Action Alert
Newsletter Articles
USDA Makes GMOs Disappear
It’s official: the “mandatory” GMO labeling rule will obscure more than it makes transparent. Action Alert! The USDA has released its final GMO labeling rule, and it’s not good. As we feared when the agency released its proposal earlier this year, the so-called GMO labeling law will apply only to a narrow set of foods.… Continue reading USDA Makes GMOs Disappear
FDA Flouting Congress on Pain-Relieving CBD
While Congress gives CBD the green light, FDA still has its stop sign up. Action Alert! For a while now, we’ve been telling you about the threats to cheap CBD oil. One of those threats has been that the DEA includes hemp and CBD in the definition of marijuana, which is a Schedule 1 drug—that… Continue reading FDA Flouting Congress on Pain-Relieving CBD
Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease
A stunning study reveals the truth about statins. Action Alert! Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Statins, medicines meant to prevent cardiovascular disease, are actually causing it. It should be the… Continue reading Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease
A Nose Full of Lies
Action Alert
They Listened: Organics and CBD Get Boost in Farm Bill
Plus, poison provisions removed from final bill. Action Alert! The last few weeks of 2018 have seen some rapid developments for the Farm Bill, the huge piece of legislation that gets passed every four years and allocates almost a billion dollars over ten years. For natural health advocates, there are some good provisions in the… Continue reading They Listened: Organics and CBD Get Boost in Farm Bill
Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops
Apparently the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect against use in domestic agriculture. Action Alert! Researchers who recently examined studies sponsored by Dow Chemical and used by the EPA to approve chlorpyrifos, a type of insecticide, found inaccuracies in what the company reported to the agency. Worse, there is also evidence that EPA scientists pointed out these… Continue reading Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops
2-Minute Warning December 13, 2018
5G : Crowd Control, Burning Skin, Your Street Corner, and Superbugs Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops
Fungi Could Be Next Big Threat to Human Health
Another class of medically important medicines is in danger of becoming ineffective—and they’re harder to make than antibiotics. Action Alert! We’ve been telling you about the scourge of antibiotic resistance—when the overuse of antibiotics by doctors and factory farms causes bacteria to become resistant to drugs. Unfortunately, we’re heading down the same road with… Continue reading Fungi Could Be Next Big Threat to Human Health
Drug Ad Deception
The drug industry is using deceptive practices to circumvent the law and sell you more drugs. Action Alert! We’ve all seen the drug TV ads: a couple walking together on a peaceful beach, or playing with the family dog in a sunny meadow—and then we get to the appalling list of side effects that, understandably,… Continue reading Drug Ad Deception