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Unless the FDA makes an exception, consumers will lose access to affordable CBD oil. Action Alert!
Over the last couple of years, ANH has been reporting on the many benefits of CBD oil, a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant. Among other things, CBD oil is extremely helpful in managing pain. You might think that, in the midst of a crippling epidemic of opioid addiction, a public health agency would be interested in preserving access to affordable, non-addictive pain remedies. But the FDA could shut the door permanently on consumer access to affordable CBD oil, unless concerned citizens make their voices heard.
You’ll recall from our previous coverage that the main obstacle is this: the FDA has approved a CBD drug, Epidolex, for the treatment of a rare form of childhood epilepsy. The drug will reportedly cost $32,500 a year. Because CBD oil was likely not sold as a supplement before 1994, and no “new supplement” notification was filed on CBD before it was investigated as a drug, it cannot legally be sold as a supplement.
So far, the FDA is treading lightly. They’ve announced that putting CBD supplements, or foods to which CBD has been added, into interstate commerce is illegal. The agency has sent warning letters to several CBD companies for making illegal disease claims. In these warning letters, however, the FDA notes that, for the above-cited reasons, “CBD products are excluded from the dietary supplement definition.” In other words, if it wanted to, the agency could put its foot down and move against any company selling CBD supplements.
There is a growing consensus that the best way to protect CBD supplements is for FDA to provide an exemption for CBD oil—that is, despite the existence of a CBD drug, to allow the continued sale of CBD supplements.
There are efforts in motion to accomplish this goal in Congress, but they do not go far enough. The House of Representatives has approved an amendment to an appropriations bill that would allocate funds for the federal government to start the necessary processes to set a safe level of CBD for consumers to use each day, but it doesn’t provide an exemption for CBD from FDA rules. There is an amendment coming before the Senate Appropriations Committee that would exempt CBD oil, but it also leaves it to the FDA to determine how much CBD can be sold in supplements. We are extremely wary of leaving such an important decision to the FDA.  Recall that the government is already looking to follow the example of many European countries in limiting the maximum dosage of dietary supplements. We fear that if the decision is left to the FDA, the agency will protect the interests of pharmaceutical manufacturers and severely limit the amount of CBD allowed in supplements such that it becomes impossible, or extremely difficult, to get any therapeutic effect.
We at ANH think that a request for an exemption for CBD must be accompanied by a stipulation that supplement doses of CBD should be able to go up to 100mg of full-spectrum CBD—so for example, supplement capsules could contain no more than 100mg of CBD. Doctors report that the vast majority of patients can be clinically improved with this dosage size, and of course smaller dosages can be made to accommodate patients with different needs.
It is shocking that this issue has come to this. Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018. When a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism in recent memory.
Action Alert! Write to the FDA and Congress, calling for an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD. Please send your message immediately.


  1. I use CBD oil on my partially paralyzed tongue for pain & inflammation, after stage 4 head & neck cancer.

  2. Leave CBD alone! It’s been proven not harmful or addictive. Let people decide for themselves.

  3. This is a natural medicine that doesn’t need a patent or large amounts of money to be used. This is a gift from nature, and should be freely available for all to use. Please help our citizens to have health freedom and the choice to use the medicines which don’t cost a fortune and have terrible side effects. Thanks.

  4. CBD is an important substance for many people who do not tolerate pharmaceutical medicines well. For these patients, CBD has been a godsend and I encourage you to allow an exemption of up to 100 mg. of full spectrum CBD. We should not taint the approval process of these substances with political or commercial considerations. The object should be to help patients have access to safe substances. I myself cannot take almost all chemical medicines without severe reactions and I have always relied on natural remedies. I am now 74 yrs. old and would consider it a true disaster if I am deprived of remedies that have helped keep me out of hospitals and away from the toxic effects (for me) of so much of what is offered as treatment medically. Please take into account the millions of citizens just like me in making any decision. Please keep our well being in your consideration. Thank you.

  5. So another healing compound, CBD oil, that is available to the public, where the FDA wants to control it so Big Pharma can control the cost for more obscene profits. Where is the FDA control on the deadly, opioids that are killing thousands, overdoses of 70,232 in 2017, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse?
    Stop the madness now putting profit over peoples lives to have access to CBD oil. FDA is too easily bought off by lobbyists for drug companies that are already making more profit off the pricing of life saving drugs that those in other countries. FDA has a long history of failure in controlling drugs that kill people, who would not have died if the FDA had done it’s job in the first place before the drugs were released.

