Unvaccinated Barred from ALL Air Travel?

A new bill in Congress would limit air travel to only vaccinated individuals. Action Alert!

The bill seeks to “ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States” is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This is precisely the kind of discrimination we were talking about in our Right to kNOw campaign— protecting people with autoimmune disorders who have a legitimate medical reason to choose not to vaccinate. This bill is a direct assault on the freedom of millions of Americans, and it must be stopped.

The breadth of this bill is astounding. It is a vaccine mandate for anyone who travels for work, anyone who travels out-of-state to see family or friends, anyone who travels to see a healthcare specialist, etc. This outrageously coercive mandate doesn’t just affect our right to travel. It is an assault on our personal autonomy and cannot stand.

We must act now to stop this bill in its tracks. Pfizer looks poised to receive full approval for its COVID vaccine by early September. It is widely thought that once one of the COVID vaccines receives full approval from the FDA, the floodgates will be open for vaccine mandates at all levels: colleges, businesses, employers, state employees, etc.

Safety can be maintained without a vaccination requirement. Negative COVID tests, masking, and other measures have been taken for months to protect the safety of air travelers. Further, all COVID vaccines currently in use have reduced effectiveness against the Delta variant that is the dominant strain now. As of July 30th, there have been at least 125,000 fully-vaccinated Americans who have tested positive for COVID; the total number of breakthrough cases is surely higher, since many are asymptomatic. We might know more, but the CDC stopped tracking much of this data, relying on individual states to report breakthrough cases. This is to say that vaccination status is not a guarantee that an individual is not infected and capable of spreading the virus to other passengers.

And what about those who have already had COVID and have acquired natural immunity? These individuals would have to submit to COVID vaccination, for which there the risk of serious adverse reactions with little benefit. Additionally, as explained by a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, vaccination confers a type of immunity that reduces your likelihood of serious illness or death from contracting COVID. It doesn’t make you less likely to spread it. In people who have actually contracted COVID, the mucous membranes release antibodies to protect the nose and mouth, and this helps reduce viral spread. COVID vaccination is largely ineffective at stimulating this secretion of antibodies in the nose. Vaccinated individuals, then, can contract the virus and not get sick, but they can carry the virus in the nose which can spread easily to others.

To sum up: those who have acquired natural immunity and are less likely to spread the virus would be banned from air travel, and those who are vaccinated but more likely to spread the virus compared to those with natural immunity are permitted to fly. This makes no sense.

We cannot let this exercise in government paternalism go any further. Click the button below to tell your representatives to forcefully oppose this terrible bill.

Action Alert! Write to Congress and urge them to oppose HR 4980. Please send your message immediately.


  1. And what about ALL the Illegals entering our country they are flying those people everywhere in our states infecting America people.

  2. Pushing communism for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate amongst the general healthy population

  3. This is not right for those who have medical issues period. Unfair and not right when still no proof of any of this.

  4. As far a politics is concerned, it’s a special brand of “insanity” that simply begets more insanity.

  5. I urge you to vote against this bill in Congress that restricts unvaccinated people from flying. This is truly taking away our freedoms which are given to us in our Constitution. My body, my choice! You need to support all your constituents and protect us from these unconstitutional laws.

  6. And there are NO provisions for those of us who have HAD COVID-19 and RECOVERED!!! My body knows exactly what to do when faced with this virus. I’m perfectly healthy and don’t have ANY latent issues since contracting COVID-19 in early February 2021. I was done with symptoms within 5 days. I would hazard that my immune system is better than that of anyone who has taken the jab. And will be more robust with a measured response should I contract this virus again. Those of us who had recovered should IDENTITY AS FULLY VAXXED. Done.

  7. These vaccines are progressively becoming less and less effective to the succeeding variations of the virus. We have NO idea as to their long term effects but have already experienced at least >13,000 deaths in the USA as a result of the Vaccine and >500000 serious side effects that have been voluntarily reported. Enough is enough, lets call a pause until we have better evidence of the Risk/benefit ratio. Our hospitals are not overrun, the death rate continues to decline. Stop the panic!

  8. I strongly urge you to forcefully oppose HR 4980. This bill is a direct assault on the freedom of millions of Americans and must be stopped.

