New Heights of Medical Censorship

Now doctors are being threatened with the loss of their license if they fail to toe the line of mainstream medicine on how to prevent and treat COVID.

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) recently announced that doctors who “spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” risk disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the revocation of their medical license. The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) issued a similar warning, stating that physicians who publicly spread misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic risk losing their board certification. What exactly constitutes “misinformation” is not defined in either case and likely includes anything that doesn’t adhere to what government health authorities dictate. This gagging of free speech about alternative treatments violates patients’ rights and the legal requirements of informed consent.

Who decides what counts as “misinformation”? One thing we’ve learned from the pandemic is that available information can change, often quite rapidly. The CDC’s masking guidelines changed multiple times. Initially we were told that the virus could be spread on surfaces before subsequent investigations revealed that the virus mostly spreads when aerosols and droplets containing the virus are inhaled. As we’ve said before, the Wuhan lab leak theory was first dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but is now acknowledged as a legitimate, even likely, explanation of the virus’ origin. Often the “misinformation” of today becomes the established facts of tomorrow.

Take ivermectin, for example. Informed consent legally requires your doctor to discuss the risks and benefits of alternatives to vaccines to address COVID-19. Would it be misinformation to talk about the successes of ivermectin and the impressive body of evidence that recommends its use to prevent and treat COVID-19? Is a doctor risking their license if they talk about the drop in COVID case counts in South American cities that instituted massive, prophylactic ivermectin distribution campaigns compared to cities that didn’t? Despite this compelling evidence, the FDA stubbornly recommends against using ivermectin for COVID, likely because Big Pharma and their government cronies want mandatory vaccines, not ivermectin, as the answer to COVID because vaccines will make the most money.

The ABEM’s edict against spreading “misinformation” may be in response to the MATH+ protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance for hospitalized COVID patients. Their protocol includes proven natural medicines like vitamin C, zinc, melatonin, and vitamin D (in addition to ivermectin and other medicines). Supplements like these are generally not patentable and thus unable to become FDA approved for the treatment of COVID, which requires expensive clinical trials. This is why the FDA and FTC launched a massive censorship campaign to silence discussion of how these “unapproved” medicines can help with COVID. It is shameful that doctors may risk their medical license by discussing these plausible alternatives for addressing COVID.

The vaccination issue has become a highly controversial topic with strong feelings on all sides. The government is recommending COVID vaccination for almost everyone above the age of 12. Informed consent legally requires doctors to discuss the risks and benefits of any medical procedure. Is it spreading “misinformation” to discuss with patients the 488,318 adverse events, including close to 5,000 deaths, reported in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?

This isn’t hyperbole. We saw one “fact-checker” call out a post citing VAERS data as false because, the fact-checker claimed, VAERS is unreliable and doesn’t establish causation. That is true, but it’s also true that a major limitation of VAERS is that adverse events are severely underreported, perhaps even less than 1 percent. This would mean that VAERS arguably understates the dangers and side effects caused by vaccines. Is it “misinformation” if your doctor informs you of these facts?

Is it “misinformation” if you have an autoimmune condition and your doctor warns that you may be at increased risk of serious adverse events like blood clots, as we discussed in our Right to kNOw campaign? To us, this seems to be legally required by informed consent for vaccination—a complete picture of the benefits but also the risks of vaccination.

It’s easy to see this as a slippery slope, making it a license-threatening offense to discuss ways to boost immune resilience with supplements and other natural medicines.

As we argued with the federal bill that attempts to attack medical “misinformation,” attempts to control the information we are given hands power over to Big Pharma and the one-size-fits-all paradigm.  Natural medicine is predicated on the idea that each patient has individual needs based on unique biology and genetics. If doctors aren’t allowed to discuss alternatives to the mainstream medical approach, not only are the legal requirements of informed consent not being satisfied, but integrative doctors’ ability to treat individual patients will suffer.


