A brand new bill has just been introduced in the Senate. It’s supposed to hold accountable those who taint our food supply on purpose. But as drafted, it actually gives license to the FDA to target supplement and natural health product companies. Please take action today!
This new bill is on top of the House and Senate Food Safety bills that we have been updating you about for some time. Please keep in mind the truth about all these bills: there are already laws on the books to ensure the safety of our food; all we need is for those laws to be properly enforced. Instead, for the past two years, lawmakers have been trying to “beef up” current rules. The main vehicle for this effort has been something called the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, or FSEA.
- The House version of this bill, H.R. 2749, passed at the end of July 2009. ANH–USA has especially opposed that bill. It is a travesty. It would not only impose draconian new penalties, including long jail terms, on both food and supplement producers who even inadvertently fail to follow FDA bookkeeping rules to the letter, a provision clearly intended for use in intimidating small producers. It also places undue economic hardship on small and mid-sized farms and food facilities (both organic and conventional), which could easily drive many of them out of business and lead to monopoly control of food by large corporations.
- The Senate version of that bill, S. 510, introduced in March 2009, was passed out of committee, but an agreement has not been reached to bring it to the floor of the Senate for a vote. See our article “True Food Safety” in this issue for more information on how you can help.
- Now comes the “Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010” (S. 3767), introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D–VT). This new Senate bill appears to use language similar to the language found in the dreadful House bill. It increases criminal penalties to ten years’ imprisonment for any person who knowingly introduces or delivers for introduction into interstate commerce any food that is adulterated or misbranded, or for any person to adulterate or misbrand any food in interstate commerce.
Because the terms “misbrand” and “adulterate” are very broadly defined, such a law would, for example, hold companies liable if even one of the supplements they carry cites peer-reviewed science about the benefits of the supplement. The same goes for even minor record-keeping violations—the law would say the company had “knowingly introduced a product into interstate commerce” when they offered it for sale, even if they didn’t know there were record-keeping mistakes associated with the supplement (even if the product were completely safe).
Here’s the crazy part: this bill would not necessarily hold accountable a company that tainted a product, even on purpose, if this type of adulteration occurred before the product was sold by a distributor!
The FDA has a long history of targeting natural health product companies under false pretenses. This is what happened to a group of cherry producers that cited Harvard research about the benefits of cherries on their website. The FDA forced them to sign a consent decree so burdensome that it almost put them out of business. With the bigger threat of increased criminal penalties, FDA would practically have free rein.
This new food safety accountability bill has been referred to Sen. Leahy’s Judiciary Committee. This means he could easily fast-track the bill in an attempt to get it on the Senate floor alongside the original food safety bill, which is expected to be voted on before Congress adjourns this year.
The Senate’s version of the food safety bill does not contain a criminal sanctions provision like the one in the House bill. ANH-USA has also been told by several key Senators that they would not allow this negative criminal provision into the Senate food safety bill, or into a final bill during the conference process, should the Senate bill pass. Knowing this, we suspect that this new Food Safety Accountability Act has been introduced in coordination with Congressman Henry Waxman (D–CA), who supports the House criminal sanctions language. If the original Senate food safety bill and this new Food Safety Accountability Act both pass, the two can easily be merged with the House bill during the conference process—and we will basically end up with the dreadful House bill.
Just as Sen. John McCain (R–AZ) may not have understood the implications of his own bill when he introduced it—the Dietary Supplement Safety Act, which threatened continued access to supplements—we wonder whether Sen. Leahy understands that his Food Safety Accountability Act threatens to give the FDA an even bigger hammer with which to go after supplement and natural health food companies. We need your help to educate him NOW! Please contact your senators and ask them to oppose Sen. Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010.
TO SEND YOUR MESSAGE TO YOUR SENATORS Click this link to go to the Action Alert page. Once there, fill out the form with your name and address, etc., and customize your letter. We have a suggested message for you, but please feel free to add your own comments to the letter. |
Stop messing around with our food source. If you can’t stop “modifying it” leave it alone.
