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Newsletter Articles
Drug Companies are Stealing from You
…with the help of the federal government and universities. Action Alert! The high cost of prescription drugs has recently made headlines, evidenced by price-gouging schemes that cause drug prices to skyrocket 5,000% (as in the case with the infamous Martin Shkreli and the drug Daraprim) or Mylan’s more recent price hike on EpiPen’s to over… Continue reading Drug Companies are Stealing from You
FDA Turned Your $10 Supplement into a $40,000 Drug
Help us ensure the supplement form remains available. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we told you about an FDA back-channel that allows drug companies to turn supplements into drugs—and remove the supplement versions from the market. This has happened to a popular and medically important version of vitamin B6 (pyridoxamine), and with the FDA’s approval… Continue reading FDA Turned Your $10 Supplement into a $40,000 Drug
More Crony Nutrition Advice on the Way?
It’s very likely, unless we can make our voices heard at the FDA. Action Alert! FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced a new initiative earlier this year called the Nutrition Innovation Strategy. It is a broad-based effort to improve the health of Americans through diet, mainly by improving and updating the information on food labels—including devising… Continue reading More Crony Nutrition Advice on the Way?
Fun Acronyms With Dr. Einsteinberger
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Qualified Victory for Natural Medicine
The FDA has dialed back a restrictive policy that would severely limit access to individualized natural medicines—but it’s not good enough. Action Alert! The FDA has released a revised draft policy relating to customized, natural medicines made at compounding pharmacies. This revised policy demonstrates that the FDA has listened to ANH members and other stakeholders,… Continue reading Qualified Victory for Natural Medicine
Think You’re Buying USA-Raised Meat? Think Again
Where is the meat you’re buying really from? Action Alert! Many of us look for the “Product of USA” sticker on the meat we buy in the supermarket, but we may not be aware that the USDA allows meat raised outside the US to carry that label. It’s a shameful case of government-sanctioned fraud. Current… Continue reading Think You’re Buying USA-Raised Meat? Think Again
Breaking News: Fraudulent Labels Not Cool
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$32,500 for CBD Oil?
If we don’t change a key FDA policy, that’s how much you may be forced to pay if you want to purchase CBD oil. Action Alert! For years, consumers have benefitted from access to cheap, safe, and effective CBD oil supplements. But now the FDA says that CBD is a drug, not a supplement—a drug… Continue reading $32,500 for CBD Oil?
They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?
Large factory farms are spewing toxic gases into the air that are causing human health problems, but the EPA refuses to act. Imagine stepping onto your front porch to enjoy your morning coffee, but instead of fresh air and sunshine you’re met with an overpowering stench of the manure and filth from thousands of confined… Continue reading They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?