Our LTE to the Washington Post

Regarding the Consumer Reports article, “Dietitians can provide skilled advice on how to eat more healthfully” [June 3], reprinted in Washington Post: Instead of encouraging consumers to improve their health via nutritional advice tailored to their personal needs and resources, this “article” is a thinly veiled advertisement for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND).… Continue reading Our LTE to the Washington Post

FDA Violates Free Speech to Limit Supplement Access. Take Action!

The FDA is trampling free speech to limit your access to supplements. But ANH-USA has a bold new legal strategy. Will you join us in this historic battle? Dear Readers, Did you know that if a supplement company “Likes” a customer’s Facebook post, it magically transforms nutritional supplements into drugs? The same thing happens if… Continue reading FDA Violates Free Speech to Limit Supplement Access. Take Action!