Big Pharma Whistles, and the Drug Enforcement Administration Comes Running

painkillerThe DEA is enabling—even encouraging—a generation of opiate addicts, while the FDA tries to quash safe and helpful supplements like DHEA.

Goodness, the legal drug-makers have been busy! This week the Associated Press revealed that in 2010, US pharmacies dispensed the equivalent of 69 tons of pure oxycodone (used as ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet, and Percodan) and 42 tons of pure hydrocodone (used in Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab). That’s enough to give forty 5-milligram Percocets and twenty-four 5-milligram Vicodins to every single person in the United States.
The production and sale of both drugs has increased tremendously over the past decade; in some locations, sales have increased by 1,500 percent. Distribution is particularly high in Appalachia, the Midwest—particularly suburbia—and the Southwest.
Why the increase? Our poor diets and inactive lifestyles increase inflammation and pain. Older people are especially vulnerable in this regard. And doctors are increasingly willing to treat pain with drugs. Sales are also being driven by addiction, as users become physically dependent on painkillers and begin “doctor shopping” to keep the prescriptions coming.
As with all opiates, oxycodone and hydrocodone bind to opiate receptors in the brain, blocking not only pain signals but any negative emotions like stress or anxiety. The euphoria associated with early use fades relatively quickly as tolerance builds. The pain-managing efficacy will also be reduced as tolerance builds—which is why these drugs should not be used for long-term or chronic pain. If users take the drug for longer than prescribed, or in higher doses, it is likely that they will become addicted.
Addicts die from drug overdoses at a much higher rate than the rest of the population. Opioid pain relievers like oxycodone and hydrocodone caused 14,800 overdose deaths in 2008. Addiction is also responsible for the alarming rise in pharmacy robberies nationwide.
The epidemic is not likely to abate soon. The explosion of pain management clinics in Florida, dubbed “pill mills,” prompted the state legislature to close a loophole that had allowed physicians to fill oxycodone prescriptions on the spot. Authorities say a half-billion doses of the drug and its generic equivalents were distributed in the state during 2009 alone. An unknown number wound up in the hands of “patients” who had come from out of state to have prescriptions filled by multiple pill mills, before driving home to resell the pills on the black market.
According to Gene Haislip, who for seventeen years was head of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Office of Diversion Control, the DEA’s policy of allowing increases in the production of these drugs in the face of widespread illegal and non-medical use shows a “serious lack of accountability and oversight”:

The DEA is the lone federal agency with the power to decide how much of the drug gets made and put out there; it alone has had all the responsibility to do something about this problem. The way I did it for seventeen years, which was basically the way it had always been done even before the DEA was the DEA, is that when a significant diversion problem occurred, the quota increase requests would come under greater scrutiny. With Oxy, there has been a significant diversion problem since the late 1990s, so the requests should have come under greater scrutiny.