  9. No restrictions for Americans who choose not to vaccinate.
    Its unAmerican and unConstitutional.
    Millions of Americans, know Covid is a planned Scamdemic.
    Don’t sell us out to a bunch of billionaire psychopaths. They should be arrested and put on trial.

  10. Good… I have children that are VERY high risk even vaccinated!! We are being held hostage by those who refuse to vaccinate or even wear a mask… what about their right to live?? Those refusing are keeping this virus going and will continue to mutate the longer it continues to go on!!! What about our right to leave our house without a death threat looming over us! This is a healthcare crisis, not a political agenda!!

  11. This talk of yours is dangerous! I am unsubscribing immediately. I live my life an naturally as possible. However, I believe in science, which you apparently do not. Vaccine mandates would not be necessary if people like you did not reject science, leading millions of people (in this country) to believe that Covid is a hoax! It is not. Yes, vaccinated people can still get sick with Covid. But, they/we are not ending up on ventilators or in coffins. Is it perfect? No. Is it a HUGE improvement? YES! Although I’d rather not get sick with Covid, I’m confident that I will survive if I do. Can we still spread the virus? Yes, so let’s keep wearing our masks & being smart. Those with natural immunity from being sick with Covid are also spreading the virus and getting sick again!
    With the vaccines we are making progress! Remember 2020? And we would make much better, faster progress if there weren’t so many people rejecting the science! And the attempt to get this pandemic under control. You are dangerous!

  12. If anyone is interested, I added this wording to my letter. Feel free to copy and paste if it resonates for you:
    “It would make more sense to require a negative Covid test for everyone, vaccinated or not, before flying, than requiring the vaccine, since vaccinated individuals can still contract, carry and transmit the virus. Please make policy that follows reason and clinical evidence, not policies that end up being punitive just for punishment’s sake, and end up being an indirect coercion to vaccinate. That is immoral.”

  13. I’m elderly and have diabetes. I have contracted Covid 19 and obviously survived, just like all the other really bad flues since the sixties, for which there were no vaccines. I have natural immunity from Covid. For you to ban me from flying is an assault on my constitutional freedoms and rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. HR4980 is yet another power grab and must not be implemented! This is America, not China, Russia or Afghanistan. Stop this push to deny Americans their freedom and rights!

  14. The following paragraph does not belong in this article:
    “We must act now to stop this bill in its tracks. Pfizer looks poised to receive full approval for its COVID vaccine by early September. It is widely thought that once one of the COVID vaccines receives full approval from the FDA, the floodgates will be open for vaccine mandates at all levels: colleges, businesses, employers, state employees, etc.”

  15. I agree completely with anti-vaxxers being barred from flying. I don’t want to be in a sealed aircraft with them. I am vaccinated because I don’t believe in being selfish and irresponsible. Those who refuse to get the vaccine usually say “that’s my liberty you’re trying to take away.” What about my liberty? What about my safety? Just take the jab, get a life and think of someone else besides yourself and your bloody liberty for a change. Thank you.

  16. This article is BS and publishing it is an example of gross negligence. Vaccines save lives. The faster people get vaccinated, the faster we get past the pandemic and back to real freedom, not the pseudo freedom this article espouses. Vaccines save lives. Period. I wholeheartedly support mandates for the covid vaccines.

  17. I’ll decide what I need, not some power hungry politicians. The vaccines are still experimental and it works differently from conventional vaccines. I had Covid and have antibodies that are probably stronger than the ones from the vaccine.
    Congress does not have the right to make mandates like that.

  18. We need to bar the unvaccinated from air travel immediately!!!
    Honor system has not and will not work especially in usa!!!!

  19. Please do not mandate COVID-19 vaccinations. A great deal of the population, especially those with autoimmune disorders could experience negative events after these vaccines. To mandate a medical procedure is unethical. Please deeply consider the ramifications of mandating an experimental vaccine, and consider your constituents. Not all are going to easily tolerate this, both on a medical or political level. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
    Dr. Meredith Peyton

  20. The fact that the fully vaccinated are the main spreaders of covid-19 should be ones banned from air travel. The un-vaccinated would be the ones taking the chance of getting infected.

  21. Delta variant is been spread by vaccinated and unvaccinated, there protocols to improve outcomes of unvaccinated ones, which are not been promoted, because they interfere with the vaccine agenda.
    Prohibiting air travel to unvaxed will promote segregation, and will affect the airlines companies.

