Pesticides Definitively Linked to Bee Colony Collapse

Zombie-Bee-537x387Isn’t it time the EPA listened to the science and not the insecticide manufacturer?

Since 2006, up to 40% of the bee colonies in the US have suffered Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), in which honeybees die, disoriented, far from their hives. In 2010 we wrote about the disappearing honeybee and how this situation threatened much of our human food supply, including our vegetables and fruits, which must be pollinated by bees. Back then we noted that there have been very few reported bee losses among organic beekeepers, and suggested that the principal difference between them is the use of pesticides. We said at the time that this fact should lead anyone to the most logical conclusion: pesticides are likely responsible for CCD.

Now, a study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has labeled the pesticide clothianidin as being an “unacceptable” danger to bees. At least 143 million of the 442 million acres—that is, nearly one-third—of US cropland is planted with crops treated with one of three neuroactive insecticides related to nicotine (a newer class of pesticide called neonicotinoids), all of which are known to be highly toxic to bees: clothianidin, imidacloprid, and/or thiamethoxam.

Clothianidin, which is used to treat up to 90% of US corn, much of canola, and increasingly soy as well, expresses itself through the plants’ pollen and nectar—the honeybee’s favorite sources of food. In addition to finding clothianidin too dangerous to use on plants pollinated by bees, EFSA’s study specifically identifies the shoddy studies provided by pesticide manufacturer Bayer as evidence of clothianidin’s safety as “too flawed to be useful.” It was these studies that EPA used to first approve clothianidin in 2003, even against the objections of EPA’s own scientists.

Three years ago we reported about Bayer’s involvement in a material conflict of interest surrounding its pesticide studies. At the time, a study had decided that a fungus tag-teaming with a virus was killing the bees—but the study’s lead author, Montana bee researcher Dr. Jerry Bromenshenk, had originally signed up to be an expert witness on behalf of beekeepers who brought a class-action lawsuit against Bayer in 2003. He suddenly dropped out—and immediately received a significant research grant from Bayer to study bee pollination, which has continued in recent years. It should come as no surprise that Bayer pesticides were never mentioned in the study as a potential cause of CCD.

Now Bayer’s clothianidin has been linked to colony collapse in Minnesota and Ohio. And researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, who studied imidacloprid (which has identical results), believe bees are being exposed either through nectar from plants or the high-fructose corn syrup that beekeepers use to feed bees. The problem is that farmers are not left with much of a choice, as most of the available seeds are already coated with the pesticide: either you buy the seed, or you don’t grow corn.

Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency seems to be turning a blind eye to the situation. Even though they acknowledge that pesticides kill bees, they hurry to differentiate this from colony collapse disorder. And when listing possible causes of colony collapse, pesticides are conspicuously absent.

Are honeybees merely the canary in the coal mine? If pesticides that coat 90% of our corn are killing off bees, what is the impact of those same pesticides on humans?

It is extremely difficult to get accurate information when the biotechnology industry is aligned against you. For example, Beelogics, a company whose primary goal is to control colony collapse disorder, has just been bought by Monsanto. That means any research from Beelogics may now be compromised. Monsanto develops GMO corn and soybeans that develop their own pesticides. If these also contribute to colony collapse, we may never hear of it.

Even more frightening, government agencies always seem to side with industry. In Illinois, organic beekeeper Terry Ingram had accumulated fifteen years of research supporting his belief that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops cause CCD. But when he asked the Illinois Department of Agriculture to test one of his honeycombs for chemical contamination, since the bees wouldn’t touch it, the agency refused to test for chemicals but instead tested for foulbrood, a disease that affects bee larvae, and subsequently confiscated his bees, beehives, and equipment, and destroyed his fifteen years of research. Ingram calls it a subterfuge to destroy all incriminating evidence against Monsanto.

