Fatigue, allergies, joint aches or mood swings got you down? Although concern over the effects of pollution on the environment has held our attention for decades, new research is detecting chemical toxins in most people.[1;2] While industry furiously challenges the evidence, scientists argue that low-level chemical exposures are linked with these subtle but all… Continue reading Coleen and Conrad Maulfair, DO: Toxic time bombs: The pollution in you
Newsletter Articles
Senator McCain’s Cancer Treatment Reveals the Problem
Why cheaper and safer medicine is always ignored. From The Daily Caller: Republican Sen. John McCain left Washington, D.C., Sunday to be with his family in Arizona, and will miss the vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expected this week, CBS News reports. McCain, 81, spent most of the week at Walter Reed National… Continue reading Senator McCain’s Cancer Treatment Reveals the Problem
Turning Vitamins Into Gold
How Pharma is stealing nature and charging you for it. From Gizmodo: If you would like to take niacin, a B vitamin that is believed to lower cholesterol and the chance of having a heart attack, you could buy a month’s supply online for about $5. Or you could get a prescription for a bottle… Continue reading Turning Vitamins Into Gold
Terminal Patients Find Hope in State of Union
President touts ‘Right to Try’ legislation we have been supporting. Action Alert! In his address, President Trump said: We also believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives. People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure—I… Continue reading Terminal Patients Find Hope in State of Union
Right To Try
Take Action
By ICIM member Valeska Wells, DO: Sleep matters
Everyone knows that sleep is important, but did you know that it can impact your weight? If you’re trying to drop a few pounds, maybe you should think about your pillow. While sleeping doesn’t take away the benefit of eating healthy and exercise, it does play a key role in the management of your body… Continue reading By ICIM member Valeska Wells, DO: Sleep matters
By ICIM member Rindie Coker, DN: Natural healthcare and headaches
Nearly a third of migraine sufferers have low intracerebral magnesium, and the levels decrease drastically during an attack, according to a study appearing in the journal, Headache (2002; 42:242-248). Using magnesium to prevent migraines has had mixed results. In research appearing in the journal, Neurology (1998;50(suppl 4):A340) magnesium levels could be increased intravenously, but a… Continue reading By ICIM member Rindie Coker, DN: Natural healthcare and headaches
This Will Kill 100 People Today— But FDA Continues to Eliminate the Alternatives
FDA opens a new front in the war against natural medicine. Action Alert! In the midst of an opioid epidemic that is killing nearly 100 people every day, the FDA has taken action against a natural medical food that offers patients an alternative to opioids. Last November, the FDA posted a warning on its website concerning… Continue reading This Will Kill 100 People Today— But FDA Continues to Eliminate the Alternatives
Finally! Some Relief From Health Insurance Straight Jacket
Help us support the first meaningful step in healthcare reform. Action Alert! The Labor Department recently released its proposed regulations to implement President Trump’s executive order by expanding association health plans. You’ll recall from our previous coverage that the executive order expands association health plans, also known as small group health plans. The idea is… Continue reading Finally! Some Relief From Health Insurance Straight Jacket
2 Minute Warning- January 18, 2018
This week’s featured stories: Salmon threatened by three dangerous pesticides the EPA won’t ban EPA says it’s OK to expose teen workers to dangerous toxins Our story on medical foods and osteoarthritis. Take Action! Oxford scientist inject 1400 South African babies with vaccine that killed five monkeys US ranks last in childhood mortality among wealthy nations