  22. This is just not right. This truly steps on individual’s rights. Mask wearing and Covid testing should be enough. Not allowing travel because you have no been vaccinated is just wrong. Some people can’t get the vaccine and others are waiting for the FDA approval. Let that happen and people will get the vaccine.
    Stop this madness.

  23. Vaccinated people are getting & spreading Covid right now . This is just another way to force people into getting the jab.

  24. I am all for this. I am vaccinated but here I am back in a mask because of no mask wearing anti vaxxers.

  25. This is unconstitutional and must be stopped! As Americans we
    Reserve the right to make our own choices in the name of freedom! The world looks to us as the example of what freedom looks like and IT ISN’T THIS!
    Please take a stand in the name of Liberty as did our forefathers!
    Be brave! Thank you.

  26. Even CDC admits that people who have had the Covid Injection transmit disease. We are living in an insane time. These people should be isolated and quarantined. Even Michel Yaeden, former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer states that the Covid Injection is a bioweapon.

  27. i share the abhorrence of this bill…but i would urge you to endeavor to broaden the appeal of the message, i.e. to a broader audience.
    maybe i don’t know…but some of the language seems to be an appeal to liberatarian mindsets…which is a really narrow slice of americans. i would think that emphasizing the # of people who’ve been injured & died. have very serious injuries. the hypocrisy of approving the EUA when safe/effective treatments for covid have been used for over a year (MATH+) and supported with many peer-reveiwed studies/papers. the fact that it should have been illegal to approve the EUA with those options available.
    and i think it’s dangerous to talk about “protecting people with autoimmune disorders who have a legitimate medical reason to choose not to vaccinate.” when the bill language does require a medical exemption be created. there’s more nuance. the real danger is that the exemption will be too rigid and hard to obtain.
    anyway, please, don’t take this the wrong way. i’m only trying to help. thank you so very very much for bringing this to light. i had no idea this bill had been introduced until getting this notice.

  28. Mandates will not make me take the prophylaxis “vaccine”, if mandates begin to impact my right to make a living, then SOMETHING’S HORRIBLY WRONG in this country. But leave it to the officials who run this country to make completely dunder-headed decisions based upon fear and/or greed.

  29. I urge Congress to take action to stop the Covid madness. There is no reason to violate people’s rights to personal choice. If this is passed, the America our forefathers worked for will become obsolete. For the past year our country has seen more turmoil than necessary. We are the United States of America. Not the United States of Socialism. Don’t destroy our great legacy with your term.

  30. I’m 73, I’m in good health, have made it through the pandemic without any treatments, including the so called vaccine and am in perfect health… I assume after all this time I have been exposed to the virus and have developed natural immunity. I have read extensively on the subject and believe there is more credible evidence against taking the vaccine than there is for it. I had to search long and hard for the information as our govt. and their media partners have done their best to hide it… I don’t visit doctors often and use no medications of any kind… I believe that the tools God gave me are enough to keep me healthy as long as I am needed here… taking this experimental vaccine goes against everything I have stood for my whole life… If our own FDA can’t approve it then I feel I am within my right to refuse it whether they do or not… I don’t use public transit including air travel so my concern is only with being required to accept it for other life sustaining services…
    Robert A. Nilsen

  31. There is a new bill in Congress that would limit air travel to only vaccinated individuals. It seeks to “ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States” is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This is discrimination at a minimum, against people with autoimmune disorders who have a legitimate medical reason to choose not to vaccinate. It is a direct assault on the freedom of millions of Americans, and it must be stopped.
    Safety can be maintained without a vaccination requirement. Negative COVID tests, masking, and other measures have been taken for months to protect the safety of air travelers. Further, all COVID vaccines currently in use have reduced effectiveness against the Delta variant that is the dominant strain now. As of July 30th, there have been at least 125,000 fully-vaccinated Americans who have tested positive for COVID; the total number of breakthrough cases is surely higher, since many are asymptomatic. Vaccination status is not a guarantee that an individual is not infected and capable of spreading the virus to other passengers.
    Those who have had COVID and have acquired natural immunity would have to submit to COVID vaccination, for which there the risk of serious adverse reactions with little benefit. Please oppose HR4980.