Colony collapse disorder is very dangerous because bees are an integral part of the ecosystem—roughly one-third of crop species in the US are pollinated exclusively by honeybees, including fresh vegetables and fruits. If bees die off, half of the world’s food supply will disappear. Forget about the billions of dollars in agricultural losses: if we lose the bees, we will have worldwide famine of unprecedented proportions.

On top of that, bees could hold the key to preventing HIV transmission. According to a study just published in the journal Antiviral Therapy, melittin, a toxin found in bee venom, physically destroys HIV virus without harming human cells. It’s a breakthrough that could potentially lead to drugs that are immune to HIV resistance. It could also be used for a topical anti-HIV gel, thus preventing transmission in the first place

The vital importance of the humble honeybee is just one more reason why we should abandon the industrial farming model in favor of organic farming. Dangerous pesticides and genetically engineered foods are not needed, and in the long run they are proving costly both to the economy and to human health.


  1. The worst insecticide? – Ethylenedibromide (EDB) – a carcinogenic insecticide banned by the FDA in 1984, yet a common ingredient in Chemtrail spraying since 1998.

    1. I think we should all get a list of Monsanto owned companies from the Institute for responsible technology, arm ourselves with non-GMO shopping guides, and BOYCOTT Monsanto at any and all opportunity, Plant clover or other insect resistant nectar rich crops that bees can visit, like that one woman who commented, and then educate everyone you can to stop buying Roundup and other Monsanto products. The list is enormous, but they don’t own everything yet. Plant non-GMO heirloom seed stocks, then be sure to save your own seeds, for Monsanto is also actively buying out all seed companies. It truly is Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius being brought to its planned conclusion and goal of eliminating all of the World’s population down to the 500,000 or so they think should get to live. They really are trying to kill us all. WAKE-UP, People. Please. God Bless us all.

  2. Please stop this exposure to the bees who are dying from this….We use so much honey not to mention their right to live a quaitiy life without our stupid chemicals destroying them and their homes

  3. For too long has industry been dictating what is safe, the honey bee and our crops are running out of time.

  4. If we don’t stop this madness , we will be our own worst enemy for human destruction ! Is there anybody with the money to fight these goons , or is it just a wait and see game ? People need to stand up and take a stance before it is too late !

  5. The people need to act. They need to inform buyers of the pesticide of the dangers. I have not in recent times seen our government look out for us.
    We have to find a way to take care of ourselves.

  6. At least we now know for sure on honeybees what is going on, now is the hard part, effecting meaningful change with our govt, and producers that are not free thinkers and just do what they are told without questioning it as well as consumers. There is a dairy farm by Shelby Ne that has a large herd of cattle 6000 plus animals and they are having difficuties with the cows becoming pregnant and most of the tests that have been done as to why are linked to roundup/glyphosphate contamination on the feed they are fed causing the cows to abort. Whats next Humans? As I see it the only way to effect change is for the everyday consumer to vote with their feet and only buy organic food. however i think not all food marked as organic may be organic.

  7. For the sake of reason, understand that NO BEES = NO LIFE on EARTH! Protect the bees, please.

  8. What else can expect. The head of the EPA is an obama appointee just like the head of the FDA is.

  9. This article is sloppily written!
    It makes it look like corn and soy are pollinated by bees when in fact these crops are self pollinators. So that part about pollen and nectar being the bees’ favorite food when talking about corn isn’t correct. Please clarify this article so that the likes of Bayer can’t shoot holes in the argument and accuse you if fear mongering.
    This is too important to to get wrong.

  10. A beekeeper I know says when he hires his hives out to farmers with insecticide laden crops, they come back sick, and it takes great effort to reestablish his colonies. He won’t say anything because he is afraid of law suits from you know who.

  11. What can we do? I’ve stopped buying their products….what other recourse for the laymen out here?

    1. Do what you can to destroy the reputation and political leverage of those that perpetuate such policy. The only other alternative would land you in Guantanamo.

