Moments ago, the House of Representatives passed the Food Safety bill—which the Senate, in one of the most underhanded legislative maneuvers we’ve ever seen, approved late Sunday night. It now goes to the president to be signed into law.
Month: December 2010
Milestone Victory: Texas State Medical Board’s Attack on Leading Integrative Doctor Beaten Back
A court defeat for the Texas Medical Board is changing policies—and minds.
Another Defeat for the Texas Medical Board—Court Rules in Favor of Physicians
Plaintiffs have accused the Texas Medical Board (TMB) of “pervasive and continuing violations of…constitutional rights”—and a federal court is allowing their suit to go forward.
More Stealth Attacks on Integrative Doctors May Be Coming
We have to watch both the AMA and the Federation of State Medical Boards. They have a new strategy to limit your health freedom.
Reminder—Tell Us Your Top Ten Integrative Medicine Therapies
We’re still compiling the list of our readers’ favorites. If you haven’t already sent us your Top Ten, there’s still time to do so!
Emergency Action Alert! Food Safety Passes the Senate in Shocking Maneuver
Sunday night, Dec 20, in one of the most underhanded and outrageous legislative maneuvers we’ve seen, the Senate passed the language of S. 510, the Food Safety bill, by a unanimous consent agreement. It now goes to the House of Representatives. We have one last chance to stop it!
Last-Minute Washington Back-Room Dealing on Food Safety
We may have only one more chance to keep the dreadful so-called “food safety” language from becoming law through a legislative subterfuge. We have (quite literally!) up-to-the-minute information for you.
Breaking News: Judge Rules that a Provision in the Administration’s Healthcare Act is Unconstitutional
A federal district judge in Virginia has ruled that one of the central provisions in President Obama’s healthcare act is unconstitutional. ANH-USA has filed an amicus brief on the same provision, but in a different jurisdiction.
Comparing Apples and Oranges? It’s Easy When They’re Both Genetically Engineered
Will we soon wake up to GMO orange juice? Plus more on apples, sugar beets, court decisions, and Hillary Clinton’s attempt to push GMO on Africa.
Urgent Action Alert! – Food Safety Bill Language Has Been Resurrected— Please Contact Your Senators Immediately!
On December 8, the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution (CR). But this CR which included the language of the Senate food safety bill—language that will affect small food producers most of all. It will completely transform the food and farming industries—for the worse.