Urgent Action Alert! – Food Safety Bill Language Has Been Resurrected— Please Contact Your Senators Immediately!

On December 8, the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution (CR). But this CR which included the language of the Senate food safety bill—language that will affect small food producers most of all. It will completely transform the food and farming industries—for the worse.

Action Alert: Natural, Bioavailable Forms of B6 in Peril!

Everyone says, “Take your vitamins.” If only they’d let us! Vitamin B6 is something of a miracle worker. The FDA bans one of the most bioavailable forms of it so a drug company can monopolize it. Now even the form of B6 we can’t live without is at risk of being banned for the same reason—because a drug company wants it!

Victory! Leahy’s Draconian Food Safety Bill Language Defeated For Now!

We’re thrilled to announce that today that, thanks to your calls and letters, the Senate Food Safety bill (S. 510) will not include those obscene ten-year jail sentences for food and supplement manufacturers who violate complicated FDA rules. Senate offices were deluged with your messages, and the Senate leadership listened to you!