Please do not put more red tape on our supplement companies. Spend your time testing the products of Monsanto etc that are a REAL threat to human and food safety
thank you for all your hard work! It is so frustrating that they keep trying to take away our ability to help ourselves with our own health. Maybe I missed it, but what about the issue with the genetically modified salmon. Any hope to stop that one from FDA approval?
FDA= leave our health supplements and organic food alone! When willl you stop being a corrupt organization??
We need to target the food processing plants not our supplement industry. People want the right to choose what supplements they take without government intervention and restrictions. Americans want the right to choose. They need to go after the drug companies that kill thousands of people every year, not the supplement industry!!!
Leave supplements alone. Period.
I prefer Natural methods of healing and developing my health to optimum function. When you try to pass laws that prevent my access to supplements and holistic healing information..you are stomping on my right of access to my own solutions and enhancement the way I understand it to be most healthy. And it appears that you are fighting for the mainstream medical corporations who would prefer Americans be ignorant of the cheap and easy healthful benefits of natural remedies.
You need to protect MY RIGHT to choose my own method and you need NOT to put the greedy motives of corporations before the needs of citizens.
We see that everyday, in every area. If you mess with the companies who are providing these herbal remedies and information, the doctors and whole health proponets, the scientists who support and promote this information, you are corrupting yourself and promoting the idea that we are separated from nature. We are not. Nature is here for us in healthy living. Don’t force your limited belief or corrupt thinking on my family.
After reading this bill makes me want to oppose any politician who supports this regardless of party. I am glad that Sen. Leahy does not live if California because I will try to do everything I can to run him out of state. We need to find out which politicians are taking money from the pharmaceutical companies and expose them for having a conflict-of-interest and should excuse themselves for introducing and voting on anything involving natural health issues.
I know that Congress is letting Big Pharma off the hook. Their drugs kill at least 100,000 people when prescription drugs are correctly used. Give them all of the info about the Pharmaceutical Industry if they don’t have it already. If, they don’t does the right thing expose them for being bought and paid for by Big Pharma and run an aggressive campaign to run them out of office for good?
Finally, it seems to me that Congress don’t mind letting Big Pharma kill thousands of American regardless if they use their poison indirectly or directly.
Make sure that Congress receives this email especially the key members involved.
Sincerely Yours
Have them read this from the Herbs Place
© 1998-2010 All rights reserved — TheHerbsPlace.com is owned and operated by Sunshine Life Center, Inc.
What are herbs? Herbs are the highest quality food known to man containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements in natural balance and harmony. Herbal remedies have been successfully used for thousands of years around the world.
Why use herbs? It is our belief that our Creator put herbs upon the earth to maintain and restore our health. We believe herbs get to the root cause of health problems and rebuild health, rather than just treating the symptom.
Aren’t herbs dangerous? Consider these results of a study by the Poison Control Centers (1983-1992).
Number of Deaths per Year:
Prescription Drugs: 90,000-110,000
Food-borne Illness: 9,000
Over-the-Counter Drugs: 320
Food Supplements: 3
Herbs: 0
Are there bad side affects using herbs? Yes, depending on which herb and the state of your present health at the time. That is why it’s important to consult a qualified health practitioner or search the internet for interactions if you aren’t used to using herbs. Also, some people experience a cleansing action on the body when first using herbs (such as nausea, diarrhea, aches, etc.). It is this detoxifying process that helps to bring the body into a state of health.
Do I treat herbs like drugs? Herbs are food, not drugs, so herbs can be taken with no harmful side effects. Mixing herbs has fewer side effects than eating different foods together. Therefore, you can sensibly take all the herbs you want for greater health benefits. It is preferable to take herbs at different times than chemical drugs, since some drugs can destroy the benefits.
How many herbs should I take and for how long? “When using a new herb, begin with the recommended dosage and observe how your body reacts to it. If you do not receive the desired results, increase or decrease the dosage accordingly. When herbs are used for restoring health, dosages may need to be increased greater than the label dosage suggestion. Depending on the ailment and the severity of it, approximately three months of sustained higher dosage is usually required before the body is repaired. Sometimes it takes a full year for reparation to occur. Natural health consultants teach that it takes one month for every year of illness for the person to rebuild the body.
