True Food Safety (Updated Action Alert)

The CDC estimates that one in four Americans become ill each year from foodborne illnesses. The current Food Safety bills will not make this better—they will almost certainly make it worse. We want to share the rest of our strategy with you.

“We are the Experiment”: Greater than 9 in 10 Canadians found to carry Bisphenol A as well as 90% of Americans and Europeans

The first national survey about bisphenol A (BPA) conducted by Statistics Canada has revealed that 91% of Canadians have a body burden of this chemical known to have hormone-like effects. Click here to read in further detail What does not mean? Honestly, no one knows because “we are the experiment.”

FDA Tiptoes Around BPA

The FDA’s failure to protect newborns and the unborn from BPA recalls the old joke “How many deaths does it take for the FDA to remove a drug from the market?” The answer (not all funny): all too many.

FDA Misses Own Deadline

Over the past year, Pulse of Health Freedom has focused on safety concerns regarding bisphenol A (BPA) and the FDA’s puzzling about-face on this issue. In February 2009 the American Association for Health Freedom filed a petition with the FDA, asking that it rule on the practice of giving children BPA in the form of dental sealants and composite fillings. But according to the Journal Sentinel, the FDA requested more time so its scientists could consider hundreds of new studies on the effects of this chemical.