Reverse T3 can cause “functional hypothyroidism.” What is “functional hypothyroidism”? Functional hypothyroidism is having physical signs and symptoms of weak thyroid, even though the thyroid gland is healthy and actually making too much—not too little—of one of the many thyroid hormones! How can that happen? It happens when the thyroid gland is making too much… Continue reading “Reverse T3” Should Be a Routine Part of Thyroid Testing!
Newsletter Articles
The Toxin Solution
A new book shows us how to rid our bodies of harmful toxins. In the 20th and 21st centuries, detoxification has become an important part of staying healthy for everyone, not just those of us who work in toxic environments. As noted in the January issue of Green Medicine, men who want to maintain the… Continue reading The Toxin Solution
Glaucoma: a Cause and a New Natural Treatment
Early results show promise for niacinamide to stop glaucoma. Researchers continue to search for and publish about causes of various health problems. No surprise—health problems are never found to be caused by a lack of one or more patent medicines, also termed “drugs” or “pharmaceuticals,” or even “space alien molecules,” since they’ve never, ever been… Continue reading Glaucoma: a Cause and a New Natural Treatment
Nourishing Food Requires Soil
Help us protect real, organic food! Action Alert! You may be buying produce that was not even grown in soil. In other words, when you think you’re purchasing a nutrient-rich meal, you may be paying for produce from a process that actually denies them those very nutrients. Recently, an ANH-USA staff member ordered a salad… Continue reading Nourishing Food Requires Soil
How YOU Can Take Control of Your Own Healthcare
No, this isn’t about repealing or replacing Obamacare. It’s about empowering you to make your own healthcare choices. Action Alert! In February we told you about the Health Savings Act of 2017. Sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN), SB 403/HR 1175 allows Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward… Continue reading How YOU Can Take Control of Your Own Healthcare
Congress: “More Crony Medicine, Please”
Lawmakers are on a course to put the FDA even deeper into the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry. Action Alert! House and Senate leaders are looking to fast-track legislation that will reauthorize the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), the law that allows the US Food and Drug Administration to collect fees from pharmaceutical companies… Continue reading Congress: “More Crony Medicine, Please”
Supplement Advocates Are Losing a Champion in Congress
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), a noted champion of natural supplements, has announced he will not seek re-election in 2018. The announcement came last week. He may even retire before his term ends. As one of natural health’s foremost advocates in Congress, we are sad to see him go. Rep. Chaffetz was a staunch supporter of… Continue reading Supplement Advocates Are Losing a Champion in Congress
Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?
A new ruling is expected to pave the way for genetically modified citrus to enter your local stores—but a loophole allows the food industry to keep you in the dark about the nature of the fruit you’re purchasing. The Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) is getting ready to do an environmental impact statement… Continue reading Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?
Guilty: Monsanto, Global Villain
The international community delivered a blow to our government’s buddy, Monsanto. Will federal government cronies listen? The International Monsanto Tribunal in the Hague, Netherlands, is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Last October, eminent judges heard testimonies from victims. Last week,… Continue reading Guilty: Monsanto, Global Villain