How soon should I get results? It’s impossible to give a set answer. There are many factors involved. The severity of the problem, the person’s assimilation and digestive system, the number of herbs taken, and the particular problem. However, some problems like constipation and blood sugar imbalance will usually get results within a day or two , while someone with more serious problems may not feel any difference for weeks.
Can I quit taking my chemical drugs? “Herbs are a slow, safe, cure.” Don’t ever quit taking drugs you’re dependent on. Many people have had their doctors gradually decrease drug dosage and frequency with the use of herbs.
When is the best time to take herbs? Since herbs are food, you can take them whenever you want. Most people will take them three times a day, usually before meals so the water won’t dilute digestive juices. Others on a busy schedule will take them first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Some people who take their herbs after meals will experience burping. Herbs for insomnia and cleansing are mostly taken at night. Appetite depressants and blood sugar balancers are best taken 15 to 30 minutes before the problem usually occurs.
What happens if I take too much of a particular herb? If you follow the recommended amounts on the label you should be alright. Most times taking too much of an herb the body will eliminate the offending substance by purging the bowels or purging the stomach.
Don’t forget the importance of proper foods. Drink plenty of water to hydrate the herbs and support the body’s cleansing and building processes (we use at least a 1/2 gallon per day).
Thank you!!
Please continue the fight!
If a bill has been introduced by Congressman Waxman, that should be an automatic veto for any thinking congressman, as Waxman always has a nefarious agenda for anything he introduces. As for McCain not understanding the implication of a bill, that is par for most congressmen who vote whatever the party whip tells them to do. It is simply disgusting and perhaps criminal the way the congress proceeds. There are only a handfull of conscientious members and they are marginalized by both parties.
Educate Leahy? Impossible!
“Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010” (S. 3767), introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D–VT). ”
Are we to believe this idiot actually “wrote” this act? Who is actually behind all this insanity, Big Pharma,? Who else would benefit by stopping, banning, prohibiting, the consumption of supplements and beneficial teas? These people need the light of day blazed down upon them. Then run out of the country.
I refuse to believe McCain wrote that piece of garbage he introduced. The man is a disgrace.
I believe they know exactly what they are doing with this insanity. Big Pharma is angry about “lost” revenues over people who don’t need their swill to stay healthy. Supplements are not patentable and that is why the greedy, control and power freaks are pushing these bills.
The intent is to destroy: competition, consumers, business, etc.
Follow the money trail.
Leave our Food and Supplements along. FDA can’t even perform their current functions correctly.
What are they thinking? Mid-term elections are this year and the Internet is a perfect way to spread the word on those candidates that are working AGAINST the people. Sometimes it pays to follow the money — sometimes one hand holding a million dollars is not as valuable as a million hands in a million voting booths.
A brand new bill has just been introduced in the Senate. It’s supposed to hold accountable those who taint our food supply on purpose. But as drafted, it actually gives license to the FDA to target supplement and natural health product companies.
Because the terms “misbrand” and “adulterate” are very broadly defined, such a law would, for example, hold companies liable if even one of the supplements they carry cites peer-reviewed science about the benefits of the supplement. The same goes for even minor record-keeping violations—the law would say the company had “knowingly introduced a product into interstate commerce” when they offered it for sale, even if they didn’t know there were record-keeping mistakes associated with the supplement (even if the product were completely safe).
Here’s the crazy part: this bill would not necessarily hold accountable a company that tainted a product, even on purpose, if this type of adulteration occurred before the product was sold by a distributor!
The FDA has a long history of targeting natural health product companies under false pretenses. This is what happened to a group of cherry producers that cited Harvard research about the benefits of cherries on their website. The FDA forced them to sign a consent decree so burdensome that it almost put them out of business. With the bigger threat of increased criminal penalties, FDA would practically have free rein.
This new food safety accountability bill has been referred to Sen. Leahy’s Judiciary Committee. This means he could easily fast-track the bill in an attempt to get it on the Senate floor alongside the original food safety bill, which is expected to be voted on before Congress adjourns this year.