  1. Great article! But… what can we do? I for one will wait as long as possible to take the vaccine, hoping it will never be mandated for me or my children. But what can I do to stand up to the FDA and Big Pharma and the media who play a part in this? It isn’t just access to information about COVID but about natural health in general that is at risk.

    1. In order to fight this medical tyranny, we need mass civil disobedience. Also, call your U.S. Rep. and tell him to #ImpeachBiden because of the disaster in Afghanistan and his unconstitutional mandates.

  2. With the unbelievable power and equally unbelievably dark, if not criminal, record of Big Pharma, like Pfizer, over many years before Covid, I can’t get past my inner voice loudly saying ‘wait, watch for signs and developments’! I take care for decades with healthy food, and hardly ever take pharma products. The latter is likely the reason I live like a 40 year old at 74. I believe in organic, homeopathic, and exercise. Still healthy, I suffer much abuse for being unvaxxed. Not fair! Now the threat of becoming 2nd class citizen, due to ’Good People Passports’! Outraged!

    1. Am absolutely with you. How completely ludicrous to blame the healthy for spreading a virus we don’t have, to the unhealthy who have assumed zero responsibility for their health. Complete lunacy. Absolutely NO to pharmaceuticals and especially a gene-modifying Frankenstein concoction for a flu bug with a 99+% survival rate. Madness.

  3. I am a massage therapist and consequently, appreciate alternative medicine. However, I think you are doing the cause a great disservice with an article like this.This article is a perfect example of “misinformation.”

    1. I am a massage therapist, master herbalist/botanist, and spiritual/energy Shaman that practices many modalities for people and animals..
      Can you please tell me how this article is spreading misinformation?

    2. You don’t agree that diet and exercise promote health and lessen the impact of viral infection? You don’t agree that more should be said about dietary choices to encourage better health? You don’t agree that natural and non-pharmaceutical products/supplements are in fact better for us??? What exactly in the article is ‘misinformation’?

  4. I used to be a regular reader of your website and I agree with a lot of your info on vitamins and supplements. However, I think you are TOTALLY wrong on vaccine and Covid treatment. I am over 65, got my Pfizer vaccine in Jan, got diagnosed with breast cancer in May and am now in treatment. My immune system is compromised by the chemo- my husband and I got the Pfizer booster vaccine about a month ago as well as my 96 yr old mother in law and NONE of us have had an issue with it.
    Your info has caused a split in my family and I can no longer see my daughter and grandkids b/c she and her husband have refused the vaccine. Their kids are too young to get it. Because of YOUR advice (and members of my extended family who follow YOUR advice HAVE gotten covid and been very sick) , I just cannot take the chance of getting covid. It breaks my heart not to see them. The pandemic is now being driven by the UNVACCINATED!!! To me that is selfish and irresponsible because they are listening to you and others who set up doubt about the vaccine.
    Hospitals are being slammed. Covid is worse than it was a year ago. Don’t tell me everybody is doing fine. You lost me as a reader and support and I hold you partially responsible for where we are now! Donald Trump shares the blame with you.

    1. I’m sorry for your family troubles but you are basing everything on a false premise, i.e. that taking the experimental gene therapy will prevent you from getting the virus or transmitting the virus. That premise is 100% proven false. The idea that the spread is from the unvaccinated is also patently untrue. 90% of the patients I have treated (as outpatients) in the last three weeks were fully vaccinated. The data from Israel, Iceland, Gibraltar, Brazil, and the UK overwhelmingly confirm this. Apparently YOU are a victim of misinformation. Do you think that the shot is benign? Do you have the right to tell others what to do with their bodies?

    2. YOU are the one selfishly deciding not to your unvaxxed family. If you have taken the vaccine, then THAT should be your protection. Why do you try to force other people to take a novel experimental drug product? There are viable alternatives to the vaccine, including building one’s immune system,, using good hygiene, and taking early treatments like Ivermectin. Everyone has the right to make his or her own medical decisions based on their own risk/benefit analysis. Shame on you.

