big Medicine: One Fluid, the Other Frozen

Related article: Big Food vs. Big Medicine: One Fluid, the Other Frozen Trouble Taking Action? Click here. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”6e57147c0272690f2f93432c343c720bbd534446″ src=”″ id=”iframe2763″ name=”iframe2763″ width=”100%” height=”1500″ ]

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

An article in the current British Medical Journal explains why the link is stronger than previously thought. Action Alert! ANH-USA has researched dozens of the most high-profile cases of violent crimes over the last few decades. We found that in just under half of the cases (eleven out of twenty-three), the perpetrator was documented to be… Continue reading New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

Natural Health News Briefs: September 29, 2015

Statins Age You Faster?—New Study A recently published study in the American Journal of Physiology has shown that statins—anti-cholesterol drugs—are disrupting our stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to create different kinds of cells (such as skin, muscle, or bone cells). They are central to the body’s ability to heal… Continue reading Natural Health News Briefs: September 29, 2015