  6. You need to exempt CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg so that consumers can still buy it and use it to stay healthy.

  7. I am not surprised. Big Pharma does not want people taking CBD instead of their high priced drugs for pain. And you know Big Pharma kind of regulates the FDA. So much corruption that just lines the pockets of some and robs the rest of us from getting stuff that really helps. What a darn shame.

  8. Both Congress and the FDA need to move into the 21st Century with an open mind and a priority on the patient versus big pharma. More education and less close-mindedness is needed, as well. Taking money out of politics and banning lobbying might be another good step forward.

  9. With problems with current drugs that cause harm and even death how can you reasonably put restrictions on CBD oil? CBD oil has yet to cause harm or death but some believe it provides some degree of relief from there symptoms. Provide protections from those drugs that cause harm and death not from those that do not hurt anybody but Big Pharma.


  11. Please do the right thing and safeguard consumer access to CBD. Please make it an exemption with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD.

  12. CBD oil is a likely answer to problems of opioid addiction, and many other issues. It is highly important that an exemption for CBD oil and daily doses of up to 100mg be approved by Congress and the FDA soon!

  13. CBD Oil works really well to help my mom with the terrible pain she has with scoliosis. Please do not outlaw CBD Oil – it is safe & so much better than a pain “remedy” like opioids.

  14. CBD has been shown to be effective. Please, do not let people lose access to this tool for their health. Prescriptions should NOT be the only thing available for people to use…please respect our rights to choose our own health treatments

  15. It is shocking that this issue has come to this. Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018. When a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism in recent memory.
    Action Alert! Write to the FDA and Congress, calling for an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD. Please send your message immediately.

  16. There are many benefits of CBD oil, a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant. Among other things, CBD oil is extremely helpful in managing pain and useful against the rampant opioid crisis this country is dealing with. Please don’t put the greed of pharmaceutical companies ahead of the citizens of the USA and allow us access to CBD supplements with a dosage of up to 100mg of full-spectrum CBD. Thank you.

  17. The FDA should exempt full spectrum CBD oil supplements with dosages of up to 100mg. This is an extremely safe oil that significantly reduces pain and anxiety. Don’t let big pharma take this away from us.

  18. Our rights under our Constitution are being taken away by Corporations in America – under the umbrella, “Big Pharma” – every single American citizen has the right under our Constitution to choose to take safe, non-addictive, effective alternatives to drugs – drugs that most often than not, have serious side affects. We must protect our rights and call for an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage up to 100 mg of CBD.

  19. Are you serious? Here we go again … it’s hard enough to sell Cbd online now let alone colloidal silver which suddenly became illegal also to sell for consumption. Follow me above and let’s help save our health from these corporate giants. Maybe these are the real giants in the bible we have to face.

  20. Stop inhibiting natural medicine! Many people, scientists and doctors are realizing the amazing health benefits of CBD oil! Some folks may need higher dosages than others, please consider this!

  21. My wife has chronic pain and has reactions to oral pain medication. CBD oils used topically have been helpful. Please allow people to use natural medications like this. Giant drug companies are in business for money – not to help people.
    Allow an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100 mg. The American public would like at least one government agency to actually work for the people, not the drug companies.

  22. Please exempt CBD oil ith a dosage of up to100mg. of CBD. Many seniors on a fixed budget used this for pain relif.
    If the price is increased by the ruling of the FDA these people will not be able to afford it. Please, Please consider . It is said that a country is judged by the way they treat their seniors

  23. Keep the FDA out of things it doesn’t understand.They just want the revenue and put their fingers into stuff they have no business in.

  24. A safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism in recent memory.

  25. CBD significantly reduces inflammation for me and makes my pain bearable. You need to concentrate on the opiod crisis, and the greed that has fueled the addition epidemic. Until we see the government meaningfully confronting those who pushed opioids, we know you are just still working for the corporate profiteers.

  26. As a senior citizen who benefits from CBD products it is important to keep the availability for use. It is such a better alternative than the opioid crisis offers.

  27. CBD oil is extremely helpful in managing pain.
    Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018. When a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism in recent memory.

  28. Estoy de acuerdo con las medidas que puedan tomar las autoridades como FDA, siempre y cuando no afecten a los consumidores. Porque es importante? Porque de esta manera habra una regulacion que no permita a “distribuidores” fraudulentos que den una cosa por otra. Ya se esta dando el caso que hasta en tiendas de conveniencia o departamentales esten vendiendo el aceite. Si se debe imponer una reglamentacion que controle a los productores y distribuidores mediante una certificacion.