That apparently didn’t happen, Haislip says. Instead, the DEA has rubber-stamped Big Pharma’s requests to increase oxycodone production. And why is that? Political influence, plain and simple.
As Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, pointed out in her 2004 book The Truth about the Drug Companies, the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) employs more lobbyists in Washington than there are members of Congress. Since 2007, the group has spent more than $20 million annually on lobbying in Washington to see that its interests are protected. Haislip says DEA won’t block a company’s requested quota increase “if that company is supporting members of Congress who have the power to block the agency’s funding.”
Then there’s the revolving door between the Office of Diversion Control and drug manufacturers or consulting firms that work with both industry and DEA. People working in the Office of Diversion Control know they might get lucrative work with drug companies upon retirement, and this constitutes a huge conflict of interest that prevents DEA officials from doing their duty. They certainly aren’t going to offer an opinion or do something that’s going to cut off their future prospects.
Contrast the “hands-off” approach dealing with incredibly addictive narcotics with the aggressive disapproval of perfectly safe supplements like DHEA. DHEA, which is short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is a natural hormone produced by the adrenal glands, the gonads, and the brain. DHEA is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans and is sometimes referred to as the mother hormone since other hormones can be made from it. In its supplement form, DHEA is used for slowing or reversing aging, improving thinking skills in older people, slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, weight loss, decreasing the symptoms of menopause, and boosting the immune system.
As we reported last October, DHEA supplementation also helps create improvements in muscle strength and bone mineral density with a reduction in body fat mass. And there is substantial support for its effectiveness in fighting adrenal insufficiency, hypopituitarism, general osteoporosis, systemic lupus, depression, schizophrenia, and balancing the overproduction of cortisol produced by excessive stress. Too much cortisol ages us rapidly; a little extra DHEA can make all the difference.
There are a number of different forms of DHEA. 5-DHEA is the form most commonly sold on the market and used for aging, depression, obesity, cardiovascular risk, and adrenal insufficiency. However, it can result in an increased production of male hormones, which may be positive or negative depending on various factors. For example, some aging males convert extra testosterone to estrogen, a process called aromatization, and too much in women can cause unwanted hair growth. For men with prostate troubles, 1-DHEA might be a better choice (no estrogenicity and decreased androgenicity), while 19Nor-DHEA might be better for women (little estrogenicity and anti-androgenic metabolites). But these little-known forms of DHEA are especially vulnerable to being lumped together with dangerous drugs and banned—simply because they are not well known.
DHEA has had a fifteen-year record of complete safety. Despite this, FDA and certain members of Congress keep trying to regulate it as a controlled substance, specifically as an anabolic steroid, even when used in dietary supplements.
Currently DHEA could be classified as an illegal anabolic steroid if the DEA were to present evidence that it meets all eight requirements under the Anabolic Steroids/Controlled Substances law. As the DEA has not yet put DHEA on the list, they clearly either don’t think it fits or hesitate for other reasons. Legislation was introduced a few years ago to add DHEA to the DEA’s controlled substances list, even though DEA already had the power to put it on the list if they met the burden of proof.
No deaths from DHEA. No addictions. No shameful deals between the manufacturer and federal agencies. No organized crime because of DHEA in America’s heartland. And yet DHEA is under attack, while big Pharma keeps churning out dangerous opiates by the ton.

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  1. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  2. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  3. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  4. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  5. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  6. For too long, corporate greed has compromised our overall health — causing the public
    to be very suspicious of Big Pharma — despite the success of many products. The
    Bottom Line should not overrule damaging statistics!

  7. America is increasingly being controlled by large, rich, and influential public corporations whose major purpose is to create extra profits regardless of the dangers their products create — whether we are talking about drilling for oil in ecologically fragile areas, or sellng tobacco products to children. It is shamefully true, too, of the pharmacological drug-making industry for certain of their products that create and/or cater to addictions, and should be more closely regulated by our DEA.

  8. I was subjected to this type of criminal behavior by our government at a relatively early age. My friend got a brain tumor from agent orange in Vietnam. Conventional medicine didn’t help, in fact the doctor killed himself. No-one he operated on had lived.
    My friend found The Livingston Clinic in San Diego, CA. The treatment worked and he lived very well until he went off his treatment. The Clinic had funding from the federal government. Once they found a treatment that worked, the government cut off there funds.
    In 1931, Dr Royal Raymond Rife, was honored by his peers at a Dinner in San Diego. The dinner was in honor of his device being able to cure all diseases know to man. It involved no drugs or side affects. It works to this day. Many at the dinner were jailed, murdered or other forms of punishment were imposed by the establishment. Big money talks and controls America to this day. Please don’t give up the fight against these criminals. Humanity deserves so much more.

  9. im not the least bit surprised!!these are scumbags.theyown congress.congress works 4 them

  10. It seems like the reason that Pharma drugs do so well in this country is that just about every doctor prescribes them. Unfortunately, the older generation in this country takes what their doctor says as gospel.
    The older generation (and many other generations as well) blindly accept the doctors advice. Very few people take their health into their own hands. The terms “my docta”, “your docta”, are givens in this country.
    When someone asks me who “my docta” is, I reply, “I am”. This reply brings a critical look.
    As long as so many millions of people in this country blindly accept doctor advice, pharma, FDA, AMA, will have it made with the millions they are hauling in. The whole system is geared to “doctas” and their drugs.
    If a person tries to get his health insurance to cover natural supplements, the rejection is immediate. I know several people that have had to go to a foreign country to get good health care.

