This “sneak” legislative provision, going far beyond finance, provides a back door way to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplements. Please do not delay. We may have only a few days to stop this in the Senate.
Month: April 2010
Vermont “Vitamin Tax” on Dietary Supplements Defeated
Our Vermont supporters and others defeated the “Vitamin Tax” in Vermont last week–a significant victory for consumers of dietary supplements.
Wisconsin Dietary Licensing Bill Defeated
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) sponsored legislation that threatened to give Registered Dieticians a monopoly on nutrition services in Wisconsin. With your help this was defeated.
Further Update on our Story–Supplements Gain Exemption From Codex Language in Senate Food Safety Bill
Our account was 100% accurate. Here’s why.
New Senate Supplements Bill Expected
Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), natural health and supplement supporters, plan to introduce new legislation, the Dietary Supplement Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2010, within the coming weeks.
ANH-International Executive and Scientific Director Dr. Rob Verkerk Publishes Article In Respected Scientific Journal Explaining Why European Regulation Of Supplements Based On Bad Science
Alliance for Natural Health-Intl recommends a scientifically defensible approach to establishing dosages for vitamin and mineral food-supplements.
Protecting Europe’s Tradition Of Botanical Medicine
ANH-International plans legal challenge to the European Union’s attack on herbal medicines.
Vermont Considering New Tax on Dietary Supplements
Will the Vermont State Legislature pass a 6 percent sales tax to be applied to the sale of dietary supplements?
Chemical Cosmetics Linked To Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer
Danger lurks in moisturizers, soaps, shampoos.
Tell The FDA That Cherries—And Now Walnuts—Are NOT Illegal Drugs!
The FDA previously attacked cherry producers. It now says that if you tell consumers about the health benefits of walnuts, you turn walnuts into a drug. Please join us in protesting this attack on both common sense and free speech.