  29. If this all natural CBA oil can help children with epilepsy,pain management and other health problems why are is the FDA try to calling for exemptions. All natural products work better with out side affects.

  30. With so many allopathic drugs causing serious and deadly side effects, why do you have to harass people who take something that is safe.

  31. I’m writing with regards to calling an exemption for CBD oil with a dose of up to 100 mg. of CBD. For the thousands or more of people that have chronic health conditions, CBD oil has just recently been made obtainable. I ask that you consider to let the current today’s law stand and that this much needed supplement not be restricted from any of us. This product has allowed a lot of sufferers to cut back on and even in some cases completely rid themselves of powerful medication that contains strong ingredients ( as well as some meds that are addictive).
    I thank you for your time and more importantly your consideration.
    B. Green

  32. I work as a mental health counselor and have seen the great benefits CBD oil provided to many of my clients with a variety of diagnoses and symptoms.

  33. There is no reason to make this illegal — unless the pharmaceutical industry wants to try and duplicate it!

  34. Having affordable access to the incredible benefits of CBD oil for my clients is crucial. They have had noticeable improvements in discomfort from topical CBD balms. Unlike addictive drugs, or alcohol and cigarettes for that matter, there are no negative side effects. This should be an absolute no brainer for the FDA to provide exemption. Spend your energies and resources in going after E cigs and other harmful substances

  35. This is outrageous that the FDA is allowed to write its own rules that would effectively take away the public’s right to obtain natural medicinal herbs and give them to the pharmaceutical companies that have developed drugs from them.
    I expect that, with all the major investment that has been made in the CBD supplement industry, coupled with the popularity of CBD products in the U.S., a serious legal challenge to the Investigational New Drug regulation will be launched and succeed.
    This would set a bad legal precedent for any other herbal product if the FDA is allowed to go ahead with it. I believe natural herbal medicines belong to the world’s people and our natural rights should not be preempted by large corporations because they have developed a synthetic drug from these plants.
    We all need to let Congress know how we feel about this.

  36. Please protect consumer access to CDB oil with daily doses up to 100 mg. I rely on this to control leg cramps at night that otherwise disturb my sleep. It is more effective than the muscle relaxants that my doctor has prescribed, and I have not encountered any side effects, in contrast to the prescription drugs that had significant side effects and little benefits.

  37. This is a benign herbal oil that has medicinal benefits and no altering components. This should be legal and regulated for potency to make sure it is what people are paying for, but also needs to be affordable.

  38. Please do not do anything to the CBD Oil I used theHEMP Extract oil 500 for my tmj and if you go down to 100 my it will not help and my tmj will get worse and if it’s gets worse I can not eat anything and it gets so bad I can’t sleep so please don’t do anything to i t .

  39. Please save this excellent and safe treatment for many health conditions. Yours, a concerned patient

  40. I am a 85 year old male with several medical problems that produce chronic pain. I have been using CBD oil for close to a year now. I know that it will not cure my pains, but it does help to alleviate the pain.
    I do not like to take opiod pain killers. CBD oil is a god substitute for pain without all the bad effects caused by opioids.
    Thank you

  41. Please do not take away our access to affordable CBD oil. It has been very useful for many of my friends and family.

  42. I know several people that use CBD oil to get through their pain WITHOUT pain medications that are extremely addictive. Helps with pain and people that have seizures. I witnessed this myself. My friend was taking care of her adult brother who had downs syndrome and would get muscle spasms that would lock up. Once they started giving him CBD oil, it would stop these muscles from seizing.

  43. I’m writing today to ask that you exempt CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100 mg. Many Americans have found immense medicinal value in CBD oil and it is important that they maintain access to this medicine. Thank you for your time.


  45. All part of a backwards , fascist government . Cannabis in all forms is here to stay. Both CBD & THC are so valuable for so man conditions , and enable avoidance of awful pharmaceutical side effects.

  46. It is shocking that this issue has come to this. Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018. When a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism!

