Other Good Places to Find an Integrative Doctor

These are all reliable professional organizations with which ANH-USA works on a regular basis. Their websites include listings of individual physicians by geographic area.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM)
Don’t forget our regularly updated “Find an Integrative Practitioner” page. ANH-USA teamed up with the Integrative Medicine Consortium and other associations to provide you access to thousands of integrative providers.


  1. I’d love to see one of these doctors, but can’t. We are retired and our pension comes from Canada. We do have health insurance but these doctors don’t accept insurance. Then add the prices of the tests ie Cyrex arrays, no way we can afford them. I buy the various suppliments recommended and have been gluten free for a year. The change has been remarkable. I’ve tried to see and endocrinologist and I can’t. My new doctor says there isn’t any documentation to allow him to send me. I’ve had fibromyalgia for 40 years+. I am sure I’ve got Hashi’s and definitely adrenal problems. But no help available. People who are against universal medical care in the US, wake up and smell the coffee. It might take a bit longer to see a doctor, unless it’s an a emergency, in Canada but you will be seen. It’s not for profit medicine works. No I won’t go back there to live, my fibromyalgia is better down in the Fl warmth, but we couldn’t afford to live here had my husbands company union fought for their members to have drug coverage coverage anywhere in the world. My drug costs have been over $2200.00 per month for years! Since I’ve gone gluten free they’ve dropped to under $100.00. A testament to lots of research and Dr. T. O’Brien.

    1. Brenda, this is such great news that because of now consuming a gluten-free meal plan, you are much healthier and your costs have lessened dramatically! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing.

  2. I have contacted most of these sites, seeking a doctor in southeastern Virginia who provides chelation, and some who were listed as doing so, when I called them, they denied they even knew what I was talking about and how they got listed. If you can help me find such a provider, MD or otherwise properly licensed, please advise me.

  3. why is Dr. William Campbell Douglas II not on your list? The father of Alternative Health whom I have read since the 60’s.

  4. Hello,
    I have a comment that I’ve been wanting to make for a very long time to Natural Health. This seems like the appropriate time to make it. I know that Natural Health continually bashes Dietitians. However, there is a group of dietitians called Dietitians in Integrative and functional medicine that practice with same parameters as Jeffrey Bland, National Association of Nutrition Professionals, Dr. Mark Hyman and others that you have mentioned in your integrative docs article. They are a group of high functioning, intelligent, trained in Integrative medicine professionals who defiantly deserve to be mentioned in this list. I am disappointed that Natural Health, which offers up some excellent information is so black and white about there stance on dietitians. The dietitians in Integrative and functional medicine are an excellent resource for someone searching for a integrative nutrition professional. The website is http://www.integrativerd.com. Please include them in further lists of integrative health practioners.

    1. I’m so glad to hear about the dietitian group you have mentioned. I also bash the dietitians, for the same reason Alliance dose – they operate on a limited a flawed base of info. Glad to know there are some out there who have appropriate training – none work at the hospital I use, I can tell ya for sure!

    2. Thank you for bringing all of us up to date. This is very useful, and needs to be known. The distinction is very important and God Bless you for enlightening us. That word needs to be spread!

  5. Question: Where can I find more information on how to treat Lyme Disease? My young neighbor got bitten 20 years ago – she suffers terribly and can find no proper help. Our medical doctors do not know anything about it and cannot help her – it is shocking – thank you.

    1. See Dr. Richard Horowitz’s book about Lyme Disease… Available on Amazon.com… It’s the best resource available currently.

  6. For homeopathic MD’s, ND’s, Practitioners go to The National Center for Homeopathy.

  7. Just a not on the lists of integrative doctors. I live in the Oregon Outback. When I put my zip code in the search system, it keeps coming up with a lady doctor on some ranch in Hawaii. If she is the closest to me, I might as well give up. It is so hard to drive to Hawaii…

  8. I need an integrative medical provider in India. Do you have any in Mumbai, Vapi, or there abouts.

  9. I can’t find the page that has the listing of Integrative Doctors.
    I clicked a link and got this page with comments. but no list or a way
    to get the list.
    what is the website please.
    thank you.

  10. looking for a dr in my area of n j ,been online all day not too mention all week..no one really is easy to get in touch with..

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