5G Critics Censored by Big Tech

More and more concerned citizens are asking tough questions about the safety of 5G wireless networks. Are big tech companies trying to quash their dissent? Action Alert!
Over the last few months, we’ve been reporting on the planned deployment of 5G wireless networks and some of the health and safety issues that are being swept under the rug by telecom companies and their enthusiasts in the government. Some communities, like Sacramento, California, have already seen the installation of “small cell” towers near homes. When activists in Sacramento started speaking out, it appears as though YouTube and other sites have silenced their criticisms of 5G.
Noah Davidson, an activist in Sacramento, noticed his young nieces started experiencing health problems after Verizon installed a small cell just 45 feet from their home. Other members of the community also started experiencing adverse effects after small cells were installed. Davidson has worked to start a grassroots movement to raise awareness about 5G in the community and to work with telecom companies to establish an opt-out program for those who do not want 5G in their neighborhood.
In so doing, it appears as though Davidson has incurred the wrath of the Internet censors. His account was apparently suspended, without explanation, by YouTube. One of the two videos on his YouTube account was footage of Sacramento activists speaking at a city council meeting. This seems deeply suspicious. YouTube is owned by Google, a company that we know is aggressively censoring content on dubious grounds. It doesn’t seem outlandish to conclude that Google and YouTube are quashing dissent about a technology they want to see implemented across the United States.
Activists are not the only ones advising us to pump the breaks on 5G. A group of hundreds of scientists from around the world recently sent a letter to the United Nations and the World Health Organization warning of “serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electric and wireless devices.” The scientists explain that EMF “affects living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines,” causing increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders.
We must keep speaking out about this crucial public health issue in defiance of the censors and the crony capitalists railroading us into accepting this technology with no questions asked.
Our previous articles have covered some of the other dangers associated with 5G networks. For example, 5G utilizes millimeter waves—a shorter wavelength than the current 4G networks in use. Millimeter wavelengths have been used in crowd control devices that shoot high-powered millimeter waves that make the target feel like their skin is burning. Other research has shown that our sweat ducts can act like antennas for the shorter millimeter waves, meaning we absorb more of this energy into our bodies.
Keep in mind that we will be exposed to EMF generated by wireless devices on an unprecedented scale for two reasons. First, short millimeter waves cannot travel as far as longer waves, which is why many more “small cell” units must be installed to create a 5G network. Some neighborhoods would see dozens of small cells installed, all of them emitting microwave radiation. Second, the sheer number of wireless devices will increase. More and more systems are becoming wireless, or will become reliant on wireless technology. “Smart cities” will use wireless networks to collect and analyze data about the environment, traffic, water, transit, lighting, waste management, security, and parking. Millimeter-wave-emitting devices will saturate our environment, and the fact that we’re plunging head-first into deploying this technology without knowing the health consequences is shocking.
Action Alert! Write to the FCC and Congress, urging them to stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined. Please send your message immediately.


  1. It’s immoral and wrong to censor public concerns about consumer safety. I urge you to stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined and to stop any censorship of the voices of concern that are raised.

  2. This field REALLY needs a thorough investigation and honest reporting of facts. Our health is NOT for sale to the highest bidding tech companies! the time to do this is NOW, before these ubiquitous transmitters start popping up all over our neighborhoods. This could well be one case where faster is NOT better.

  3. I urge the FCC and Congress to stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined.

  4. Keep speaking out. I think the greatest need is for people to hear about the adverse experiences of other people when 5G rolls out in their neighborhood. That is what people can really identify with. I think 5G will prove to be the DDT of our time!!


  5. Any PUBLIC SERVANT who PROFITS, in ANY WAY, SHAPE or FORM, either while holding Office, or AFTER, should be PUT IN PRISON!!! Your JOB is to ‘PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES”!! ANYTHING that deviates from WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE (like working for the MEGA CORPS)…..they should be PUT IN PRISON for no less than 20 YEARS!

  6. This has nothing to do with the article for what it says but I have one question you might be able to and want to honestly answer. It’s become more noticeable to me lately that the word “break” as it’s spelled in this article is spelled wrong. The correct way would be “brake” as in “pump the breaks.” I’m not singling out this specific article because I’ve noticed multiple times this word’s been spelled wrong. ..

