The Dietary Supplement 4-MU (4-Methylumbelliferone) is an Effective Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Agent for Prostate Cancer

How 4-MU can help keep prostate and other cancers in check.   Just in case any of us think the title of this can’t be so, it must be nonsense—a dietary supplement that effectively prevents and treats prostate cancer—this was and is the title of an article published in the Journal of the National Cancer… Continue reading The Dietary Supplement 4-MU (4-Methylumbelliferone) is an Effective Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Agent for Prostate Cancer

A Genetic Defect We All Share—The Human Need for Vitamin C

  Animals show us why we need vitamin C How much vitamin C is needed daily for optimal health? How much vitamin C should we take every day? Can’t we get enough of this nutrient from orange juice? It’s not widely known that the answer to these questions is found in textbooks of human genetics,… Continue reading A Genetic Defect We All Share—The Human Need for Vitamin C

Frederick R. Klenner M.D., The Originator of Successful High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy

  How IV vitamin C can help treat viral diseases and other maladies.   Frederick Klenner graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1936. After three years of hospital training he entered the private practice of medicine in Reidsville, North Carolina. His main subspecialty was diseases of the chest, but he became interested in… Continue reading Frederick R. Klenner M.D., The Originator of Successful High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy

Expected New “Blockbuster” Alzheimer’s Drug

Is this why brain supplements are suddenly under attack? Action Alerts! Does the FDA want to clear away competition for the new drug? This wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. Just as the first SSRI anti-depressant drug was coming out, the agency banned the amino acid tryptophan. The SSRIs prevented the body from… Continue reading Expected New “Blockbuster” Alzheimer’s Drug

“Nail in the Coffin” for Calcium Supplements?

No, of course not. But it is true you shouldn’t take them alone. A new British Medical Journal study has created more headlines in the mainstream media. One article opened with this: “A new study should put the final nail in the coffin for any lingering beliefs that calcium supplements are good for you.” That’s… Continue reading “Nail in the Coffin” for Calcium Supplements?

What Supplements Are

Dietary supplements refer to a broad range of products that fill gaps in our diet and provide natural health care remedies. Multivitamins, omega-3/fish oil, vitamin D, vitamin C, and calcium are just a few of the thousands of products that more than 150 million Americans regularly consume. Congress has defined “dietary supplement” as a product… Continue reading What Supplements Are

Catch 22

Decades of research has affirmed that natural products are safe and effective, and in many cases, can be a desirable alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for promoting health, alleviating symptoms, and curing disease. However, regulators such as the FDA have created a “Catch-22” that prevents dietary supplement manufacturers from informing consumers about potential health benefits and… Continue reading Catch 22

Current Science

Supplements vs. Pharmaceuticals “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” –Hippocrates (Father of Western Medicine) Like food, dietary supplements are one of the safest things we put in our bodies. Products like multivitamins, omega-3/fish oil, vitamin D, vitamin C, and calcium can be used to fortify your health or treat ailments and… Continue reading Current Science

How Supplements Are Regulated

Dietary supplements are zealously regulated by multiple federal agencies in order to ensure products are safe and that product labels are truthful and accurate. Claims that dietary supplements are unregulated completely overlook the extensive regulatory framework that governs the industry, and ignore the industry’s lengthy record of safety and benefit to consumers. In 1994, Congress… Continue reading How Supplements Are Regulated