The Senate’s version of the food safety bill does not contain a criminal sanctions provision like the one in the House bill. ANH-USA has also been told by several key Senators that they would not allow this negative criminal provision into the Senate food safety bill, or into a final bill during the conference process, should the Senate bill pass. Knowing this, we suspect that this new Food Safety Accountability Act has been introduced in coordination with Congressman Henry Waxman (D–CA), who supports the House criminal sanctions language. If the original Senate food safety bill and this new Food Safety Accountability Act both pass, the two can easily be merged with the House bill during the conference process—and we will basically end up with the dreadful House bill.
Just as Sen. John McCain (R–AZ) may not have understood the implications of his own bill when he introduced it—the Dietary Supplement Safety Act, which threatened continued access to supplements—we wonder whether Sen. Leahy understands that his Food Safety Accountability Act threatens to give the FDA an even big hammer with which to go after supplement and natural health food companies. We need your help to educate him NOW! Please oppose Sen. Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010.
Every time I read anything like this, I worry about the future of my access to affordable supplements. I depend on a wide range of supplements to maintain my health, and so far I am doing very well for somebody almost 69. I have almost none of the problems associated with aging, except that I have to slow down and I do have “senior moments.”
In any case, I DO NOT WANT TO END UP IN A NURSING HOME!!! If my food supplements are taken away, I probably run that risk. Let’s all keep fighting!
Everything is getting so ludicrous. I’m beginning to hate our government and the way it works. It’s all so onesided. Everything in favor of big business and corps. We the people seem to allways be the losers. Greed, money, profits! That’s all it comes down to.
There is really not too much “pure” food left for us to eat. Renegade GMO seeds have been blown around into the few organic farms and they have been contaminated by the GMO seeds.
All the prescription addicts are considered ignorant and have no idea what they are doing to their bodies,and continue to eat GMO foods.
Intelligent people have the power of knowledge and are very aware of the need for suppliments,minerals and vitamins.
If the FDA continues to approve all chemical,additives and synthetics in our water, foods and drugs there will be no more americans left and the government will have no ability to receive future paychecks because the people will be too sick to work.
No man is an island,and the same for big government.
Vote against Senator Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010.
Oppose Sen. Leaky’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010. The FDA is too powerful, and their decisions are not always in our best interest. Sincerely yours, Wanda
As Reagan so often said ‘ here we go again’ Open your eyes! You are being watched, don’t count us out. Freedom my ass
No more Big Government !
It’s ashame that everytime we try to make our food and produce safer, the FDA finds away to target the supplementation and vitamin industry. It’s as if they have a hidden agenda to help big business and/or Big Pharma. Hopefully, that’s not the case. But, they never seem to get to the heart of the matter when it comes to cleaning up tainted food and produce.
Please stop the passing of deceitful bills, legislation and acts that strip us of our rights as American citizens. Stop allowing the FDA to dictate what we can and cannot have, under the guise of protection! We do deserve protection, protectio from ad campaigns and labels that tell us lies or omit the truth, protection from deceit, protection from greed, protection from increased taxation, and protection from forged research. We do NOT need to be stripped of our freedom to alternative health, our freedom to eat non-GMO food, our freedom to eat organically farmed produce, our freedom to decline vaccinations, and our freedom to treat our bodies as we see fit.
This wonderful country was founded on FREEDOMS, freedom from an over-assuming ruling class of monarchs and churches. Today we are slowly losing our freedoms again, to a new aristocracy, the ruling, rich, who are as assuming and imposing as our European ancestors!
Please, we vote you into office to protect us, not to assume that gives you the right to rule us.
Thank you for becoming conscious and caring governors, congressmen and women, and senators… May God bless you with mercy, tolerance and justice for all.
Sen. Leahy must have constituents who have organic farms that might be hurt by his own legislation. Vt is a cutting edge place.