    3. If your vaccine works like it’s supposed to, then you should have no worries about exposure to your children & grandchildren! Don’t blame anyone for your fear of dying other than the media & yourself! This virus has a 98% recovery rate and you’re now living what’s left of your life without the love of your family members because of your fear. To me that’s not a life worth living!

    4. @Marian Jacobs You are repeating the CDC misinformation. Our CDC is manipulating the data. The vaccinated are the ones who most often end up in the hospital. Look at Israel and other highly vaccinated countries. Much higher cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the vaxxed. I’m sorry your family has hostility about the choice of whether or not to vaccinate. My family is mixed but no one is badgering anyone else.

    5. Get back with us in a few years. Most of us know or know of people that have died or,been really hurt by this clot shot. It is now proven without a doubt that “leaky vaccines” i.e. gene therapies cause virus shedding and variants from the VACCINATED. Then it spreads and hospitalizes the unvaccinated. See honest statistics from Israel, Ireland, Britain and Gibralter.

    6. Your response is bogus without actual weight and based off conjecture, opinion, and misinformation….

  5. It is well and good with your ideas of integrative therapies for individuals but a worldwide pandemic is NOT the place to seek this out. Many integrative doctors do NOT take insurance, are hard to find have treatments that may not hurt but don’t have a fairly guaranteed outcome. Is Integrative therapy readily available to the poor, low income in rural areas or inner city? I don’t think so…

  6. Where is the study that shows that a treatment meant as a de wormer for livestock can prevent Covid, can stop the Delta Variant? How many people was it tested on? Was there a randomized double blind study that shows that Ivermectin can prevent Covid. I’m not a fan of vaccines, and when getting a touch of Covid back in March cured myself using an herbal, vitamin mix. This strain of Covid is lethal especially to people with co-morbities like obesity, cancer, heart disease, which millions of Americans have. Self medicating with Ivermectin in the wrong dose can cause liver failure, and lower your immune system making you more susceptible to infection. I have taken the vaccine with no side effects and think that you advocating a drug that has never been tested to treat Covid is dangerous .

    1. You are absolutely wrong about Ivermectin and studies. The WHO just sponsored a study looking at meta analysis of 18 studies. In ALL of them Ivermectin was shown to be beneficial. Please don’t start a debate without the facts. The current experimental gene therapy is having almost no effect on the delta and lambda variants of the disease. Please review the medical literature (not what CNN or Fox says about it) from Israel, Iceland, Gibraltar, (all highly vaccinated countries), as well as Brazil and UK. The shot does NOT prevent the spread or contraction of the virus. At best it may mitigate the severity of the alpha variant. We know for a fact that the spike protein is a pathogen and causes endothelial damage and clotting. So please, feel free to take it. Don’t you dare assume you have the right to force this experimental, non effective shot on others!

    2. Oops, never mind the billions of prescriptions already issued to humans.
      Never mind the Nobel prize nomination for its amazing wonder drug effects on humans.
      Never mind the poorest countries that can’t afford your Pfizer product end up proving the effectiveness of ivermectin through a collapse of Fauchi flu deaths and hospitalizations.
      I just wish the rush to market, experimental gene therapy had gone through the testing you breathlessly wail about for ivermectin.
      Follow the money brah, we have CHEAP therapies that would have saved tens of thousands of lives and all you give me is a medical police state.

    3. @Howard There are a multitude of studies. And by the way it won a Nobel Prize for use in humans. Unlike the shots, ivermectin does not need boosters! That’s a huge plus. The protocol works as a preventative, for early treatment all the way through to the ICU, for long covid and now people are using it for vaccine injuries. It is a crime it’s not being used. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died needlessly because Pharma/Govt has steered them away from being treated early. Do you recall ever being told by a doctor: “DON’T treat early!” before Covid? “Don’t treat early, you’ll be better off to come back to the hospital when your lips are blue and you can’t breathe. And nothing will help you between now and then.”

