2 Minute Warning- January 11, 2018

This week’s featured stories: Government lifts ban on experimenting with deadly viruses (seems like a good idea). Flu vaccine is ineffective, but officials say- ‘take it anyway!‘ Gardasil approved based on faulty science. Who Knew? (We did) READ OUR STORY ON FDA’S HOMEOPATHY ATTACK EPA says glyphosate not a carcinogen, despite the evidence    

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Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Heart health benefits of coconut oil

  January 11, 2018 | By Dr. Stephen Sinatra I’m often asked if the health benefits of coconut oil are good for your heart, and my answer is a resounding yes. The ordinary coconut—known for its sweet milk, great fiber and ability to conk people on the heads in Marx Brothers movies—can do your heart good, and… Continue reading Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Heart health benefits of coconut oil

By ICIM Member John Ghuneim MD: Brain Sleep Deprivation’s Negative Impacts On The Human Body; How Sleep Restores The Brain

Humans cannot live without sleep and will suffer from some immediate backlash if they ignore the primal urge to shut their eyes. In a recent Ted-Ed lesson, neuroscientist Dr. Claudia Aguirre outlined the physical, mental, and emotional consequences that could emerge from sleep deprivation. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a day, while babies need at least… Continue reading By ICIM Member John Ghuneim MD: Brain Sleep Deprivation’s Negative Impacts On The Human Body; How Sleep Restores The Brain