The letter I sent to both senators
Dear Senators,
What are you thinking ? A yes vote for either S510 or S3767 I would consider an act of treason against the American people. The people of this county are making it clear they want organic food and supplements.These bills along with HR2749 attack both as well as our rights as free people to make our own choices.Why are these food control bills making it even to the voting stage ? What is so wrong with our system now ? What is wrong with the congress and senate to even consider these bills ? Is there a person in congress or the senate that will vote for what the people want or are they only going to vote for what they want. How is that a representative government?I have called your offices in the past and each time I have asked for a call back so I could explain my position. This time I would like a call back (your phone #)
PS please read the bill before calling .
John Doe
All I can say, thanks for being there and keeping a watch on this important matter. We would not even know about it, until it is too late and out of our hands. Our lives depend on some of the supplements. So many prescription drugs are making us sick or kill us. The AARP reported that a 1999 report by the Institute of medicine showed that 100,000 death’s occur in the United States each year as a result of health care harm. This coupled with a report from CDC report that an additional 99,000poeple die anually from hospital-aquired infection is in fact the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. I personally know 3 people who died of hospital-aquired infections in the last 2 years. Why do “they” do not anything about these incidents?
this link to share does NOT put this article up… it links to yor website. People are jot goping to follow this link and take action unless it identifies the story. I’ll post the story, not a link to your webiste.
This is important, please make it easy to get the story ouT!!
Please do not pass this. Thanks.
Thanks for being there! I think it will take something dramatic to get this message out. In the 60’s we called it “guerrilla theater.” Be imaginative, call comedic actors. Scathing ridicule and satire are called for at this time. Back to Orwell’s 1984! Jon
This law is unnecessary and potentially dangerous to our freedom to make our own choices about our health.
Food safety must be held to the highest standards.
Lloyd Downs
Please don’t do this to us.
Here we go again…..the answer is no one more time.
I do not want my food supplements regulated……e ver!
Not only is this an attack on our health – which is a daily battle; but it is the most ruthless attack on small and mid-sized farms and businesses – to put them out of business and possibly even render the owners even homeless. It is also an attack on jobs. We don’t need people being deliberately made to lose their jobs, even their homes! People who make these laws identify only with wealthy and powerful people. Not the little people.
for every good rule ten bad rules follow. why? how is that what is fed to a nation of people has been dictated by the few whose only true interest is their wallets? food safety requires integrity of a product. care and consideration is lost in mass production and inhumane environments. disease and all of these sidebar ailments are just a symptom of a system gone out of control. if the FDA really acted in the best interest of the citizens of our country no man woman or child would go hungry or be fed foods that are known to lack nutritional value, that encourage obesity, and that rely on the medical profession to give pills to cure the ills caused by the poisons that the FDA has allowed to put into foods, it is time for an updateed FDA that Can actively be held accountable to the regulations they have instituted in the name of health and well being.
If this is just a way for the FDA to control Supplements, please do not pass the bill. My supplements already cost too much.
When are you d**n meddling politicians going to back off and return this
country to the people. We are fed up with all of you especially obama,
pelosi & reid who are doing their best to destroy our country.
The good people in this great land of ours will only put up with so much
oppression & abuse so get us back on the right track before it is too late.
I sent the message but added that the laws being put in front of the senate and house would limit my freedom of choice to the FDA freedom of choice of BIG Corporate Farms and Big Pharma.
I took action as you have requested. I hate to be the barer of bad news though but humanity is going to come close to annihilating all life off the face of the earth and then Jesus will return with power and with glory to rid the world of corrupt governments and false religions. Our drinking water is being contaminated, Our food is being rendered nutritionless garbage not fit to eat and medical care is a joke. But don’t believe me. Believe the God of your bible.
What is going on with these people?! I say vote them all out! They aren’t happy unless they can take all our freedom away! They are suppos to be protecting us from the idiots who allowed us to buy and eat eggs with salmonella and yet they try to take our herbs and vitamins away? What a bunch of bad, evil people.
Just as your article states, these bills are to target small businesses hopefully to drive them out of business so that consumers are forced to do business with large corporations.
Our Congressmen do not operate in the interest of the people’s benefit, they do what they are told under the spirit of corruption. Well, I have an idea. Since Congress no longer cooperates with their constituents, I for one am voting all incumbents OUT! New Mexico may see new Congresspeople next year. I hope my vote is counted. Even elections are corrupted. We sure are in a pickle. But I volunteer as a pollworker, and I’m a (Democrat) TEA Party activist trying to make a difference by holding THEM accountable.
