You’re Being Zapped With Dirty Electricity

Experts continue to warn of the dangers of 5G, but the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) exposure go far beyond 5G. Action Alert!

As our friends at ANH-International point out, a new consensus statement has been released to reflect the concerns of medical and scientific experts and practitioners around the world on the acute and chronic health effects from EMF. In the statement, more than 3,500 medical doctors call for a moratorium on 5G, wireless smart meters, and other new sources of EMF emissions. This echoes what ANH and others have been saying for some time now. But the truth is that EMF emissions that could be affecting human health are ubiquitous in our environment, most likely including our homes and offices.

We’ve written a number of articles over the years detailing the dangers from 5G, the next generation of wireless technology. The concerns are tied to the fact that the deployment of 5G networks necessitate the placement of many “small cell” towers to create a network, since 5G utilizes millimeter wavelengths that are more easily blocked by physical objects like trees and buildings. This will increase our exposure to the EMF emitted from these “small cells,” which has experts around the world concerned about possible human health effects.

Others are sounding the alarm about another source of exposure to EMF: “dirty” electricity, or electrical pollution. Dirty electricity is a form of EMF that is generated by electronic devices that, when they operate, convert AC power to DC, creating high-frequency voltage spikes that flow back into the power grid, piggy-back on existing electrical wiring, and radiate into the environment. Sources of dirty electricity include: smart meters, LED lights, light dimmer switches, wireless technology, computers, solar panels, video game consoles, phone chargers, and even kitchen appliances. 

The type of EMF exposure caused by dirty electricity is at a lower frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum than that from 5G, which relies on millimeter waves (this site has a visual of where 5G is on the spectrum compared to other sources of EMF). So while dirty electricity may not present the same health concerns as 5G networks, they are still a source of EMF exposure that may cause problems for some people, particularly those who are sensitive to EMF.

Research conducted on schools situated near cell towers have shown the potential health effects of dirty electricity. A study in three Minnesota schools found that reducing dirty electricity by 90 percent improved teacher health (reduced headaches, general weakness, asthma, depression, anxiety, and skin irritation) and student behavior. A study on a school in La Quinta, California demonstrated similar results. In both studies the results were achieved by installing filters that short out high frequencies and reduce transients on electrical wiring.

There are some measures that can be taken to protect your home from dirty electricity. As mentioned above, special filters can be bought to reduce dirty electricity (such as this one). But the best way to eliminate or reduce dirty electricity is to eliminate the sources, or at the very least to unplug them when they are not in use.

We can also call on elected officials to halt 5G expansion, which will otherwise dramatically increase our exposure to EMF, until it is proven safe for human and environmental health.

Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them to halt 5G until it is proven safe. Please send your message immediately. By sending this message, you will also be supporting our petition to ungag doctors so that they can share with patients the benefits of supplements and natural treatments for COVID.


  1. While I personally believe that our best defense against the COVID epidemic are the vaccines, I also believe that reputable alternative options should be available to people who wish to explore other options.

    1. Although belief is all that the public has to go by with regard to vaccines, they don’t eliminate the causes of vulnerability to devastating respiratory issues. Addressing immune defense issues preemptively, thru supplements and dietary changes, are the path toward prevention. Let’s all get our occasional dose of tragedy from the entertainment business, and instead work on preventing devastating real life tragedy.

  2. over the years detailing the dangers from 5G, the next generation of wireless technology. The concerns are tied to the fact that the deployment of 5G networks necessitate the placement of many “small cell” towers to create a network, since 5G utilizes millimeter wavelengths that are more easily blocked by physical objects like trees and buildings. This will increase our exposure to the EMF emitted from these “small cells,” which has experts around the world concerned about possible human health effects.
    Research conducted on schools situated near cell towers have shown the potential health effects of dirty electricity. A study in three Minnesota schools found that reducing dirty electricity by 90 percent improved teacher health (reduced headaches, general weakness, asthma, depression, anxiety, and skin irritation) and student behavior. A study on a school in La Quinta, California demonstrated similar results. In both studies the results were achieved by installing filters that short out high frequencies and reduce transients on electrical wiring.

  3. To ANH- This article contains a link that basically reads opposite of what you are alerting us to. Please see if the link below is the source you actually wanted me to click through when hyperlinked here: (this site has a visual of where 5G is on the spectrum compared to other sources of EMF).
    This is the hyperlink and makes anyone that does not want to be zapped by 5G is a conspiracy theorist- watch the video and see for yourself.

  4. Please halt 5G energy until it is proven safe for people. The potential for EMF harm to people is already quite evident in sensitive people, causing daily pain and sleeplessness, heart disease and more. 5G will only expand these effects to more people causing more illness and harm.