  32. Travel by airline is not a right. People are free to go by car or train. If you are immunocompromised you should stay at home and take added preprecautions during the pandemic. Airline travel is not essential for this population. I am not immunocompromised and I have not traveled during rhis period because I am taking precautions.

  33. Don’t the airlines have a say in this? It IS their business under attack, after all… And we KNOW it’s the VAXXED who are doing the spreading, not those unjabbed.
    BTW nice of y’all to punish those of us who can’t take those jabs for medical reasons, because y’all have lost reason & sense!

  34. I take action with these letters to my state senator and representatives, but feel it is a waste of my and their time. I live in a state run by Democrats. They believe vaccines are safe and effective. They don’t think mandates are a problem. I have taken action and added my own small bit of information. I guarantee I will get a reply, telling me how vaccines protect society and will once again feel I’ve done this for nothing. It’s extremely disheartening.

  35. I oppose the bills proposal to require vacation for air travel and request that it be removed from the bill!

  36. Mandating vaccinations for all does not guarantee covid will not spread. It is spreading now with fully vaccinated people. It also negates the thousands of people who survived without a vaccination. They have a natural immunity. Isn’t that what a true vaccination is supposed to do? Why would you vaccinate someone who already survived and is now immune? We can do better than this, This is the USA. What gives?

  37. Not allowing unvaccinated people to travel by air is an illegal attempt to force me to take a vaccine that is experimental! This country is becoming more and more like old Soviet Russia! Unacceptable!!!!

  38. Outrageous! These mRNA vaccines are experimental and not FDA approved. Long term effects are still unknown. Because of the 1988 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, you or your loved ones can’t sue the manufactures if vaccine injured. Because of the EUA and all who take the jab are volunteering to be a part of a scientific experiment, you can’t sue in Vaccine Court either. So if you are vaccine injured or die. You are screwed! What if you are permanently disabled? What is you are the head of household and can no longer work?
    This virus changes rapidly. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can get the new strain, which tells me, the vaccines aren’t working. Even worse, American Frontline Doctors treated people in the USA with existing pharmaceuticals and then told not to use them. Why? Because the CDC and NIH were going to make huge royalties pushing these vaccines. It is a complete conflict of interest, and when people could be receiving treatment, they were denied because you can not use the EUA if an treatment exists.
    India had people dropping like flies from the virus and could not get enough vaccines. They opted to use Ivermectin and dispersed it to their people. You no longer here about the high death rates. Why isn’t the CDC, FDA, and NIH looking into the treatments used in other countries? Because they make lots of money on dangerous new vaccines.
    In 1976, the swine flu vaccine was pulled after just 32 deaths. That was when manufactures had direct liability. Now, according to the CDC’s VAERS report, there are over 12,000 deaths after taking these vaccines and counting. Why? Because absolutely no one bares liability for those injured? Shame on you!
    4 British Airline pilots died within a week of taking the vaccine. Imagine if they were in flight when this happened. I certainly would want one UnVaxxed pilot in the cockpit.
    Lastly, would you give last year’s flu vaccine for this year’s flu? The Covid19 virus keeps changing at a very rapid speed. It makes no sense what-so-ever to give this vaccine for a different strain. In addition, the Ivermectin that was banned for Covid19 treatment has worked with the original strain and the one from India.
    To tell people that they will lose their job or can’t travel if they choose not to take the experiment vaccine is coercion! This violates the Nuremberg Code! Has the USA government resorted to same sort of experimentation that was done in Nazi Germany to the Jews? Are we allowing Big Pharma and government agencies to reap in profits over the health of individuals? Why is our government pinning vaxxed against unvaxxed when they both can spread the delta variant? They are deliberately spreading fear when some how, the unvaxxed people have managed to survive. Are they trying to start a civil war? Isn’t this just another Communist ploy to divide people?
    Why the urgency for a virus that has an excellent survival rate if you are less than 70 and healthy? Why the rush to force vaccines before all the standard tests are done? Health officials keep saying that these vaccines are safe yet the VAERS website indicates otherwise. How about they start looking at the data? How about putting the liability back on to manufacturers and see if they still push these experimental vaccines. Please do what is right for humanity!