  7. This is unacceptable! Europe is proof that this is a criminal act and you are knowingly participating.

  8. I am deeply concerned about the censorship being practiced by YouTube, Google and Facebook. These issues need to be exposed and discussed if we are to protect our health and freedoms. I, too, am very concerned with the actions of tech companies making decisions on behalf of us all without our input and consent. Whether it is 5G towers, GMO’s or chem trails, Americans need to become educated and must have a say in what is done to our food and environment..

  9. It’s possible Facebook is censoring it, too. I’ve tried posting the link three times and it keeps giving me a hinky-looking error message.

  10. Rules & regulations need to be in place for the safety concerns of humanity and the environment in which we all live. Stop putting profits ahead of the main reason your department exists. Do the right thing and hold these Tech companies accountable for the harm that they are doing to us all. It’s been said; “Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should”.

  11. Been reading for months about the dangers of 5G. Not good when the tower installers are watering HAZMAT SUITS!
    The whole world is going money mad crazy!!!

  12. Please stop the implementation of 5G. It is unnecessary and could pose real health threats in American communities.

  13. Stop the rush to 5G, please exercise the “precautionary Principal” before rolling out new Technologies!
    Stop using the public as Guinea pigs!

  14. To All of You at ANH. Thank You in 33 languages for raising everyones awareness on 5G and the many other topics you cover. It is hard to believe our government is behind the roll out of the 5G Military Biological Weapons, Traciking, Communication, Battlefield Interrogation, AI Compatible System that is being sold to the public as a Communications System. It is hard to believe until you go to StopTheCrime.net and learn about the 1933 Trading With The Enemy Act, 1954 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and the NASA War Document. Now it becomes very clear that our insolivent, treasonous government has declared war on its citizens on behalf of the Satanic, globalist, pedophiles who fund this upside shit show! Gretchen and Team, God Bless You with a shied of Truth and Light in the Epic battle to save Humanity and Nature.
    In Purpose
    Christopher L. Calkins RN

  15. Study and testing of %g technology is sorely lacking. It should not be rolled out until it is deemed safe by independent scientific reviewers like bio-physicists. Stop the spread of a technology that will be so ubiqiutous that it can’t be avoided and instead study the short and long term effects.
    We still don’t know what the long term effects of 3G, 4G etc. and EMF’s have on the human body or what the effects have been on creatures we rely on for our food like bees but all available independent data regarding 5G points to serious, potentially life threatening health issues for all creatures..
    Please stop this now and perform testing for the safety of the public and all living creatures. Thank you.

  16. I am very concerned about the health problems created by 5G and I urge you to stop the spread of 5G until more research is done to see how its radiation affects human and animal health.

  17. You of the FCC and in Congress have primary responsibility to the citizens who are your constituency – NOT the corporate interests which are pushing 5G technology. The human and other general biological health concerns surrounding this technology are by no means settled, and none of this technology should be implemented at all – no matter what kick-backs or pay-off arrangements you have entered into or plan to. You will be held accountable.

  18. I am totally against 5G and I am taking action by starting a petition in my home state. As in most “advances” to our world, not enough studies are done to understand and detect the dangers of new and better. From all I have read not only is 5G a threat to all of humanity, it also affects animals and birds and plants I would certainly like to help stop 5G at all cost. My understanding is that the federal government has given their approval of 5G or at least that is what I have read. I don’t think most Americans are aware of all the dangers of 5G so I would highly recommend that people around the US start talking about this dangerous advancement in technology. Advertise on television, radio and any other social media platforms. I am one of the “awake” Americans and I know all there is to know about 5G and others should be given the same opportunities. STOP 5G before it is too late,

