Supplement Access Threatened in Puerto Rico

But there’s still time to stop it. Action Alert! Health officials in Puerto Rico recently issued an administrative order imposing a number of new regulations and fees on island supplement manufacturers and retailers. The new regulatory scheme mirrors much of what is already submitted to the FDA to register supplements, so it is likely that… Continue reading Supplement Access Threatened in Puerto Rico

Are You Eating Meat Glue?

There’s a good chance the premium cuts you’re buying and eating at restaurants are actually cheap cuts stitched together with “meat glue.” Action Alert! If you needed one more reason to only eat beef that is grass-fed and locally raised, consider the prevalence of “meat glue” in industrial meat. The “glue” is actually an enzyme… Continue reading Are You Eating Meat Glue?

Ignoring Consumer Protests, FDA Throttles Medical Foods

Want your doctor to help you manage your diabetes with specially formulated foods? The FDA says no way. Action Alert! What does your doctor know about nutrition and its ability to heal illness? That’s a good question for many conventional doctors, but most integrative doctors actually know a lot about it. And the FDA has… Continue reading Ignoring Consumer Protests, FDA Throttles Medical Foods

Another Anti-Supplement Sneak Attack from Blumenthal?

We expect it to be slipped into a must-pass defense bill. Major Action Alert! Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) may be up to his old tricks and attempting to attach a last-minute amendment to must-pass legislation that would threaten Americans’ access to supplements. This comes after our champions already shut down his previous attempts in a markup… Continue reading Another Anti-Supplement Sneak Attack from Blumenthal?

Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by 50%? Kidney disease by up to 50%? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the science suggests. Over the years, we’ve written extensively about the dangers of stomach acid drugs—conventional medicine’s completely wrongheaded answer to stomach pain and acid reflux. Scientists aren’t certain what causes acid reflux, but a leading hypothesis is that it’s… Continue reading Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Dramatically Decrease (or Even Eliminate) Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Less saturated fat, more unsaturated fat, and a special salt cut heart attack and stroke risk by 45% to 50% over thirty years in an entire country! Phlebotomy or blood donation cut heart attack and stroke risk by 45% to 88% in two research studies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most… Continue reading Dramatically Decrease (or Even Eliminate) Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

“Dry Eyes”: Treat the Cause, Not the Symptoms

The major cause of “dry eyes” is a hormone deficiency; treatment for that deficiency eliminates dry eyes. Even though a major cause of “dry eyes” was reported in 2002, and successful treatment of that cause was published the following year, every dry eyes sufferer with whom I’ve worked has been very surprised. Every one of… Continue reading “Dry Eyes”: Treat the Cause, Not the Symptoms