A recent Wall Street Journal article told the story of a group of 600 volunteers at Emory University who underwent an exhaustive predictive health assessment in order to prescribe lifestyle changes. Emory plans to use the data to help identify areas for intervention, assigning half the participants to health coaches to determine their effectiveness. While… Continue reading The Science of Prevention
Month: December 2008
The Canaries Dropped from the Skies
For two years, the transport of mined lead into a seaside Australian community was an unrecognized source of contamination. Then thousands of birds began to drop dead out of the sky.
What Happened to the Promise to Save This Nation Billions in Healthcare Costs?
One of the biggest clinical trials ever organized by our federal government indicated that generic medication for high blood pressure in use since the 1950s worked better than the newer drugs costing more than twenty times more.
Drop in Abdominal Obesity Cuts Risk of Macular Degeneration
According to newly published research from the University of Melbourne in Australia, patients who lower their waist-to-hip ratio (particularly if those patients are obese) can decrease their odds of developing age-related macular degeneration.
NEWS FLASH — Is Prop 65 being used to shake down supplement companies in CA?
At the web site of CA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), Prop 65 is described as the approval by CA voters in 1986 of an initiative to address their growing concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals.
A Flagrant Example of Pushing the Sponsor’s Product
Drugmakers Pay an NPR Talk Show Host/Physician $1.3 Million for Lectures
What Your Waist Size Means to Your Health
Connecting the Dots between a Bulging Waistline and the Risk of Premature Death
Has Technology Failed Us? Doctors Match Machines in Spotting Heart Disease
There are many aspects of what is sometimes called the “gold standard” of medicine that have been scrutinized by science and found to be lacking.
The Power of the Placebo — Is Healing All in Our Mind?
A recent survey of doctors from the U.S. finds that nearly two out of three believe it is permissible to use placebos, and one out of two U.S. doctors prescribe placebos to their patients.