  19. 5G Critics Censored by Big Tech
    August 13, 2019
    Category: Stop Crony Healthcare
    More and more concerned citizens are asking tough questions about the safety of 5G wireless networks. Are big tech companies trying to quash their dissent? Health and safety issues that are being swept under the rug by telecom companies and their enthusiasts in the government. Some communities, like Sacramento, California, have already seen the installation of “small cell” towers near homes. When activists in Sacramento started speaking out, it appears as though YouTube and other sites have silenced their criticisms of 5G.
    Noah Davidson, an activist in Sacramento, noticed his young nieces started experiencing health problems after Verizon installed a small cell just 45 feet from their home. Other members of the community also started experiencing adverse effects after small cells were installed. Davidson has worked to start a grassroots movement to raise awareness about 5G in the community and to work with telecom companies to establish an opt-out program for those who do not want 5G in their neighborhood.
    In so doing, it appears as though Davidson has incurred the wrath of the Internet censors. His account was apparently suspended, without explanation, by YouTube. One of the two videos on his YouTube account was footage of Sacramento activists speaking at a city council meeting. This seems deeply suspicious. YouTube is owned by Google, a company that we know is aggressively censoring content on dubious grounds. It doesn’t seem outlandish to conclude that Google and YouTube are quashing dissent about a technology they want to see implemented across the United States.
    Activists are not the only ones advising us to pump the breaks on 5G. A group of hundreds of scientists from around the world recently sent a letter to the United Nations and the World Health Organization warning of “serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electric and wireless devices.” The scientists explain that EMF “affects living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines,” causing increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders. This impact is not just humans.
    5G utilizes millimeter waves—a shorter wavelength than the current 4G networks in use. Millimeter wavelengths have been used in crowd control devices that shoot high-powered millimeter waves that make the target feel like their skin is burning. Other research has shown that our sweat ducts can act like antennas for the shorter millimeter waves, meaning we absorb more of this energy into our bodies.
    We will be exposed to EMF generated by wireless devices on an unprecedented scale for two reasons. First, short millimeter waves cannot travel as far as longer waves, which is why many more “small cell” units must be installed to create a 5G network. Some neighborhoods would see dozens of small cells installed, all of them emitting microwave radiation. Second, the sheer number of wireless devices will increase. More and more systems are becoming wireless, or will become reliant on wireless technology. “Smart cities” will use wireless networks to collect and analyze data about the environment, traffic, water, transit, lighting, waste management, security, and parking. Millimeter-wave-emitting devices will saturate our environment, and the fact that we’re plunging head-first into deploying this technology without knowing the health consequences is shocking.
    There will be no Informed Consent for the damage done.

  20. even low emf disrupts the voltage regulated calcium ion channels in all our cells. Our biology and physiology are not benefited from this. The 5-g takes it to a whole new unpublicized level and unpublished level. more impaired health will surely result. it is already happening in California but info downplayed. It is nicotine like propaganda all over again

  21. As a person who is sensitive to electric, radio, and magnetic frequencies, it is important to me to live in an area where I can limit as much of this as possible. Please require more, real scientific studies on 5G before letting it be implemented.

  22. 5G has NOT been tested for safety and health. Please do the right thing for human health – as well as the environment – and test 5G rigorously before moving forward. Accepting 5G technology and moving forward may have horrendous consequences …. PLEASE do the right thing!

  23. Please stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined. Remember, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless, will be equally impacted, so it’s in your best interest to stop this madness now.

  24. Evidence of the biological harms caused by radio-frequency radiation began accumulating decades ago and continues to mount. It is imperative that 5G installation be halted until and unless its safety can be proven.

  25. Just one more example of putting profit before human life. No adequate testing, ignoring ill effects, on the agenda for AI. Wondering why people come from other countries to live here. I have never seen such incredible corruption and greed. Very sad because I try to be a very optimistic person and always have been, however, what’s going on is unbelievable. I always encourage you to do the right thing

  26. I oppose the micro-wave 5G technology. I do not have “devices” or a “cell phone”. I am sensitive to cell towers that were used 10 years ago. The idea that there will be cell towers much more powerful spreading microwave radiation into houses where there are children or pregnant mothers, or in areas where small pollinators are likely to be killed is very scary to me. We are able to communicate well with what technology has already accomplished. There is NO NEED for 5G radiation.

  27. Please stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined. Thank you for considering my comment.

  28. I do not want for humanity to come to it’s demise as a result of exposure to this 5G EMF and microwave energy. A lot a good the advantages of 5G if it kills the people using it.

  29. All the danger is of no concern to those who will reap billions of dollars from 5G. Those in government that will be bribed (campaign contributions and job offers) will find themselves defending the dispersion of 5G.

  30. Stephen Hawking warned that Artificial Intelligence, the driving force behind the money grab 5G roll out, is a huge risk to the entire human race. It is time to increase our own intelligence which is still childlike, before encapsulating our ignorance into AI technologies.

  31. We the People say: stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined. Now.

  32. This does not shock me as we live in a world of corrupt governments and large corporations. Their greed is put before the health of the people and the planet. This is a crime against humanity. Disgusting.

