Toxic Metal Report: Lead Is Still in the Workplace and Can Affect Genetic Expression

Dealing with heavy metals—lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and others—were once the concern of integrative medical physicians and dentists alone. In fact, these practitioners were routinely targeted by medical boards for screening patients for heavy metal toxicity. But now the conventional medical literature links mercury to heart attacks and heart disease and lead to high blood… Continue reading Toxic Metal Report: Lead Is Still in the Workplace and Can Affect Genetic Expression

Drugs in Your Drinking Water?

Over ten years ago, pharmaceutical residues were found in lakes in Switzerland. A girl in middle school in West Virginia read about the drugs in Swiss lakes, and wondered about drugs in our nation’s waters. Local school teachers had no answers for her. She asked the U.S. Geological Survey and they also had no information.… Continue reading Drugs in Your Drinking Water?