Not even nutrient-related disease! Our executive director’s gripping report from the front lines.
As we discussed last week, ANH-USA represented US consumers at the international Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, which met last week in Germany. Our executive director, Gretchen DuBeau, reports that the committee made a number of decisions that may well affect natural health in the US.
Here in the US, we have been debating various issues concerning natural health: Will we retain access to a wide variety of dietary supplements in high-nutrient-level dosages? Will we be able to access nutritious, healthy foods, or will selection and quality diminish because of industry or government control? Will we finally achieve mandatory labeling for GMOs? We naturally think that, if we are able to convince our policymakers, our rights will be protected. But we could be wrong. We have to keep a close eye on what happens overseas too.
Codex, which was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is creating international guidelines for member nations to follow. And while these guidelines are supposed to be voluntary, it is conceivable that our country’s food policies could be overridden by international trade law. At the very least, the wrong international guidelines won’t make it easier to keep the right ones here.
One of the most significant outcomes from this meeting would have the effect of squelching free speech even further. In relation to principles underlying food fortification for the prevention of diet-related illness, the committee members emphasized that language indicating that food prevents disease is forbidden and they are opposed to claims that may “mislead”—even if the claim is true. Happily, the US delegation disagreed, and said that while the US has similar policies about food claims, by definition the nutrients in food prevent nutrient-related diseases! The Botswana delegation agreed with us, pointing out that iodine prevents goiter, so therefore nutrients do prevent disease, yet Botswana nevertheless reinforced the ban.
This is at the heart of ANH’s work. We are here to educate consumers about the role that food, supplements (including nutraceuticals), and lifestyle play in optimizing health. And now we are seeing the beginning of international policy preventing health claims related to natural health products and foods. It’s difficult to educate consumers when international leaders are forbidding the discussion!
In another extremely troubling decision, the Codex Committee adopted extremely low Nutrient Reference Values for labeling purposes—that is, the intake levels of essential nutrients deemed adequate to meet most people’s minimal nutritional needs. They are roughly equivalent to our “Recommended Dietary Allowances,” in that RDAs indicate the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient by the Food and Nutrition Board to meet the requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals in each life-stage and gender group. These new NRVs are far too low to be effective at preventing disease, according to most natural health experts, with even higher nutrient values needed to optimize health—though it was stressed that the actual values weren’t important because they are “just for labeling purposes.”
The committee also adopted single values—what some supposed “average healthy person” might need. And of course that doesn’t work! Children, young people, men, women (with different needs if pregnant), the elderly, and people with a multitude of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, food sensitivities, dietary needs, and illnesses—each would need a very different dosage. So we would advocate a range of values, which can take into account bioindividuality—the “systems biology” approach that considers the great variability in individuals’ genetic backgrounds.
Also under discussion were NRVs associated with reduced incidence of non-communicable diet-related diseases, or NRVs-NCD. Regarding those, the committee said, “Governments are encouraged to use the NRVs-NCD, or alternatively, consider the suitability of the general principles below, including the level of evidence required… in establishing their own reference values for labeling purposes for nutrients associated with diet-related non-communicable diseases.” In other words: member countries should adopt these standards precisely, or at least follow our guidelines if you need to tweak them to your needs.
Did you see that phrase, “including the level of evidence required”? At least here we find an upside: the committee proposed a broader scientific standard than the one it had been using previously. Instead of the “gold standard” of random-controlled trials (RCTs), both WHO and FAO now use something called the GRADE system, which takes into consideration all levels of evidence, including clinical, giving more weight to evidence that is more conclusive. And Codex is inclined to agree with this broader standard. This is extremely positive, as natural health products rarely have patent protection and therefore cannot afford hundreds of millions of dollars for RCTs, but may have an abundance of clinical evidence.
Of course, everyone’s big question is harmonization on supplements—that is, whether the US will accept the limits Codex creates for supplements (in terms of dosages and product availability). Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to that one. The US delegation made it clear that our country intends to stay flexible—to create our own standards and use our own science, indicating no intention to harmonize at this time. Legally, we are not bound to harmonize. But we are subject to World Trade Organization (WTO) sanctions should conflicting national policy creates trade disputes.