Ms. Diana Peterlin
I’d love to support your cause by sending your letter to the Senate but i can’t because your website letter won’t accept a New Zealand address! It’s only for your Americans unless you make it accessible to the rest of the world – if you want our support I suggest you move quickly and change this.
Gene Wyngaard
New Zealand
I live in Illinois, and both of our current Senator pay absolutely no attention to items not endorsed by the Dem. party. Ergo, I’ll not send a letter to either of them.
can you send me a poster opposing s510
Please narrow down the definitions of mis-brand and adulterate. These are way to broad and will just cost us money to litigate. Do your homework. Rein in factory farms and leave herbs and natural foods alone!
I urge my senators and their staffs to read this material. I oppose putting so much more power in the hands of so few at FDA.
There are already laws to ensure the safety of food. We just need enforcement of current law.
Thia new law is not for consumer’s benefit.
This is the same government that wages war against cannabis–the most useful plant on the planet. We are all in this together friends.
We don’t need this bill. Do not vote for it.
vote them all out…
We can! kickthemallout.com!
they can,t get there greedy hands on the supplements legally so now they are trying it any way they can to tap into the supplement market.people.get rid ot these politicians,ask yourself one question,are you better off today then you were one year ago,remember its we the people,not them the people.impeach obamaduh,frank serpico for president and bob barr for vice president,don,t know who frank serpico is,go back to 1969 and read about the knapp commission,nuff said
You are absolutely on target, Gary Schnakenberg. Our vote is the only leverage we have, and if we use it to vote strictly party lines, we almost always waste it. One strategy that is spreading across the country is, “Out with the old; In with the new” in every election until the welfare of our nation and its populous are finally treated as the reason for the existance of government in the first place.
The problem has been that both those in the House and those in the Senate feel secure in their positions, and they concentrate on furthering their careers and increasing their bank accounts. The wants and needs of the masses are very often the last things addressed. But if forced limits of the terms of these “employees of the people” were the standard, and if these “employees of the people” had to return to being merely citizens, they might be a bit more careful about the laws they pass for other “merely citizens.”. As it stands now, they can enact a set of laws for the masses and exempt themselves from being subject to them.
Let’s give them a reason to enact rules and regulations that are beneficial to ALL citizens. Let’s force them to live with those rules and regulations.
Sen. Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010.
A devious dishonest bill to help protect, A devious dishonest industry.
An wise honest man could see that !
But where are U going to find one of them, in Washington ???
The unconstitutional government out of hand….AGAIN!!!
They are headed again in the wrong direction, they should be focused on “Big Pharma”. Unfortunately that is where the big money is and so… they dance with the devil.
The Big Pharma that’s hacking jobs left and right? Even with all that government help, Merck and the like are headed the way of the banks, and more of our money will be shoveled their way to save them. Politicians only really care about Main Street on election day.
I SOOO AGREE!!! The focus should be on ENFORCING the rules that are already in place!! These people took an OATH to protect us yet they are the very people allowing us to be poisoned for profit (PFP) but they aren’t being penalized for it!!! Big Pharma owns ALL the organizations SWORN to look out for us so how can we be expected to trust them let alone give them free reign to make our health choices? It is completely & totally ridiculous!
These subtle ploys to change bills in congress are powerful please keep me informed.Thank you, for your hard work. MLG
Why don’t they enforce the laws requiring animal be treated humanely? The reason the eggs have salmonella is because the chickens are stuffed so close together, they get sick and no amount of antibiotics can control the diseases they get from living in their own filth.
I know the reason. They don’t give a crap about the people that are dying because of the tainted food produced in this country by greedy factory farmers. They are in cahoots with the farmers and BIG PHARMA against the supplement and natural food companies, who are slowly but steadily winning the public opinion battle through internet information sites like this one.
i agree with what you say, but request you change the word “farmer” to “industrial agriculturalists. I grew up on a 160 acre farm and have been a small farmer and worked on medium sized farms for years.