  12. First comes the demise of the bees and frogs and then the destructive pattern moves up the food chain until we are affected. Think of your own families and the horrible impact this will have on present and future generations. Stop putting fast gain profit ahead of sensible, responsible policies that sustain life.

  13. How can anyone not understand this? While it is clear that each living creature and each living plant is necessary to the balance of our environment and therefore our lives, the bee and its activities has a far-reaching effect on every aspect of our lives and are responsible for the foods we eat. They must be protected! Now! Without fail!

  14. I myself have thought about starting Bee Hives, since through out the past few years, bees are gone. But why would I do that when there are Pesticides still out there that you will not Ban. Govt. has become too big and only favors the wealthy and corporate, which in the near future will wreck our Mother Earth and then Money will mean nothing. Have you ever watched Earth without People, soon.

  15. I BELIEVE THAT MONSANTO SHOULD HAVE TO BEAR THE TOTAL COSTS OF THIS DISASTER. THEY NEED TO PAY ALL OF THE FAMERS AND OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST HONEY BEES IN THE PAST 10 Years. But I also beleive that the FDA is in the pocklets of Monsanto and would never do this to their main benefactor, even if it means killing off all the bees in this nation and other nations. Monsanto has casued to much damage thoughout this world and are not being held to answer for it.

    1. Good idea! Now, Monsanto must be fined and compelled to admit wrongdoing. It will be the beginning of the end for them. Also, we need champion bee-keepers to help us all restore the pollinators.

  16. I know that the bee population is dying…but i hope it is reversable as well…of course deadly pestesides are the problem…why? because they are indiscriminant, odd that we are ok with that kind of discriminazation

  17. I knew this right from the beginning and pesticides dangerous pesticides should be replaced by natural and harmless pesticides. Again, The EPA and FDA should be shut down as corrupt agencies with one foot in each camp and replaced by agencies who have the Public and Environment interest at heart.

  18. I am so saddened right now after reading this and other testiments to our corrupted government. How greedy can these ‘big business’ people be? Dont they care about their children and grandchildren?The future of us? I have been eating organically for years and grow organically but it is spring and I only saw 6 honeybees on my rosemary plants today which have never been sprayed nor has my yard. I will continue to be a verbal crusader for organically grown produce and meats, and fish. Please Government, stop the Insanity. it is hastening our demise.Promoter for organically grown and GMO free foods

  19. So when the honeybee is obsolete , can Gmo’s survive???? I sincerely hope not…

    1. Unfortunately, Monsanto can survive longer than bees because it is a tool of the criminal oligarchy. By the time species extinction gets around to the CO, we’ll all be long gone.

  20. May I propose another possible, if not probable cause for CCD of our friendly little pollinators, the honey bee? When some new malady afflicts any of our living creatures on Planet Earth, take a look at what changed before the malady strikes.
    In this case, I believe that a little digging will reveal that CCD became noticeable a few years after Monsanto’s GMO seeds hit the fields. In view of the published results of India’s and France’s studies of the GMO produce being fed to study subjects to study their effect on living creatures – both studies found nothing desirable and much harmful to their little critters. If produce grown from Monsanto’s GMO seeds are so toxic to the study subjects, would not the pollen from the plants itself also be toxic and very possibly what is killing our friendly little pollinators?
    Last year my lawn looked like I had planted clover instead of grass seeds, but amazingly I noticed that I was seeing more honeybees than I had seen in years. Looks like I am headed for another year of a lawn of clover, and if so it won’t get mowed until after the clover has bloomed and my little bees have feasted. Also thinking of going to co-op for more clover seeds of all heritage clover varieties and spreading all over my few acres. If the above is the problem, providing more healthful food for the bees is the way to fight Monsanto and their GMO seeds and promote a healthier planet for all.
    Please join me, because one article I read, quoted one alarmed scientist who extrapolated that if
    our honeybees suffer extintion, mankind will follow them within 4 years of their demise.

