Creating a Generation of Drugged Children

Last November, the journal Pediatrics published research that found medication use among children across the United States is dramatically increasing as more kids are being treated for diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Using a database of prescription claims from children with private health insurance, they were able to find prescriptions for… Continue reading Creating a Generation of Drugged Children

Nineteen Members of Congress Ask FDA for Official Warning About Mercury in Dental Filling Amalgams

A bipartisan letter authored by Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA) and Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), and co-signed by congresswomen and men from twelve states, has been sent to the FDA urging them to require clear warnings about mercury toxicity to every dental patient, and to establish specific protections for children and young women.

Hydroxycut Recall—The FDA’s double standard

On May 1, consumers were urged by the FDA to immediately stop using fourteen Hydroxycut weight loss products. The manufacturer recalled Hydroxicut after the FDA received 23 reports of liver damage under the Adverse Event Reporting system that now includes dietary supplements—several reports of jaundice, one incident that required a liver transplant, and one death.

Failure to Consider the Risks

Americans consume more medications than any other population on earth. And they’ve become increasingly aware that while medications are prescribed for certain benefits, the risks involved must be taken seriously. The economic stimulus legislation created a council of up to fifteen federal employees to coordinate the research and to advise Congress and the President how… Continue reading Failure to Consider the Risks