  11. It is shameful the FDA must take it’s orders from pharmaceutical companies and not serve the public by reading the true statistics and benefits of supplements..It is telling us we must learn to monitor our own health, do our own research and not trust those in charge of informing us and keeping our
    medicines safe.

  12. Our government proves again and again it is not working for the people of the United States of America. When is everyone going to scream enough is enough!

  13. good informative article. big pharma wants to kill supplements so you have to buy their addictive drugs and cant use cannabis either

  14. Government Agencies are completely out of control. They run rough-shod over us in finest Para-Military style at the behest of all those Industry monsters who want to maintain their hegemony over us. These Agencies and Forces need to wrap their head around the uncomfortable reality that when the “Old Boy Clubs” don’t need them any more, they’ll discover they were always part of the 99%, and whoever or whatever the next jack-booted enforcers are, they’ll be coming for them. It’s best to remember what Hitler did with the “Brown Shirts” when they’d outlived their purpose. I hope that thought gives the forces of the FDA, IRS, EPA, ATF, DHS, and the CIA something to chew on.

  15. There is so much corruption in our government it is just sick. I honestly dont know if this country ‘can’ be saved. it is spiritually & morally corrupted as well.
    the attacks on our natural health freedom is ongoing from the basturds in the FDA and DEA and the rest of the federal behemoth.
    it is sick. to roll all this back it is going to take some kind of shirking off of the powers that be.
    elect Ron Paul, the only candidate who understands.
    we need a revolt on a massive scale. it is just sick.
    Damn them who have ruined this wonderful country.

  16. It seems to be the mantra for regulatory agencies, they are just a stepping stone in a career. And one more time another one of our regualtion agencies is just a social club for those we’re supposed to be regulating.
    And now they have more lobbyists than people in the Congress, what does that say about CONFLICT OF INTEREST?
    Why does this country need 1200 INTELIGENCE AGENCIES? Eliminate the DEA and take ALL of their guns from them!

  17. DHEA is not the answer. I am surprised that you would use this forum to say so. DHEA has problems that you outlined and they are real. I am a chronic pain patient with (5 herniated disks, 2 more going, bad knees, ankles, shoulders and carpal tunnel in both wrists as well as associated mood issues over time and immune problems that develop for chronic pain patients). I am allergic to pain meds and have studied biochemistry and neurochemistry for over 25 years and have developed a nutritional formulation that balances the nervous system, pain, moods etc. It is called the WOW Factor because that is what everyone says about it! FDA clearances are done and patent pending. This is all I use and I have been in the gym with a personal trainer working on strength training for over 7 months! I still have limitations, like laundry, lifting, too much walking but my quality of life is amazing compared to even people with a couple herniated disks. Sorry to burst your bubble but DHEA is really, really not the answer. And I am not trying to sell my product because it isn’t actually on the market yet! Don’t Just Be Good At It – Be GOOD

  18. As the headline reads, pharma whistles and DEA and FDA comes running. This just means these two agencies are in the pockets of pharma, or us taxpayers mostly. Big Pharma wants all the money and power handed them by our gov’t, without admitting responsibility for the many deaths and addictions caused by their medications. With naturopathy and homeopathy, no addictions, practically no deaths. But now Big Pharma wants to put Cholesterol meds, and some others, on the OTC market. This is to move the responsibility from doctors, pharmacists and the drug maker on to the end consumer. Also to keep some of the money coming in as the generics move in to occupy the market. This is my opinion, but I believe it be the case until its proven to me otherwise.

  19. Let me get direct and to the point. We must restrict the usage of addictive drugs and not encourage it. Most people aren’t like me as I will save pain killers until I’m experiencing real pain and then I will use just enough medication to counter it an no more. I save excess pain pills left over for the future because they are handy when I fall down or trip and hurt myself bad enough to need them and if I don’t then I wont.
    A lot of people want to abuse as many narcotics as they can acquire. Just look at what’s been going on in Hollywood with all the overdoses. Time to cool it and arrest Dr. Feelgood.

  20. The FDA and Big Pharma want nothing more than to squash the competition and hold a monopoly over our health! Remember, if our government decides what foods we eat and what what drugs we take, our bodies shall soon be in the same sorry state of those that live in Tyranny! Here is a related article where you can see the Government’s attempts to ban a NATURAL ALTERNATIVE to rx opiates!
    Live free or die trying!

