The FDA has been distorting law and trampling on our right to access needed medicine. Now, it’s time for us to fight back! Major Action Alert! Congressmen Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Henry Cuellar (R-TX) recently introduced HR 2871, the Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act of 2017. This is an important first step toward… Continue reading Tell Congress: Save Natural Medicine
Newsletter Articles
1.2 Million Children Poisoned
Government lies and lack of profit incentive are both leading to lack of treatment. Action Alert! A new report published in Pediatrics estimates that the overall number of children with elevated lead levels in the US for the period 1999 to 2010 was 1.2 million—double what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously reported. Even… Continue reading 1.2 Million Children Poisoned
Even Scarier Than Lyme
Another tick borne disease is showing up in increased numbers in certain parts of the US, and people aren’t even being warned. We are seeing a rise in a tick-borne disease called Powassan, POW for short. Half of those who come in to contact with the virus suffer permanent neurological damage; some patients experience no… Continue reading Even Scarier Than Lyme
Killing Medicine, Killing Us
Ballooning medical bureaucracy does both. Since the 1970s, the number of physicians entering the workforce has remained relatively constant. The number of administrators (who are handsomely paid) has risen almost 3,000%. This is not helping patients. Doctors and their private practices are increasingly being eaten up by hospitals. In fact, the number of physicians employed… Continue reading Killing Medicine, Killing Us
Affordable Healthcare
Why we need both Obamacare and a new consumer-led system. The following appeared as an ad in the back page of Roll Call on June 7, 2017. Obamacare has doubled premiums and doubled deductibles while restricting doctor choice. It has failed. Even so, it isn’t necessary to repeal it totally. If Congress would just end the… Continue reading Affordable Healthcare
Robotic Medicine
Fighting Back: ANH, Allies Leading the Charge for Natural Medicine
The FDA has been waging an all-out war against natural medicine. In response, we are uniting with allies to articulate the truth. Will the FDA listen to science, or Big Pharma? We’ve been keeping readers up to date on the FDA’s salvo of new regulations and rules for the compounding industry, which makes customized, natural… Continue reading Fighting Back: ANH, Allies Leading the Charge for Natural Medicine
Wipeout: FPA Approved Drugs Kill More People than Live in Seattle
Since 2005, the FDA has approved the death instrument of 786,000 people. That’s more than the population of Seattle, DC, or 4 entire states! Action Alert! Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found that nearly one third of drugs approved between 2001 and 2010 had major safety issues after being made available to patients.… Continue reading Wipeout: FPA Approved Drugs Kill More People than Live in Seattle
Lying Labels, No Response
Fraudulent organics are flooding US shores and coming to a grocery store near you. The USDA response: crickets. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we reported that millions of bushels of soy and corn imported to the US were fraudulently sold as organic. News reports singled out ETKO, a Turkish organic certifier, as a major source of… Continue reading Lying Labels, No Response
FDA Committee Sides With Big Pharma… Again
FDA’s Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee has voted to limit your access to drugs not made by drug companies. Action Alert! A few weeks ago, we told you that the FDA’s Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) was meeting once again to decide whether patients will have access to customized medicines. True to form, PCAC voted to reject… Continue reading FDA Committee Sides With Big Pharma… Again