  5. I always want the most honest information I can get, unfiltered by someone who wants to sell me something.
    EMF may or may not be harmful, like l said I want the info.

  6. I have discovered a particular EMF that will most certainly harm the human body and that should be completely banned.
    The apartment I am living in is just across the alley from a cell phone tower that is just a few feet above my 3rd story apartment. I’m very careful about my diet and never eat out, and try to keep my food as close to its natural state as possible.
    In that process I decided to start making yogurt several years ago. I bought an electronic pot that could be use to cook various foods. One of those included yogurt and I decided to start making that and include it as a regular part of my diet.
    But I found that I was not able to get consistent results with my yogurt making. Sometimes I got good results and produced yogurt that was firm and tasted good. Other times the yogurt was runny and could not be called yogurt at all. For months I kept trying unable to discover what was causing my efforts to fail. I don’t really remember when it occurred to me that the cell tower radiation was killing my yogurt. As you may know those waves pass easily through almost anything, except metal. So I decided to start wrapping the yogurt I had bought to use as starter, in alumuum foil in the car when I got home before I took it up to put in my refrigerator. The pot that my machine used to made my yogurt in was stainless steel. I found a lid that fit it which was glass, but I taped aluminum foil across it so that my yogurt was completely protected from the time I wrapped it in my car, while it was being made and was left in the stainless steel pot with a lid that was wrapped in foil. Since I did that my yogurt making has been 100% successful in the last year or so.
    There was one more discovery to be made, but it had to wait for a time when a friend asked me to house sit for him for a week. I brought with me my own self-made yogurt and continued to eat my regular vegetarian diet. All went well. I was able to do some work on my car since he has space for me to do that at his home.
    I had previously checked his house for cell phone waves and found it to be very close to perfect except for a wireless connection he used inside the house. Really nothing compared to the bombardment my apartment endured 24/7 nonstop.
    When I got home I noticed that, after those 6 or 7 days away, I felt like a completely different person. I was optimistic and full of energy. I also noticed that my digestion had been transformed from a tendency toward diarrhea. When I got back it was clear that my digestion had been fundamentally changed and all for the better. Only then did I make the most obvious connection that I should have been able to make. Just as the cell phone frequencies were killing the yogurt bacteria, they were also killing the flora that should have been active in my intestines.
    I decided to start sleeping under a Mylar emergency blanket that was coated with aluminum. It helped me prolong the good powerful feeling I came back to my apartment with.
    As you can tell, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that these waves are harmful. Since I’ve been living in this apartment I’ve noticed that my memory has gotten much more unreliable. Who knows? Most people don’t seem to care.
    Perhaps you can tell me if I am the only person who has made this discovery.
    John Gunn

  7. Until 5G, is proven; to be safe. Not just claim, to be safe. I strongly urge, that 5G period, be stopped.
    Thank you.

  8. I learned first hand how dangerous the EMF’s and smart-meters are. They installed one in the basement of the small apartment bldg.
    Now I am constantly totally exhausted. I can’t function or get anything done. I have constant brain freezes or Brain-fogs, I was full of energy all my life constantly working and on the go, never sick. Now I lost all my hair as well.
    Please take this serious, I hear from many that they have cancer, even children, They can tolerate those EMF’s even less, as their scull is much thinner. Vreni

  9. 5G is not safe. If that is a question, I will move to another country so I do not have to face the imminent illness.
    Why is this a question. Are we that slow? Read the research.

  10. I am shocked that the question is even being asked about 5G. It is a proven killer. Starting June 9 twenty thousand towers were to be installed across the country. Why are you so late in asking?

  11. Please stop 5G. It is a proven trip the ER. Science has already proven what it does to humans. What are you waiting for? A few thousand deaths before you can take action?

  12. Get off your money grubbing buts and do the right thing. Do you want your family affected?Can’t spend money if your health fails you.

  13. A Very, very disappointing article. Full of reticence, ‘maybe this, maybe that, no sense of true knowledge, fiddling only with information, basically inviting 5G to come on it. Actually as disgusting and wholly inaccurate presentation.

  14. I hope you versus my time in energy in tower busters him some guy in stones all over my house to protect myself from 5G I’ve gifted tower busters that I’ve made all over town I give them to people I get them everywhere even though they don’t know it.

  15. You can track sources of the dirty power noise, by using a simple AM transistor radio.
    It doesn’t tell you how strong it is, but you can hear the harmonics from the chopped alternating current that some devices create, like LED lights, some wall-wart power supplies, and dimmers.
    Just tune it where to where there is no station on the dial, and you can hear it, and also try unplugging or switching off devices and listen for a change.
    You can’t hear the more dangerous microwaves on an AM radio. Lots of devices are available to detect and measure them, though, in a wide range of prices and precision.

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