  21. We need to save bees no matter how but do the right thing & ban these pesticides- your not only killing bees your poisoning people and animals & disrupting our water !!!!!!!

  22. Its truly blows me away how backwards it is that the healthy things that we feel are best for us and our bodies, the FDA or Congress or Obama vote against, or sabatoge. I was shocked to hear a raw milk farm was attacked and shut down… cuz the government supplements milk in our school systems, gets a kickback or whatever… when we shouldn’t even be drinking that white puss filled drink that no other mammal on the planet drinks after its been weened from their mother except us….. The pharmaceutical commercials make me ill… Ridic. all the side effects…. how can anyone really take that stuff… There are so many other choice… So the people that vote for Montsanto, must be pd off pretty heftily and who is paying the price? Weird.

    1. Hello and greetings
      All this stuff gives me flashbacks of watching a movie called Soylent Green in which humans were given a sort of fantasy Holideck experience like on star trek and where then killed and turned into food Soylent Green. Over 200 million killed in wars in the last century. Leadership where? It is an outrage and I don’t see how we can stop it.

  23. I live in Riverside CA, retired and been noticing honey bees recently, on my roof not a bunch but a few of 4 or 5 some times more, and in my back yard not flying around like they should be doing, but walking and some not moving. I have a garden, fruit trees, flowers and they pollinate my yard. How every I do not have an answer for this awkward behavior. At first I thought maybe they are old bees that die, then I thought maybe the killer bees attack them. As young individual growing up in California I always say honey bees flying from flower to flower and never walking around or dead on the floor. After reading this information about Pesticides Definitively Linked to Bee Colony Collapse I am starting to realize if we as humans do not do some thing soon, they will be gone just like the dinosaurs’. Then we as individuals will follow, without pollination nothing grows.
    We pay Washington law maker big bucks, they need to do some constructive work and get rid of the Monsanto’s , so we as humans don’t perish.

  24. I live in Riverside CA, retired and have been noticing honey bees recently; on my roof, not a bunch but a few of 4 or 5, sometimes more, and in my back yard not flying around like they should be doing, but walking and some not moving at all. I have a garden, fruit trees, flowers and they pollinate my yard. However I do not have an answer for this awkward behavior. At first I thought maybe they were old bees that were dying, then I thought maybe the killer bees attacked them. As a youth growing up in California I always saw honey bees flying from flower to flower. After reading this information about Pesticides Definitively Linked to Bee Colony Collapse I am starting to realize if we as humans do not do something soon, they will be gone just like the dinosaurs’. Then we as individuals will follow, as without pollination nothing grows.
    We pay Washington law maker big bucks, they need to do some constructive work and get rid of the Monsanto Company, so we as humans don’t perish.

    1. Well if it comes to a choice between Monsanto and DC, DC will be changed and Monsanto will remain the same. Monsanto is implementing the UN Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda. Both political parties are fully on board with the depopulation agenda. DC will not stop Monsanto. We have decades of evidence of DC ENABLING Monsanto in their various depopulation methods.

    2. Monsanto is represented I believe by former of counsel employees , Donald Rumsfeld and Hillary Clinton, imagine that!!

  25. This is our own fault, blaming the industries is the easiest way. We all together the mass, are the people who buy their poisons. The farmers who produce for us, the people who have gardens and don’t want insects on their fruits. We who want to buy fruits without any spot from an insect or animal. We are crazy, we eat something because it LOOKS good, but we don’t care if its poisoned as long as it looks good. We close our eyes and think that problems will be solved by others and that science will find a solution. As long Is I don’t start changing and You don’t start change, bees will die and be poisoned. And so are we. I am responsible, you are responsible. When we all wake up and put out our mind poisoning Televisions and computers, and go and think for ourselves again, and open our eyes and see that whats happening, maybe we can change something, each drop is one, each person is one, start today!!!