    4. It’s working all over the world with a massive thumbs up in certain areas in Mexico and India that permit and encourade it’s use. And the difference between areas that do and don’t is massive. Not to mention it works fantastic here in the USA if you can get a presciption.

  7. Blessed be. This is so critical. As providers who prescribes Ivermectin and utilizes Frontline’s protocol extensively we face backlash and potential disciplinary action. It is critical that we get the truth out. The denial of these relatively safe and inexpensive preventions and treatments is criminal. It is costing hundreds if not thousands of lives.

  8. Thank you for continuing to share such information. We need to hear all sides in order to make informed decisions. Threatening doctors with loss oof license for sharing both benefits and concerns, alternative choices, and side effects does not engender a sense of trust in those who are censoring.

  9. I think this freedom of speech is gone a little too far—GQP has gone too far also– I’m sick of it all “Shut the BULLSHIT “out of my inbox-!!!

  10. I am in complete agreement with your article. I have listened to all the info put out by the FLCCC, the, the CHD organization and others and I am convinced that there is another agenda behind the push to get all of us vaccinated. I have had covid and took no medications to recover. I have natural immunity which much research has determined to be the best protection from covid and all its variants. Thank you for your email. Jim

  11. How is Ivermectin a natural remedy? Why would a newsletter called Alliance for Natural Health be touting a un-naturally based horse dewormer? Smells like propaganda to me.

    1. Why does everybody think Ivermectin just pertain to horse wormer? There is another version, which is for HUMANS. It can be prescribed by a medical doctor. Most people should know this. Quite calling it nothing but a horse wormer. That’s just misinformation. Look it up. Also, why are they giving Ivermectin to Afghan refugees if it’s just a horse wormer? Please people, get a little more informed before you spout off about treatments.

    2. Sorry Julie, but your dewormer reference is a dead giveaway to either ignorance, stupidity or malice.
      Ivermectin has been prescribed a billion times to humans. The inventor was nominated for a Nobel prize due to its effectiveness on humans. The horse dewormer quote exposed you.
      Sorry kid.

    3. Ivermectin is a wonder drug. It’s not just a “horse dewormer”. THAT is the propaganda. Ivermectin has been used in humans for over 30 years. It has an amazing record of safety. The Japanese scientist who discovered it won the Nobel Prize in medicine for this achievement. Ivermectin cures river blindness. It has antiparasitic, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties as well. The World Heath Organization includes it in its list of essential medicines, along with aspirin.

    4. The propaganda is what this administration & their alphabet agencies are constantly fearmongering you with. And it’s obviously working! This virus has a 98% recovery rate and EVERYONE should question why the government feels the need to bribe & shame people to get this vaccine against their will! If your vaccine works like they tell you it does, then you should not worry about those who have chosen to be unvaccinated! You should be safe!

  12. I commend you for speaking out about the government’s involvement with our health, a matter that should be left to the individual and their doctor who should give ALL known information to the patient so that the patient can make nninformed decision. Today the pharmacical companies , the media, and several governmental health organizations appear to trying to keep much information from reaching the public and forcing doctors to adhere to the governmental line when it comes to health care. I believe that this is WRONG!

  13. It’s quite simple. None of the effective remedies in curing or alleviating the seriousness of Covid 19 or the Delta variant
    is under patent at this time. Big Pharma/Big Med refuses to give up its billions in profits. The CDC, under Big Pharma’s
    umbrella, will not defy its wealthy sponsors. The CDC must be disbanded or sued. Ditto for Fauchi: insist he be fired, sued or indicted. Perhaps a petition to accomplish that can be begun right here.