  33. We live in an era where the race to implement new technology oversteps wisdom, intelligence and patience. The health risks linked to wireless technology has not been explored or tested sufficiently. This is of great concern to all of us as the wireless networks expand across the globe. It is quite despicable of big tech companies and outfits like Youtube censoring critics and trying to hide the dangers of 5G and wireless in general. It’s shameful and sad that companies will do things like that just for profit and greed.

  34. thank for you for this very important information. this is truly Apocalyptic………for our very existence…….Please tell us what we can do????

  35. There is abundant evidence to indicate that 5G is very bad for human health. All 5G tower installations must be stopped until a detailed investigation can demonstrate that it is safe. Thank you

  36. Absolute safety of the 5G technology is a must. What are you doing to insureit.

  37. I thank you for informing, those of us whom are unaware of this upcoming G-5 attack. It is based on greed and lack of compassion towards our fellow man and God’s creatures especially helpless animals of all kind. They want to put this operation into effect and then they might share what can be done to help the people after the fact. Shame, shame, shame, on the kind of human beings we have become. But, we all best believe that, this is God’s world and at the right time God will do what is right for His world.

  38. please tell us what can we citizens do… It is alarming and disturbing to know this IS happening and we have no protection…These people must be Insane…..We are disturbed by this news

  39. The 5G needs to be stopped ASAP until we are certain there are no long term health effects on not only humans but insects and animals too…Dr. Jack Kruse is a great source of information on this topic and ironically he is a neurosurgeon who speaks out against the detrimental health effects of EMF, blue light and now 5G…

  40. Very important to stop deployment of 5G until extensive study of health effects on humans and other animals have been completed, and it’s proven to have no adverse effects. This is madness to jump blindly in to this technology.

  41. Scientists tell us that EMF “affects living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines,” causing increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders.
    I urge you to stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined! My family, friends, and neighbors have not signed up to be human guinea pigs! Doing the right thing helps all of us…can’t you see that? There have to be some members of Congress and at the FCC who are human beings and actually care about themselves, their families, their friends, and the rest of us. Are you one of them??????????

  42. Please stop the spread of 5G until its safety can be determined. A group of hundreds of scientists from around the world recently sent a letter to the United Nations and the World Health Organization warning of “serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electric and wireless device. Please do your own scientific research before more 5G system are deployed.

  43. I did not read the very many comments, but got the gist of what most people know and think about the “move” to 5G. Without knowing its REAL source/beginning, none of us will know how to fight it. Several of the commentators said they are “Awake”, and we need many more! The hidden cabal – known by various “names” or “titles” – as the deep state, the globalists, the illuminati, etc., are all working toward one goal. That is to destroy ALL people (they really do not want even the 500,000 mentioned on the Georgia Guide Stones.
    They are working for the entity that was once defeated by GOD and forced out of his once exaulted place, to dwell in the lower dimensions/”heavens”. He hates GOD/YHVH and HIS SON, JESUS/YESHUA, and everything GOD created, so of course, he wants to destroy all of it. We are nothing to him and his fallen angle armies, and his followers – those promised “fame”, “glory”, “honor”, “money”, “power”, etc. will do anything he wants them to do because they have been lied to, too. They will NOT be “saved” from the destruction planned for all the rest of humanity, even though he promised them.
    We are encouraged in the letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 6 : 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.

  44. Believe this or not but most Americans don’t even know what 5G is. People hear the term used but they just ignore it. I gave a talk not too long ago to a group of adults ages 22-78 and the subject of 5G came up and everyone asked what it was. Come to find out they didn’t know what 3G or 4G was and every single one of them owned a cell phone.
    There is too much dirty electricity in our environment and one of the sources is LED lighting that has flooded homes and cities. This lighting is very unsafe and even the US Coast Guard and NOAA have raised concerns about how these frequencies will affect our personal and national security.

  45. I just received an email from one of the investment firms that I do business with and it was about 5G and how it is going to be the next big money maker of the year and that Amazon/Google and all of the other big companies have bought up millions of dollars of stocks in what they are calling crystal sand which is what they make the fiber optics out of for the 5G and that they are already in place and are already to be put on line and that these small towers are just the beginning they say everyone who wants 5G will have a small receiver in their home and that 5G will as you said run cities and direct traffic and drive cars and will be faster and quicker than anything we have ever seen before but they did not mention anything about health risks or risks to our world.It was all about getting in on the ground floor while I could and getting rich because this is going to be big. I chose not to and now as I am reading this I am glad that I did.

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