This is unlikely to be an issue, but there have already been conflicts. For example, in 1985 the European Union enacted a ban on the production and importation of meat derived from animals treated with growth-promoting hormones. In 1989, the EU banned the import of US beef produced with growth-promoting hormones, dramatically reducing beef exports to the EU. In 1996, the US claimed that the EU ban adversely affected trade and because their standards exceeded those set by Codex, the WTO should intervene. It did, and a WTO panel ruled in the US’s favor, allowing the US to begin collecting tariffs on $116.8 million worth of imports from the EU—the amount that it lost each year due to the ban.
In other words, while a country may not be obligated to adopt a Codex standard into domestic law, international trade pressures, especially from powerful countries, could create pressure to do so. This is a particular threat when it comes to dietary supplements. Although the US may be able to maintain access to high level nutrients in its supplements, much of the rest of the world will not. And the weight of a standard accepted by 185 countries is almost certain to give determined anti-supplement legislators like Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reasons, at some point, to introduce a new bill to harmonize.
Of further concern is the fact that Codex is creating principles for food fortification—adding folic acid or calcium to food—which, as we’ve reported, can in some cases be dangerous. For example, it is dangerous to fortify with calcium without any of the essential co-factors. In addition, this is a band-aid approach to treating nutrient deficiencies instead of focusing on the real problem. We need to address farming practices that are destroying the nutrient content of soil and leading to less nutritious food.
What about GMOs (genetically modified organisms)? Europe is not friendly to GMO, so could we gain some ground there? If this meeting is any indication, the answer is likely to be No. The issue of banning GMOs in children’s cereals was quickly dismissed because of a “lack of science” supporting the claim that GMOs are dangerous. We noted that there were dozens of “experts” in the room ready to support GMO.
Here again we have the international trade dispute problem to consider: If state bills requiring GMO labeling were to pass, and it eventually became federal law, and Codex prohibited such labeling, there would absolutely be a WTO dispute and the international standard would be hard to beat.
This meeting revealed the usual problem of the infiltration of special interests. This threatens to outweigh what appears to be positive intent on the part of many participating in the process. The underlying—and most relevant—question is, “Who benefits from harmonized standards on everything from infant formula to fortification of foods?” Answer: the largest companies in the world. Their interests are represented here, but the consumers of the world are not. The tagline on many Codex documents is “safe, good food for everyone,” but the point that was stressed over and over again at this meeting is that “we are here to facilitate trade.”
As Codex continues through its creation and approval process, it is taking on a life of its own that, despite the current intent of the US to maintain independence, may meet us at our front door and demand entrance.
Comments are closed.
No matter what law or Codex says, speaking the truth is and must be a legal act!
Access to foods and supplements of our choice is an inalienable right (even if it is illegally stolen from us).
so in other words..WE ARE DOOMED~!
I have read every word of the Codex Alimentarius and it is nothing short of evil. It’s plan is to outlaw vitamins and other nutritional supplements for over-the-counter sale. Instead, it promotes having to go to a physician and getting a prescription for a much lower dose than what is currently available. The original RDI (recommended daily allowance) of these products were set in the early 1900’s before we even knew how they benefited human health. Not only that, they were set at the lowest level to prevent disease. This alone was appalling. A full century later, when RDI was changed to % Daily Value, many recommended levels actually dropped. This also was outrageous. We know for a fact that sufficient nutrient levels promote human health and prevent disease, yet the Codex wants to deny us the right to obtain vitamins and other nutritional supplements. With current corporate farming methods worldwide where the same crops are grown for decades on the same soils, our food crops are even more devoid of nutrients than they were in ages past. The levels of % Daily Value should have been raised, not lowered. We need to fight this with everything we’ve got. Please spread the word and tell everyone you know who will listen to this important message, not only for your own health but the health of future generations.
What would these ignorant morons know about the curative and preventative properties of any kind of food!! Do they study the healing properties of foods? No. Do they believe in anything that isn’t totally science-based–NO!! They are narrow-minded and have tunnel vision, when it comes to alternative healing!!
This is clearly criminal.
Of course such radical groups as CODEX probably resent that the discovery that limes carried aboard ship could prevent scurvy contributed to the Empire building of Britain.
Has anyone heard an explanation of Botswana’s contradictory actions?