  14. I agree wholeheartedly with the above information and have been following the FLCCC since its inception and prior.
    I also have a friend whose cardiologist ( second best in the state ) has advised against taking the vaccine due to severe heart and autoimmune conditions. She has served this country at the risk of her life and now that she is retired and suffering physically from her dedication in service, her country is asking her to risk her life by going against her doctor’s recommendations.
    I personally am vaccinated – but I have family & friends who have chosen not to. This is not about being pro or con regarding vaccination. Many of the doctors who support the use of Ivermectin & IMas are also vaccinated. It is about the freedom to choose – to make an informed decision, as well as having other proven and highly successful treatment protocols – even if one should contract the virus once vaccinated.
    I have relatives – in this country and overseas – who have taken this medication and have seen excellent results. The published reports on its efficacy are peer reviewed and from highly reputable sources – some from the WHO itself. These reports are published by seasoned doctors with many years of experience under their belts. They have already saved countless number of lives that would have lost had they followed some of the protocols hospitals are using. Hospitals in the know are treating with Ivermectin – the success rates are impressive. I, along with a large number of family and friends are deeply concerned about the political overtones that this movement to suppress medically proven information is taking. FDA approval is meaning less and less to me as I watch this kind of suppression going on under the guise of ‘medicine’.

  15. Lets hope some of the current studies on Ivermectin bear light on the benefits. I had Moderna, and still suffer some consequences. No one is calling on me or any of my patients who suffer side effects, so much of this is going intentionally under reported.
    Had a 40 year old male drop dead of heart attack two days after Moderna vaccine. No one asked about the vaccine. They just screened the family for cardiac risk, and there was none, including the patient. Healthy young male gone. And no one is coordinating this stuff. Family shocked when I suggested it was Moderna vaccine that did it. I know this family, its a tragedy. So there are under reported consequences to the vaccines. I tell my patients not to get Moderna. Provides the most protection, but at the greatest risk. Not worth it. But then again, there aren’t many other options available to the public other than nutritional support which they must acquire without their PCP’s support or guidance.

  16. These vaccination mandates are a total boondoggle by Big Pharma who now controls the FDA and the CDC. The complete blackout in the news of affordable supplements to enhance your immune system and protect you from this virus and other viruses should have been a red flag to anyone with a thinking mind. Trying to force people to be inoculated against their will is criminal and fascist. Why should those who have lived a healthy lifestyle be punished because so many have been lazy and uniformed?

  17. No one seems to address the insanity of the conventional wisdom that has amazingly cemented itself .
    Vaccinated people are arguing about being unsafe in relation to unvaccinated (WHILE LINING UP FOR BOOSTER SHOTS IN PERPITUITY)
    In sane common sense words: THE VACCINE DOESNT WORK. Anyone notice the contradiction?
    If that isn’t outrageous enough, One signs up for A life of slamming spike proteins into oneself every 6 months, how nice.
    We’ll have a superbug before it’s over.

  18. This violates the First Amendment which is illegal unless they change the Constitution.

  19. “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.” – Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745-1813)
    I recommend the following books: “The Truth About COVID-19” by Dr. Joseph Mercola (which is currently a #1 bestseller on Amazon); “The Dictocrats,” “Why Christians Get Sick;” “Eat to Live,” by Dr. Joel Fuhrmann; “The Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health (1994) by Dr. C. Everett Kopp, was Pres. Reagan’s U. S. Surgeon General, and the 1977 U. S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Health – also known as the McGovern Committee.
    In relation to all the promoted hatred towards the “unvaxxed,” I heard the following bit of wisdom: A nurse at a hospital (ER room?) was complaining about the unvaccinated who had COVID and a doctor reminded her of that the medical profession treats people who smoke, yet get lung cancer; people who are obese and get their stomach stapled, other obese people who have knee or hip joints replaced; drug users who need to be helped, people who have heart disease through poor dietary choices, etc.
    I know of a man who recovered from COVID by being prescribed hydroxychloroquine, in the beginning. There was also one other item his doctor prescribed, but a week later he was back to normal. Any medicine (even water) can be used for good or bad. It depends upon the dosage and when it is used.
    It seems that for most of the recorded history of civilization, it is always about money, control and power.

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