  21. DHEA has had a fifteen-year record of complete safety. Look to the petroleum-based drugs and get rid of them. Leave the natural to the body stuff be.

  22. Nobody wants DHEA or any of that ineffective garbage that you homeopaths are trying to force on us. For many, opiods are the only way to obtain relief from soul-crushing mental and physical agony. Attitudes like yours prevent addicts from obtaining efficacious treatment, and keeping opioids so highly illegal prevents people from getting the doses they require, and this is the primary reason for the pharmacy robberies you so loudly bemoan. If opiates were legal and easily attainable as they ought to be and are in many other countries, then there would be far fewer deaths and not to mention the money we’d save not having prisons filled to the brim.
    This homeopathic stuff is based on supposition and wishful thinking, and is more akin to superstition than real science. Opiods work, and they are relatively safe when used by an educated user. In fact they are FAR safer than alcohol, and very few heroin addicts are charged with DUI and beating their wives and children, and at least they aren’t violent as a rule like practicing alcoholics.
    You need to educate yourself, and wake up and smell what you are shoveling. Articles like this are part of the problem, and liberals are supposed to be part of the solution.

    1. Courtney: You have a right to your opinion. However, these natural substances can’t be patented which is why Big Pharma wants it banned. They don’t give a real hoot whether or not these herbs, vitamins etc. are actually helping the people. You don’t see pharmacies being robbed over these substances. It is only the opiates that these people are after. The idea is to get people addicted so they have to have the drug. Then don’t give it to them and of course you have the consequences. All suffer after that because then they put the brakes on people being able to obtain these pain killers and make then miserable. No wonder people turn to other substances that are considered illegal such as cannabis to get pain relief. I agree these medicines when used properly can work wonders for so much pain. But to get people hooked and then take it away is also criminal.
      The natural cures, which do work by the way, are just a threat to these companies because people will turn to these as a cheaper solution to their problems. I agree with you in a way and in another way, these supplements should be left alone. To each his own they say.

  23. Tell the FDA to keep its hands off my DHEA. I’m 70 and have been taking it safely (25 mg /day) for 25 years. In combination with other supplements, it confers energy and a body that humms along without problem. Don’t take this away from us just because you can’t make huge sums of money from its sale!

  24. Unfortunate, but I believe true, is the fact that big pharma will not stop until we , the people say no more. The NDI draft is a perfect example as the FDA has snubbed its nose at congress and many stores both vitamamin and natural food stores will not allow petitions in their stores thus denying the public awareness of what is transpiring. We do not have the support or the enthusiasim that was displayed in 1994 which created the passing of DSHEA and if we wish to save our supplements we must somehow regain the initiative and take the battle to their doorstep. Petitions should be commonplace across the country right now but there not. i am responsible for placing most of the petitions in Tucson, Az and I believe at this point in time there are only two vitamin stores participating. We need media backing but so many are afraid to voice their opinion in this country. It’s not too late but I fear we must move quickly with a great deal of unity in our effort. James Wallace

  25. As an elderly female and a retired Registered Nurse, I find that taking supplements such as DHEA and MSM, as well as herbs, vitamins, and other “natural” substances has greatly improved my health in the last 7 years. I currently take Prescribed medications as well. But, these Prescribed medication were in existence before 1990…When the FDA did it’s job of trying to genuinely provide for the safety of the public.
    I have grown greatly “afraid” of the current manufactured “Drugs” that have been unleased upon the public. The Track Record of Big Pharma in the last 15-20 years has been a tale of disaster for the public safety!
    My personal experience with the latest “manufactured” drugs has not been pleasant. As an example of just one prescribed drug ordered for me, I gained unwanted weight (30 lbs in 6 weeks) from the medication meant to help me but didn’t . They were making me a candidate for Heart Disease and Diabetes. When I stopped them and when on supplements not only did I get better, but I lost the 30 excess pounds that wrapped around my waist and arteries!

  26. I have lupus and DHEA is an important component of my treatment. I have written and called whenever asked to contact the FDA when they try to regulate supplements. The goal of Pharma is to call it a drug so that they can charge big $ for that which is still reasonably priced. Please keep me informed.