For all that we (farmers) are not always joy/love/light in our production practices, the difference between us and industrial agriculturalists is that we raise animals to make a living, and they tweak commodities (chickens/cows/hogs, etc) to maximize profits. As alternative farmers, we raise animals in such ways that our customers approve; industrial agriculturalists only care that their customers buy, buy, buy — and beyond that, customers are a hassle.
Stuffing chickens in cages is (according to industrial agriculturalists) a cost effective way to tweak their commodity. Beyond that, they don’t give a damn about you or the chickens.
sigh … i wish it weren’t so. Jim
Drug companies are indirectly killing Americans. They have managed to make it illegal to cure cancer and many other horrific diseases by paying polititions to pass laws against supplement companies. I am curing my systemic cancer that I’ve had since 2002 with cheap over the counter items. There’s an FDA law that keeps me from making public the items I’m using. A supplement company must spend millions of $s before they can sell a product as a treatment for a disease. I wish I could afford to sue the FDA to be able to reveal how I’m cheaply curing my cancer. I can proove “I’m” curing my cancer to be a fact.
My dads stage 4 colon cancer has completely stopped growing using a simple food substance…..I bet they would like to take that 38 dollar bottle of something that grows naturally on our planet off the market too……….
Ella and Janie,
For Goodness Sake! Tell us about your natural cures for cancer! Unless you are making claims for a product you are selling, you have nothing to worry about. Freedom of speech is still protected by the Constitution! (at least for now).
They can’t sue you over sharing information like that. How sure are you about your cure and how did you come up with it?
I wrote a story on a man who cured himself from cancer by alkalizing and using a frequency device called the quantum pulse (google it) …. he really thinks the quantum pulse made a world of difference… although I think he would not have been able to cure himself without alkalizing… he basically drank double the amount of what was recommended of one of those green powdered mixes that are chalk full of alkalizing green goodness (get em at most any health food store) and he tested his alkaline levels every day… he managed to keep his level up at 8 which should kill any disease in your body. Apparently disease cannot live in an alkaline environment. He did this for about 3 months… said it was really hard to do, but he cured himself within 3 months of his diagnosis and has been totally cancer free for nearly 2 years now.
I’m always looking for stories of cancer healing… I think my website is showing… if so and you’d like to share your story I’d love to share it with my people… The month of October, i’d like to post as many stories of natural cancer healing as possible while there is a lot of fundraising going on for big pharma during the breast cancer awareness activity.
What we really need is a Congressional Accountability Act.
Now that’s the best idea I’ve heard all year! We could call it “Senate Bill 86”
We should all remember what these Senators are doing to us in November. They should all be voted out and replaced with people more closely conected to the voters.
That is true but continual history shows us that it is a corrupt system & you either play by their rules, or you will be removed by whatever means necessary.. I SO wish it was different but our government is run by greed & power–period.
Our primary objective should be to get all lobbyists and money from special interests out of government. Until we eliminate corruption our “civil servants” will always serve their corporate masters.
WE should all send E-mails to Sen Leahys website so he can see how much distain we have for this horrible Bill
It’s already happening Bro-myself & others have already submitted e-mails letting them know EXACTLY what they can do with their so called bill
This is just absolutely ridiculous!!!! What are they going to do next? We, the people are sick of your “stupid laws”….get a life!! WWJD!!!!
“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson
Remind them that it is not their responsibility to “protect” us. Theirs is to uphold the Constitution, and they have more than enough to do without worrying about this. Let the states worry about the food safety. Using Interstate Commerce is just an excuse to justify butting in where they should keep their noses out!
You make a very good point-there is a lot of truth in what you said
It’s obvious that the directive from the Power ELITE CONTROLLERS BEHIND THE SCENES has been in place so that the world phama can profit at our expense in every way: insert us into Codex Alimentarius so we can control the population by dietary vitamin/ mineral deficiency. Makes you wish they all acquire the deadly deficiencies instantly, before they can come up with yet an other attempt..
