Preserve Structure/Function Claims!

The January 12, 2010, issue of Pulse of Health Freedom urged readers to pressure the FDA not to abolish structure/function claims for nutrients. Dr. Robert Verkerk, the executive and scientific director of ANH-Europe, identified the European Union and Codex Alimentarius as the source of the push to eliminate qualified health claims, which help to educate consumers eager to make wise health choices.
According to NutraIngredients, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued many provocative “warnings” about qualified health claims. For example, the EFSA denied children’s probiotic-gut health claims, since “a dossier containing 13 randomised controlled trials, 6 observational studies, and 15 non-human studies has failed to impress European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientists because the four strains censored by moneyin question were not sufficiently characterised”. Dr. Verkerk alerts us to a meeting in Brussels of the FDA, EFSA and Health Canada — organized by Cantox and scheduled for February 23, 2010 — to discuss qualified health claims.
Let the FDA know it should reject the proposal to eliminate structure/function claims made by the Center for Science in the Public Interest .  As constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord notes, this action would be a clear violation of our freedom of speech.


  1. Greetings.
    I have read a good portion of the petition that the CSPI has sent to the FDA, and it is not encouraging, to say the least. You can read it for yourself at
    Write a note to the CSPI as well. They need to know that they don’t stand for the “Public Interest” at all, in this area. Their email address is [email protected].
    They obviously believe that the only way to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent disease conditions is through FDA approved drugs, and that the FDA has the best interest of the public at heart in suppressing vitally important health claims.
    We need to petition Congress as well to pass legislation that will keep the FDA from further suppressing health claims. This legislation has already been introduced. You can read about it at
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This next month is crucial to make our voices heard before February 23, the meeting in Brussels.

  2. FDA,
    Will you please reject the proposal to eliminate structure/function claims by the Center in the Public
    Interest because this could be a clear violation of our freedom of speech. Thank You.
    Floyd Clare Hunter

  3. Do not abolish structure/function claims for nutrients, in other words do not elimanate qualified health claims.

  4. Sirs Please reject the proposal to eliminatestructure/functionclaimesmade by the center for Science in the Public interest. We should be able to make our own decisions about our health.The Drug companies have the Dr. intheir pocketes The Physcisions should also be
    schooled in naturalhealth also,and alternative medicines. These alternatives have been around for centres. Thank you in advance Charles Wheeler

  5. To the FDA:
    Please reject the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s proposal to eliminate structure/function claims for nutrients. I rely on these to help make informed nutritional choices.
    Wendy Risk
    former Fulbright teaching Fellow

  6. If you need to gag something that is really harmful for the public do not allow the drug companies to advertise on TV. The ratio of supplement problems compared to drug reaction is about 1,000 to one.

  7. I would hope that in an era where people have less and less money to spend, you would WANT to educate them about safe, inexpensive ways to keep healthy. The fact that you want to hide this information from the public only demonstrates your true aim — and it is NOT to further the health of those you are supposed to serve.

  8. To those who represent the people:
    Have you forgotten that the aim of this country is based on the belief and practice that individuals should have FREEDOM OF CHOICE? In all fairness, please reject the proposal to eliminate structure/function claims made by the center for Science in the Public interest. This proposal is not in the best interest of our country. Our nation has valued its efforts as being LEADERS, not followers. Why don’t we take a stand in the true direction: giving individuals’ freedom to have information in order to make the best informed decisions? In doing so, it demonstrates not only the pride of our freedom, but it also demonstrates that we take our responsibility seriously. Stand up and say “NO,” this proposal is not meant for our country.

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