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Protect Estriol and Other Bioidentical Hormones
If the FDA is not dissuaded, millions of women will lose access to life-saving hormones that are often safer than the alternatives currently on the market. Want more information or to find out how you can help? Contact Jo Twombly at [email protected] or 240-345-1510. How is Access to Bioidentical Hormones Threatened? In implementing the Drug Quality… Continue reading Protect Estriol and Other Bioidentical Hormones
Senate’s CBD Oil Rescue Offers Hope for Pain
The Senate’s version of the Farm Bill is a vast improvement on the House version, with provisions to protect organics and CBD. The Senate recently released its version of the Farm Bill. For advocates of natural health, it represents a significant improvement over the House’s version of the legislation. It legalizes CBD oil and the… Continue reading Senate’s CBD Oil Rescue Offers Hope for Pain
New Danger for Supplements?
A bill to increase oversight of certain opioids could create a new path for the federal government to ban supplements. Lawmakers are considering dozens of bills aimed at addressing the crippling opioid crisis our nation is facing. One bill, the Stop Importation and Trafficking of Synthetic Analogues (SITSA) Act of 2017, expands the power of… Continue reading New Danger for Supplements?
Is Your Sunscreen Making You Sick?
There’s a good chance that it is. Here are some tips on avoiding nasty chemicals when you’re out in the sun (hint: the FDA won’t help you!). It’s summertime, and lots of us are spending time outdoors. When protecting yourself with sunscreen, though, it’s important to remember that many products on the market contain dangerous… Continue reading Is Your Sunscreen Making You Sick?
What They Won’t Tell You About Sunscreen
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CBD Oil Gets Lifeline in Senate Farm Bill
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FDA Turns Its Back on Women with Menopause
Help us get Congress to step in and tell the agency to knock it off. Action Alert! What if we were to tell you that there was a treatment for the effects of menopause that: Didn’t come with the dangers of the alternatives, such as increased risk of endometrial cancer and heart disease; Improves bone… Continue reading FDA Turns Its Back on Women with Menopause
“Not Everyone Who Wants to Reproduce Will Be Able”
Common chemicals are causing sperm deformity and decreased sperm counts. Action Alert! A new study suggests that when a mother is exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals during pregnancy, her son and the son’s future generations may suffer from decreased fertility. This is the latest among a mounting body of scientific evidence that links these common chemicals—found… Continue reading “Not Everyone Who Wants to Reproduce Will Be Able”
Are Your Sperm Deformed?
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