Yea, Patty! Maybe it’s just that I’m old, but I distinctly recall learning about deficiency diseases in middle school science class (such teachings are probably considered subversive now, per FDA standards). Therefore I WOULD like to see how these fools would respond if they suddenly came down with rickets, beriberi, scurvy, goiter, rabbit starvation syndrome, and a few other deficiency ailments. A perverse aspect of my nature would get a kick out of watching them try to drag themselves to their seats to vote, hobbling with canes, crutches and walkers, and raise their lumpy necks to vote, only to be misunderstood owing to the difficulty of speaking after their teeth have fallen out of their otherwise empty heads. As for those proposing such deadly nonsense as FDA and FTC control of our dietary choices, I’d particularly love to see THOSE honorable gentlemen and ladies learn firsthand the difference between lying THROUGH their teeth, and lying IN them.
Anything to take more control from us – what happen to our freedom — our right and then trying to trick us. This absolutely ridiculous – this is crazy – it is wrong..
It is bad enough that they try to fed us clone meat and/or jack up with all kinds of crap.
It should be our right to say what we want vitmans or drugs. I will take vitmans and all natural if all possible.
As always it is clear that our elected politicians are all corrupt. They can’t enforce the current laws, so make new laws which further empower the government. For what purpose? It doesn’t protect the public, just the special interest groups that keep them in office. Throw them all out and start all over again!
i’m trying to find a copy of the bill to read in its entirety – couldn’t this bill help us to defeat monsanto as it’s stated right now….. ‘adultered food’ is indeed gentically modified food. what’s the deal? can you notify me with your reply?
The government needs to stay away from supplements that do not fall under their watch. Supplements have been so beneficial for me personally and I can get them cheaply and safely right in a store or on the internet. We do not need more intrusion when something is working so well.
This is so much becoming for big business; by big business and of big business! What happened to “We the People”?
As much ‘pro opposition’; here in response to this article, ‘we the people’ NEED to get revolutionary! not necessarily ‘up in arms’ but up in votes.
We must tell our Government (our representatives to big businesses) that we, as a people, are DONE with ALL this BS we’re being ‘fed’; both literally and physically! I’m not gonna take it any more!
I quite taking most prescription drugs and I am now ‘drug free’. Many US citizens are more drug addicts than what you would think. Our Gov likes to display the drug t hing as a street problem but it is much more than that. It IS a national problem that our ‘sheep’ are being led to a slaughter by ALL big businesses including the pharma’s!!!
Big business also includes the food industry poisoning ALL OF US everyday with the systemic pesticides THEY use!! Avoid big businesses and their products. They are trying to kill us in the name of more money for their business and their pockets. They DO NOT care about your pockets except to empty them and have the ‘happy, bleating sheep’ follow along blindly.
My GOD! They don’t even CARE that we know exactly what they are doing!! Sen. Leahy “INTRODUCED” a bill? Yeah…BUT WHO WROTE IT???? WHO thought it up and created it????? I want to write to Leahy and tell him how much I distain HIM!!! Look att the newest bill he is “INTRODUCING”! :
(Censorship of the Internet Takes Center Stage in “Online Infringement” Bill
Senator Patrick Leahy yesterday introduced the “Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act” (COICA). This flawed bill would allow the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to break the Internet one domain at a time — by requiring domain registrars/registries, ISPs, DNS providers, and others to block Internet users from reaching certain websites.)
What has happened to this man?? I used to think he was pretty upstanding. How many millions are stuffed in his offshore accts for doing these things??? Him, McCain, Dodd, and the rest of them.
We HAVE a congressional accountability bill going. It’s called the Spending in Elections (disclose) Act and it’s twice been stopped to bring to a vote. Surprised?? They are terrified it might pass!! It’s just another election year, sound bite, dog and pony show.
Thank you for keeping us informed about this lying country, all they want to do is keep us sick so they can keep the money flowing.
The site linked won’t appear till January 15, 2011. If you want to know who’s targeting supplements, discover who owns Big Pharma. Yes, it’s The Pilgrims Society, the Crown’s financiers in London & New York. That’s the source of efforts to return the world to Feudalism and they well understand how important it is to control “medicine.” You can Google Pilgrims Society or Meet The World Money Power.