  39. I am not one to run get vaccines for most things but there are exceptions and a global pandemic is one of them. If everyone had decided to be political epidemiologist for polio and smallpox, we would still be dealing with them…we are not. We never reached “herd immunity” with those, it was irradicated by vaccines. Lets stop the mass death and then deal with the prevention of further spread.

  40. Congress has no business mandating vaccines for people flying on airplanes. This step in unconstitutional. There is no evidence that vaccines are effective in stopping COVID-19 related deaths. The Government has no business intruding into what is clearly a private decision.

  41. Well for one this is treasonous because it is an act directly against constitutional rights of the citizens. Beyond treason it is also a grotesque abuse of power. Further more there are a lot of people who are not supposed to be vaccinated because they have contraindications for vaccines so its very uncooth to discount those citizens as travelers. Mandates such as these are a dispicable and pathetic attempt at bullying people into corners financially and emotionally.

  42. Health status is private. Some cannot take the vaccine die to series health issues. Requiring vaccination is 90% death sentance without any crime.

  43. Congress would have to be delusional to consider we the people do not have scientific proof this covid19 with 99.98% curable rate never had a cure already in existence? HCQ Ivermectin and other natural supplements some being withheld from the public fraudulently denied people of these abilities to heal is preposterous to understand had happened.The participants taking these experimental jabs are also the greatest number having the delta variant and or experiencing serious and evidentiary covid 19 trial human health harms. Credible scientists have claimed that delta is being manufactured in the human body of the vaccinated. Meaning its not re occurring, Its mass producing in the host aka participants. Viral Shedding was a topic of inside pharma studies,emails disclosed this and govt agencies were also aware of this pre ER FDA roll out. This will be the greatest and largest case against medical tyranny and all who knowingly deceived this world from many levels and walks of life who will be weighed greatly from God’s thrones of justice. Human nature could not bear this and its truth without the intervention of Our Father in heaven mercy upon us all. Stand strong No fear Love,knowledge and truth wins.

  44. I disagree with this act or bill to be placed on the US that they cannot fly because they’re not vaccinated.

  45. I am requesting Congress to not mandate vaccines for we the people, it is our right to refuse. There is no proven evidence this prevents the virus, which in my opinion is not treatable by a vaccine, symptoms caused by a virus are the only things that are treatable with any virus.
    Do not go against our Constitutional Rights.

  46. Don’t allow this bill to go through. Don’t allow our rights to be given away with no freedom of speech. This is America the land of the People and for the People

  47. Sorry ANH, but I agree with the government on this one. Airplanes are Petri dishes! That’s bad enough normally, but we don’t need to use them to spread Covid even further and faster. By not requiring everyone to be vaccinated those of us who are vaccinated will be afraid to fly, and you’re there by grounding us!

  48. Everyone has to contribute for the good of the whole. Vaccination is
    essential for all the population!

  49. I am totally against this bill . I travel a lot .am not vaccinated and do not plan or want an unsafe and unproven vaccine. Please fight this bill

  50. This is a ridiculous restriction. I am having to miss 2 granddaughter’s weddings because of being unable to fly, one in Wisconsin and one in Trier, Germany.

  51. This is the USA. Quit taking my freedoms away that are granted by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  52. This is a totally unreasonable demand to make on our citizens! It sounds like the Hitler regime’s
    Josef Mengele whose experimentation maimed and killed countless “subjects”. The fact that so many vaccinated individuals are being re-infected, and so many vaccinated individuals already have residual symptoms, nor do we have any idea what the long term effects will be, is reason to not demand that everyone be vaccinated.

  53. This is insane. The vaxed are superspreaders and the unvaxed are the problem ? How about some common sense in Congress for a change.

  54. Limiting air travel for the unvaccinated is in un-American and has no scientific basis. This, like so many of our public health measures in response to COVID, would be a tragedy.

  55. It’s a big lie! The vaccine does not keep you from getting Covid. My daughter went in for monoclonal antibodies and half of the people getting IV’s were fully vaccinated. Furthermore they were also the sickest.
    Why do they care if I get a vaccine? They are vaccinated and I can’t make them sick, right? That’s the lie they want us to believe but their actions betray them. It should be that the only people on the plane that need to worry are the unvaccinated and they are unvaccinated by choice so it’s their problem.