    1. Greetings,
      Excellent Post. I can remember having worms on ears of corn and that was absolutely normal no wild reaction or oh my goodness the corn has worms. Solution wash worms off and boil then butter and salt to taste! Blueberries also have small worms no big deal they die when you eat them. The problem is that too many now seem to think government is benevolent and concerned about its citizenry and that we both know is way off the mark. One at a time we can win and it can happen really quick if we commit to each other as Citizens of our USA and vote the scum out of our government.

  26. Leave the bees alone! Pesticides are obviously killing them! Stop using pesticides!

  27. Once Monsanto kills all of the bees there will be no pollinization and therefore no plant life, If we allow them to continue we are doomed to a painful death in a short time. They have to be stopped.

  28. Here is an essential oil study at Univ. of Nebraska, investigating which of 7 essential oils was least toxic to honeybees while being most toxic to hive-invading mites. Lavender oil is seen as one of the better choices, though there are several others, see here:
    I also read somewhere that Monsanto was killing off the bees deliberately because they want to breed genetic superbees. Follow the money…couldn’t find the link, sorry. If someone else has good info about this, please post! The more exposees, the better.

  29. Many toxins kill bees and the unimaginable, unmentionable geoengineering or weather modification chemicals killing the planet are also killing all life, including the little bees. I live in a wilderness area with only organic cow farms within miles and miles. My bees were dead on my meadowsweet. Didn’t even make it off the flower. I use nothing for herbicides or pesticides. I border a TNC. Stopping the jets will play a big part in saving the bees and all life.

    1. I believe that you are correct! Pesticides are no good, but also they are indeed spraying chemicals over the land and I am sure that is having an effect on everything, including humans! Look into it further everyone, and contact your representatives to get this stopped. We are being poisoned by whom? NWO?
      We all used to laugh at the thought of “chem trails”. Well they are real.

  30. We all ready have a food supply that offers nothing in regards to natural proteins,vitamins and nutrients. Not long earth will have an abundance of food that no one can eat and will be full of poison along with animals loaded with steriods, antibiotics, and superbugs.
    Looking at that picture of the bee made me cry -poor little thing just wanting to do what the good Lord intended for him to do and mankind in his infinite wisdom is destroying the bees and himself.
    I converted my home garden to organic and natural practices. No pesticides or fertilizers. Worms came back along with bees. It is simple to do and healthier products are the result.

  31. Be the change you want to see. Vote the old politicians out & contact the ones in office. Stop using poisons, get back to less toxic cleaners,use companion planting in your gardens, buy organic as much as you can, stop buying processed foods with all the additives, conseve energy, resources. Buy less stuff. You get the gist. There is power in numbers.

  32. Linked here is a study in which essential oils were used to fumigate beehives for mites which infest the hives. The various essential oils were compared for their effectiveness against mites, while at the same time assessing which impacted the bees on a toxic level, and which ones did not. It would seem that lavender oil and oils containing limonene, are most helpful. Read more here (and you can google the essential oils to find out which plants contain them ,t his can inform our garden planting patterns)

  33. Hello
    Neo-nicotinoids are NOT to blame for the honeybee demise!
    How can people be so blinkered to think that pesticides are too blame for the demise of honeybee when `an opinion` of one scientist created an assumption to what is happening in lab conditions.
    This is not what is happening in the field. Field test were in-conclusive, strange how this side of the test is not widely distributed through the media or to use common sense or logic.
    If it was pesticides then it would be localised to colonies within a 2 mile radius of the pesticides rather than widespread across the country.
    This is not widely known, when tests were done on the pollen taken from a beehive, near to pesticides, only a millionth of a millionth was found on a pollen grain, so it is not as serious as the media are making out.
    One other consideration;
    France banned due to public pressure, neo-nicotinoids in 2008, and yet the honeybee demise continues, not much is heard from France any more, I wonder why.
    We do need chemicals to feed the increasing 7 billion population. Neo-nic`s were the safest to be used in many a year as it affected only the pests that affected the plant now due to a ban we can expect aerial sprays that will do more damage to the environment. Well done do-gooder`s!
    One person`s opinion that became an assumption is now allegedly fact.
    I cannot understand why the honeybee politics do not stand up and be counted in saying `pesticides are not the reason for the honeybee demise`. The media and the public are like sheep, again, it is so frustrating, one article in the Guardian and everyone becomes an expert.
    The parasitic mite varroa is the only reason for the honeybee demise across continents.
    I have spent over 20 years confirming a natural answer that allows honeybees to control varroa.
    By the way Einstein did not say that famous quote however it is still relevant.
    If you would like a personal interview please let me know as I have found the real reason why honeybees are dying.
    John Harding
    [email protected]