  27. Tens of billions of taxpayer money is spent and tens of thousands of Americans are classified as criminals in the “War on Drugs” every year, mostly on marijuana. Big Pharma bribes politicians and gets a free pass to deal dangerous opiates. The values of modern America on display.

  28. The DEA has such sweeping powers that it is literally unbelievable one agency can have as many powers as it does. This should be curtailed. People caught in the middle of DEA investigations can be jailed for years for absolutely nothing. This must stop. In respect to The possible DEA involvement in supplements such as DHEA, it is absurd. If you were involved with Laetrile here in Miami some years back you went to jail for a decade. Laetril is an apricot pit extract. Big Pharma hates it. It kills cancer cells for sure. The DEA has the power to do whatever it wants now. It needs to be destroyed. Drugs need to be taken off the high tention legal wires. It’s just more mess for lawyers, states, and beaurocracies to get involved with. DHEA has no buisness even being considered as something the DEA should be involved with. It’s all overblown and rediculous. It’s one more reason to put people in jail for nothing

  29. No substances should be controlled at all, only the government and their agencies should be Controlled.

  30. Nice article on DHEA, and why the DEA is lax in its’ control — politically & pharmaceutically. Well written!! Thank you for the information.

    1. Yes, the FDA and BIG Pharma are doing the same thing to DR. S R Burzynski and his Houston, TX. cancer clinic..
      They take him to court over and over again trying to get his Antineoplaston cancer thepy banned because they know it works and are worried that if approved will cut deep into Pharma profits.
      individual gene targeted theapy using antineoplastons are the wave of the future and I can’t wait to see BIG Pharma lose BIG profits when it becomes approved.
      Check him and his cancer theapy aproach out at or better yet if you have not watched the documentary entited Burzynski the Movie: Cancer is BIG Business…..please watch it soon… will be amazed.

      1. I’ve herd about him and the god awful lies that the FDA and Pharma tried to smear him with, do you think the Antineoplastons might have other benefits for autoimmune cells as well?

  31. Big money from the lobbyists for the drug manufacturers going to our congressmen needs to be curtailed.

  32. A large percentage of residents in nursing homes across the country are put on psychotropic medications. They are Big Pharma’s cash cow and guinea pigs, mentally enslaved by their toxic and health destroying psychiatric drugs.

  33. Hi,
    Just wanted to say it is really shameful not to rein in this blatant drug abuse by making it hard to get.

  34. Big Pharma, like Big Tobacco, will have their day coming. My vision of the information that will sink Big Pharma is they are keeping people sick and know it!
    Every dog has its day!

  35. DEA = Death.Execution. Assassination by DRUGS and ignorance. To think that drugs are the answer is an outrage and insult to my intelligence. STOP THIS erroneous thinking now ! How many drugs has the FDA approved and later, a million lawsuits are initiated for the damages their so-called safe drugs caused ????!!!!

  36. Currently DHEA could be classified as an illegal anabolic steroid if the DEA were to present evidence that it meets all eight requirements under the Anabolic Steroids/Controlled Substances law. As the DEA has not yet put DHEA on the list, they clearly either don’t think it fits or hesitate for other reasons. Legislation was introduced a few years ago to add DHEA to the DEA’s controlled substances list, even though DEA already had the power to put it on the list if they met the burden of proof.
    No deaths from DHEA. No addictions. No shameful deals between the manufacturer and federal agencies. No organized crime because of DHEA in America’s heartland. And yet DHEA is under attack, while big Pharma keeps churning out dangerous opiates by the ton.

  37. Pharmaceutical companies will always choose to focus on any drugs, regardless of how deleterious they are to our citizens, that make money. Areas that could make a meaningful difference are not profitable enough. Working for an effective vaccine for Lyme’s Disease, finding solutions to antibiotic resistant bacteria, researching how coconut oil improves the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and formulating a safe medication based on the results of this, are all neglected because they aren’t profitable enough. Drug making should be nationalized to keep costs down and to work toward the greater good of our nation.