  56. Please do not mandate that air travelers are “vaccinated”; it is clearly discriminatory to those who cannot get the vaccination! Airlines have already proven the safety of mask requirements, and can implement testing requirements and other measures to assure travelers’ safety. Please do not allow this country to go down this path. Use proven common sense measures instead.

  57. To forbid air travel to those unvaccinated is to forbid people freedoms protected by our constitution. There are many reasons why one doesn’t get shots and it should not be a mandate with over 99% chance of survival if one gets the virus. This is not a vaccine that has been tested for years – it is experimental – and to demand people shoot this toxic cocktail into their veins is nothing short of a communistic dictate. This is America. Stop this nonsense. Being vaccinated doesn’t stop one from getting or spreading the virus – this is all illogical.

  58. Please stop this terrible bill! It will not only NOT help reduce those spreading the virus, it then limits the freedoms of all citizens who cannot tolerate the vaccines. This is setting up a tiered citizenry.
    I simply cannot fathom how any representative could want to support this horrible bill, unless of course, they’re just doing what their drug-company lobbyist wants them to do.
    So stay true to your oath and represent ALL Americans! Not just the drug companies!

  59. There is no vaccine, its a test trail and its not working, fact is ist killing people. FDA needs to stop the shots!!!

  60. I’m all for this. Sorry, not what most of you want to hear. I’m not a fan of the regular vaccine schedule for children and personally won’t take many regular vaccines except straight tetanus (single dose vial). This Covid virus is a whole new ball game. I do natural medicine as much as I can, take many supplements to keep my immune system up. This virus is a game changer. I got vaccinated after holding out for awhile. I’ve watched unvaccinated, healthy, holistic living friends drop and nearly die from Covid. It’s a crap shoot on how it will affect you. I view the vaccine as a lesser of two evils. At this point, if you’re choosing not to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. Remember tho, choices have consequences. Not flying may be one of them. Get ready for insurance companies to not pay for your covid stays in the hospital if you’re not vaccinated. I’d bet that’s coming soon. The choice is yours but so are the consequences. I personally don’t fly much at all but if I were to fly, I would feel much safer knowing that there were no unvaccinated people onboard. I care for my two very young grandsons and visit my elderly mother-in-law in her memory care facility. I’d hate to pass it on to any of them.

  61. Vaccinated people can spread covid 19, unvaccinated people can spread covid. The Nuremberg Code of law protects the rights of the individual not to be forced or subjected to any experimental drug without their consent.
    Who is going to be responsible for those who have adverse medical damages to these vaccinations?
    With so many people with heart disease, diabetes, allergies, mainlining sodium laurel sulfate, polyethylene glycol, cholesterol, sucrose, and salt along with the mRNA directly into the bloodstream is detrimental.
    I agree with common sense protections, social distancing, but what about recognizing the rights of those who maintain a healthy lifestyle, immune system?
    Let this be a choice.

  62. Based on the number of pilots that have died after receiving the vaccine I’m not sure it is safe for anyone to fly vaccinated or not

  63. I had covid twice now and survived both times without being hospitalized and I refuse to get the vaccine seeing how some have suffered in my community from covid after being fully vaccinated. Vaccine is useless if not harmful. Demoncrats are behind the release and now the mandate to get a vaccine that may in fact kill you. No Thank You, I will not get vaccine.

  64. this is an assault on our individual liberties, and an assault on our medical decisions in conjunction with our medical professionals who advise us on individual proper treatment. What is good for one is not good for all. Blanket approaches are harmful. Mandates can cause tremendous harm.

  65. It would be unfair, discriminatory, even cruel to ban all unvaccinated people from all air travel. Many people have physical reasons that getting the vaccine would be discouraged or harmful to them. There have been documented physical problems, illnesses and even deaths from the vaccine and many do not want to take the risk. Preventing people from traveling for work could interfere with their jobs and ability to feed their families. People wouldn’t be able to visit family or even attend funerals. That is cruel. The virus is spreading among the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated and a drastic ban like would not eradicate covid. It would be a terrible removal of freedom – the very thing you are supposed to be in office to protect. Please do not vote for or support an air travel ban for the unvaccinated.

  66. To sum up: those who have acquired natural immunity and are less likely to spread the virus would be banned from air travel, and those who are vaccinated but more likely to spread the virus compared to those with natural immunity are permitted to fly. This makes no sense. Please oppose this terrible bill.

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