  47. There should not only be an exemption on CBD dosage, there should be no set FDA dosage. CBD is a safe, nonaddictive substitute to the opioid epidemic. An epidemic brought on by over subscribing and over dispensing by the pharmaceutical companies who show no signs of amending the problem. Now the FDA wants to let one of those pharmaceutical companies release an altered version of a safe supplement and we’re supposed to trust that they know what they’re doing???
    If a maximum dosage on CBD is passed, where will it end? What dietary supplements will the FDA want to put limits on next?
    When the FDA takes a safe substance, limits the dosage, thereby giving the impression that it is NOT safe, what road does this take us down?

  48. Pingback: Save CBD Now!
  49. To Whom it may concern in our US Congress and the FDA: We think that a request for an exemption for CBD must be accompanied by a stipulation that supplement doses of CBD should be able to go up to 100mg of full-spectrum CBD—so for example, supplement capsules could contain no more than 100mg of CBD. Doctors report that the vast majority of patients can be clinically improved with this dosage size, and of course smaller dosages can be made to accommodate patients with different needs.
    It is shocking that this issue has come to this. Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018, and well over 400,000 so far. CBD is a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids, and it is our request that with the help of you (Congress), and the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health, you will do what is in the best interests of the American people not the Drug companies.

  50. FDA and Congress, I urge you to call for an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD. This will help so many people suffering from seizures, migraines, orthopedic, optical, dental, neurological, musculoskeletal & chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, as well as many other health issues that cause pain, inflammation, & skin rashes. I personally have witnessed the decreased level of pain in people & pets after CBD has been introduced to their lives without harming their bodies through smoking, vaping, or risk of addiction or death. Those who use CBD have improved their function & increased their productivity. With your standards set such as going through safety checks to ensure no bacteria growth. They will continue to safely enjoy the benefits of CBD. Please call for an exemption for CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD. Thank you for your continued support.

  51. Neocons want to outlaw CBD because it actually WORKS . . . with ZERO side effects (I know this for a fact; I deal with tendonitis). They’d rather you be “conscripted” and “prescripted” for life on doctor-ordered pain medications that VERIFIABLY KILL people (where do you think the opioid crisis began?) – at the very least, bankrupt them. Such is the state of health care in these United States. What a scam. P. S.: Those “miraculous” anointings by Jesus? Likely cannibis.

  52. YOU know that the Pharmaceutical companies want this – to MAKE $$$$. This IS Wrong!! Cuz YOU know that they will CHARGE OUTRAGEOUS $$$$. This is NOT for the Drug companies. WORK FOR THE PEOPLE – NOT Corporations. To give this to the Drug Companies tells the public YOU dont care about The People, You care about the Corps…. whose back pocket are you in?

  53. CBD oil has been very helpful for a number of people and pets I know, helping with both pain and anxiety with no difficult side effects. Please do not take this away!

  54. Please keep CBD oil available to everyone. Bottles are equipped with child-proof caps. People need to figure out the right dosage for themselves, not have the government do this. This should be regulated as a supplement, not as a pharmaceutical.
    CBD oil helps many people get off addictive pharmaceuticals and still obtain pain relief. This could prevent many, many deaths from Fentanil laced street products.
    Keep supplements of CBD oil available to all.

  55. I have multiple sclerosis and have come to rely upon CBD in a dose of 100mg at bedtime to help with chronic insomnia. It also helps stop my muscle twitching. Please don’t make this valuable,nonaddictive remedy unavailable to the average person.

  56. CBD is a major health need for all patients, please make this a covered medical prescribed medication for our bodies, especially those of us with chronic, long-term conditions which we can never fully recover from nor live free from pain, and we do not seek to abuse opioids nor other prescription drugs which are not always fully tested for long-term use or damages to our systems, and/or cause other major health damages. Thank you!

  57. Consumers need and deserve continued access affordable CBD oil. Please exempt CBD oil with a dosage of up to 100mg of CBD. This is a natural substance not a prize of Big Pharma.

  58. My mom & grandma can’t take pain meds but they love their CBD suckers!! So doctor meds are being taken away, now the harmless CBD is at risk.. do they want everyone to be in pain?? Please don’t outlaw CBD’s.. the FDA is backwards with helping us!! There are children who depend on it for their seizures too!!

  59. The FDA should make an exemption for CBD oil and should not limit the dosage. I am using it for pain from a shoulder injury. I prefer to use natural supplements to heal my body. I know of many people who are using CBD oil to help with sleep problems, anxiety, and pain, and it is working and not causing side effects like prescription drugs.

  60. CBD oil is a natural substance not a prize of Big Pharma.
    As such it should not be regulated as a dug

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