  38. Thanks for explaining DHEA, I had no idea it was so important: “adrenal insufficiency, hypopituitarism, general osteoporosis, systemic lupus, depression, schizophrenia, and balancing the overproduction of cortisol produced by excessive stress. Too much cortisol ages us rapidly; a little extra DHEA can make all the difference.”
    Dehydroepiandrosterone, wow what a name

  39. This is nothing new, It’s the way this country works. Make as much money as possible no matter the consequence for the 1% corporate elite and screw the the 99% the people. When is America going to wake up and take their country back?

  40. While I, too, feel that DHEA is being treated unfairly, I would like to offer a different aspect of the use of common opioids, hydrocodone & oxycodone. The possibilities of Abuse (as differentiated from Use) of these substances may appear to be excessive, to some… but how does it compare to the number of those who drink occasionally (or regularly, in moderation) to those who “don’t handle their liquor well”? There is some ‘crossover’ in the use of these drugs by people who DO have addictive personalities (&/or mild ADD/ADHD) who have seen that they can get the emotional comfort they had been seeking via alcohol by the use of these drugs, without the physical/mental/emotional impairment that accompanies various levels of alcohol consumption.
    The idea that ANY use of these opioids is ‘bad’ (but ‘necessary’ for some) when we consider their use for chronic conditions is, ultimately, only defensible from a “might makes Right” perspective… which has been the basis for the witch-hunt that goes by the name of “The War on Drugs”. ^..^

    1. I have worked at men’s jobs all my life, a fact that has contibuted to my five back surgeries and carpal tunnel on both wrists and surgery on my ulner nerve in my left elbow. Several neurosurgeons have told me that a 5 ft 2 in womans bone structure isn’t meant for that kind of abuse. Now i am torn up and heavy pain killers is all that is left cause nerve damage doesn’t heal, so they tell me. I resent the fact that I cannot get enough pain medication because the government is telling the doctors how much and who is to receive pain medication. i think we all should look into the hopelessness of on going excruciating pain that results in SUICIDE. A lot of people do it with drugs but when I have reached that rock bottom hell of constant agony ,I will make sure no one rescues me and I will eat a bullet. Before you judge me realize that i was in Nam with mercenarys and have been in many to the death fights. I am extremely pain tolerant but nerve damage is besting me. There is much proof of the under treatment of pain in America resulting in suicides. Back in the 80’s readers digest had an article on opiate drug use for pain and addiction. If I recall correctly the number of people (50,000) that were on opiates for as long as 8 mths and who DID NOT become addicted proves that all this addiction poop is a farce. I had a golf sized pocket of pus pressing directly on my spinal column and i was on the maximum dose of morphine a person can legally have for 5 mths. and then it did not hurt any more so I requested the morphine to be stopped to which my neurosurgeon told me it would have to be taken away slowly as not to throw me into withdrawals. So I refused to take another shot and when the doc saw that i did not go into withdrawals he was shocked. It goes to show you that some of the info given to doctors is WRONG. And I am beginning to see that a lot of what the doctors thinks is true is bull poopy I pray to God that I can receive adequate pain medication before I have to offend my God with my suicide !

      1. There are things (foods) that have been shown to cause regeneration of nerve tissue. Coconut oil is one of these. Yes, it has been clinically tested and labratory proven. Do some research……….

  41. The DEA and FDA could care less about your health or safety.
    They have only 2 goals:
    1) Protect the financial interests of Big Pharma
    2) Do not allow any substances to be removed or down-scheduled in the CSA (i.e. only allow the War on Drugs to be maintained or escalated)
    They accomplish goal 1 by approving whatever meds Pharma tells them to, while simultaneously fighting against any competition such as natural meds that also work but have less harmful side effects and less addictive properties (such as supplements and cannabis)
    Goal 2 is accomplished by restricting any and all research on potential beneficial uses of substances in the CSA
    The FDA and Big Pharma do not want people to be cured of their conditions. What they want is people to stay sick, keep buying their super-expensive meds to treat their symptoms, and need other super-expensive meds to treat the side effects from those.
    Try to imagine what kind of hit Big Pharma would take if there were a large, well-designed study that showed, for instance, that magic mushrooms could be used to effectively treat depression (with one session providing beneficial results that could last months) or that cannabis could be used as a safe and non-addictive pain killer or cancer treatment. Do you think people would continue to shell out big bucks every month for their pricey synthetic chemical cocktails with their laundry lists of harmful side effects?

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