    1. Then why has the UK and the rest of Europe banned genetically modified seeds for the next two years?

      1. Someone needs to buy Monsanto out and shut em down…Soros and other benevolent philanthropist need to pool their money and shur these efferrs down once and for all!

  34. Hello All
    I am a professional bekeeper in the UK for over 30 years.
    Neo-nicotinoids are NOT to blame for the honeybee demise!
    How can people be so blinkered to think that pesticides are too blame for the demise of honeybee when `an opinion` of one scientist created an assumption to what is happening in the wild from laboratary conditions.
    This is not what is happening in the field. Field test were in-conclusive, strange how this side of the test is not widely distributed through the media or to use common sense or logic.
    If it was pesticides then it would be localised to colonies within a 2 mile radius of the pesticides rather than widespread across the country.
    This is not widely known, when tests were done on the pollen taken from a beehive, near to pesticides, only a millionth of a millionth was found on a pollen grain, so it is not as serious as the media are making out.
    One other consideration;
    France banned due to public pressure, neo-nicotinoids in 2008, and yet the honeybee demise continues, not much is heard from France any more, I wonder why.
    We do need chemicals to feed the increasing 7 billion population. Neo-nic`s were the safest to be used in many a year as it affected only the pests that affected the plant now due to a ban we can expect aerial sprays that will do more damage to the environment. Well done do-gooder`s!
    One person`s opinion that became an assumption is now allegedly fact.
    I cannot understand why the honeybee politics do not stand up and be counted in saying `pesticides are not the reason for the honeybee demise`. The media and the public are like sheep, again, it is so frustrating, one article in the Guardian or any blog and everyone becomes an expert.
    I have experimented and research for the actual reason that honeybees are dying, this is now conclusive, my honeybees are NOT dying.
    If you would like a personal interview please let me know as I have found the real reason why honeybees are dying.
    John Harding

    1. It’s amazing how even a beekeeper will stand up for pesticide use, especially when he is suppose to be looking out for the bees, which by the way, are insects. You don’t have to be a scientist, just have some common sense, to conclude that if you keep subjecting bees to any kind of pesticide, sprayed or not, through the plants they pollinate, eventually bees will die, just like the insects you are targeting in the first place are killed. Just because your bees aren’t dying, give it time. The neo-nicotinoids not only build up in the bees system over time, but cause the bees to become confused and loose their way back to the hive. Just as a human body is affected in very negative ways when subjected to small amounts of poison over a long period of time, what makes you think that a bee isn’t???
      J. Kulpa

    2. Monsanto plant…their PR company hires these to blanket the internet with propaganda and lies.

  35. We have a newly established colony of bees this year. Our 2 acres has been pesticide free for many years and we plant non gmo garden crops. This spring we noticed hundreds of bees on our flowering shrubs. They eventually moved into the garden area when the plantings there were flowering. This is the best year for gardening that I can remember. The answer seems to be – no pesticides, natural compost, lots of bee attracting shrubs, and seeds that are organic heirloom. I will have to identify the shrubs that brought the bees to our property. We had many fruit trees in bloom at the same time but the bees were attracted to the shrubs and not the fruit trees.

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