That is what a Pharma firm lawsuit seeks to do. It also opens up a novel front in the war on natural products by asking the US International Trade Commission to help create a new monopoly by knocking out imported EPA, the most anti-inflammatory kind of fish oil. Urgent Action Alert! Amarin, the maker of… Continue reading Ban Fish Oil Imports?
Newsletter Articles
New Healthcare Bill?
A novel legislative concept may be gaining some traction. Action Alert! Here’s the gist of it. Rather than develop an alternative federal system, just turn health insurance over to the states. If California wants to create a single-payer system, allow it to do so. If another state likes Obamacare, let it keep it. If another… Continue reading New Healthcare Bill?
More Health Care Reform Ideas
These are from John Goodman, a top healthcare analyst now at Goodman Institute. Goodman has proposed a number of reforms that we think should be considered in any effort to improve or replace Obamacare. Offer tax credits to employees. Tax credits are offered to individuals purchasing health insurance through the Obamacare exchanges. If tax credits… Continue reading More Health Care Reform Ideas
MRIs: FDA Asleep at the Wheel
The European Union has restricted the use of MRI contrasting agents. Why hasn’t the FDA? Action Alert! European health authorities have suspended the use of gadolinium contrasting agents in MRI scans due to concern that these acids can accumulate in the brain. A European review committee found convincing evidence of gadolinium accumulating in brain tissue… Continue reading MRIs: FDA Asleep at the Wheel
Chargemaster Rap
Hospital prices are not determined by supply and demand but are purely administrative decisions. These decisions are made by the institution’s Chargemaster. Hospitals are not required to make their Chargemaster public. Read Full Article.
Hospitals: Crony Capitalist Mess
The horror stories are legion. A 64-year-old woman had chest pains and was taken by ambulance to a non-profit hospital. After three hours of tests, she was told she had indigestion and sent home. She did not have insurance. Her bill was $21,000. Another patient was told he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He went to MD… Continue reading Hospitals: Crony Capitalist Mess
The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis
If sperm counts continue declining at the current rate, humans could become extinct. Analyzing nearly 200 studies, researchers have found that the sperm counts in men across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have halved in less than forty years. The study found that the decline in men’s sperm counts may also be accelerating.… Continue reading The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis
EPA Generates its Own Pollution
Courts reprimand agency for giving big companies a pass on animal waste. Following a recent court case, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) – more commonly known as factory farms or animal feeding lots – will have to report their air pollution emissions. Earlier this year, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declared illegal a 2008… Continue reading EPA Generates its Own Pollution
Dr. Rebecca Boyd- Relieve Bladder Pain Now!
Are you suffering with chronic pain or pressure over your bladder? Do you feel like you have to pee frequently, usually in small amounts? Do you feel like you have a urinary tract infection, but when you get tested, it’s negative? Painful intercourse? More than 4 million women suffer with these symptoms of interstitial cystitis,… Continue reading Dr. Rebecca Boyd- Relieve Bladder Pain Now!
More Autism Than Previously Thought?
Are we vastly undercounting the girls? A government study carried out in 2015 claims the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be as high as 1 in 45 children between the ages of 3 and 17. Rates of autism and other developmental disabilities have ballooned as much as 78% in recent years, with no… Continue reading More Autism Than Previously Thought?