There is a political website called ‘ WHATEVER HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE.COM ” . Needed are the same kind of site as pertains to NUTRITION , but with ZERO government interference , an open forum if you will , because the government will always interfere to protect the ones that can afford the BIG BRIBE money , ie: the corporations .
In my opinion, what you are reporting on illustrates the old adage: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The well intentioned UN FAO, WHO, and WTO, through their policies and Committees, such as the Codex Alimentarius (I think that’s the name.), have tied world trade pressures to the best interests of some of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations. These corporations contribute heavily to political campaigns at all levels of government in the US think Durbin and Waxman and Free Trade Agreements). The result is trade policies and legislation which are designed to benefit these mega-corporations, regardless of the effects on consumers. We have become irrelevant. I applaud you for your continued efforts to educate consumers about what is happening nutritionally as well as politically and about the connection between the two. The bottom line is that we are fighting greed and only educated consumers can vote corrupt politicians out of office. We need to make opposition to labeling of GMO’s and opposition to health freedom politically toxic. We need to make support of Free Trade Agreements politically toxic. Again, that requires an educated electorate. Keep up the good work and Thank You!
The fast track treaties that approved the WHO and WTO consent to Codex chemical compliance is illegal and must be taken to the Supreme Court to overturn any fast track treaty. Statin medications eliminate Coenzyme Q10 and the FDA has refused to issue ruling that CoQ10 must be given when statins are prescribed. Codex purpose is to control the planets food supply and the chemicals that can be added to everything we consume. Efforts must be made to have our elected officials clean up the FDA and Codex control of American food supply
Seems like freedoms our ancestors moved to United States to gain are in danger of being taken away by the UN and WHO with the help of greedy multinational corporations.
When governments take on the cost of health care, one would think they would support anything that would improve the health of their citizens while reducing their costs. It would be irresponsible for governments NOT to educate citizens on the nutritional benefits of foods. This was a bad decision all around.
Food is our best medicine. Lifestyle including diet, are the main causes of disease. Juml food and no veggies is disease waiting to happen.
Doesn’t it seem odd that the WHO would say that eating a healthy diet, exercise, and not smoking would result in a reduction of at least 80% of heart disease, strokes, and diabetes, and at least 40% of all cancer? And yet CODEX would come out with something so contradictory to that statement?
Wouldn’t it be wiser, healthier, morally correct, better for the environment and for humans altogether if we just stop eating animals. That’s what cavemen did.
Hello to all the faithful readers of this wonderful site. Day by day our freedoms to make personal choices regarding our food and supplements is being eroded yet we don’t take the time to speak up, stand up to be counted in our own heath care choices. Be mindful of the people who are doing so including some of the doctors in our nation. We need to see what all of our representatives stand for in health choices, educate yourself, write to them, call them we do make a difference so don’t curl up in a corner thinking we can’t do we when CAN DO.
Thank you all for taking a STAND
“You can’t tell people that food cures any disease” because there would be no clients. Correct foods do cure any disease. Incorrect foods are promoted. The medical industry is so wrong that the longevity of doctors is much lower than the rest of the population. Are they being taught to die?
Any representative in government be it an individual, department or agency, that cannot stand up to corporations should stand down from their held position. Why are we paying salaries to people that do not have our best interest at heart? Also, I would like the names of the people who vote in favor of special interest to be made public so that they cannot hide behind some company’s banner. Let them be held accountable and responsible as individuals. If you break up the pack, the bullies back down.
Tom Vilsak for one.
I just heard Rush Limbaugh today on the radio say how silly people think eating a certain way can help them live longer….just keep taking those Vikoden, Rush!
GMOs are extremely dangerous. Rumor has it that since the food is modified, it may cause cancer. I cannot substantiate this. However, I believe that the bottom line for GMOs is the almighty dollar, not the health and safety of the people in this country or in any country.
It is ourrageous and ridiculous that world governments take the right to dictate what food and supplements people can and cannot have. It’s plain wrong.
I am a disabled person with a number of auto-immune disorders, including thyroid disease and cancer, celiac disease, and multiple sclerosis. I depend on a strict gluten-free vegan diet and many supplements to keep me alive. I certainly have a hard enough time already without having my diet further tampered with or limited. I can barely afford to eat at all, and supplements are quite expensive. I am too young to have been retired, so I have very low income on SSDI. I find this Codex situation to be very disturbing indeed. We need more and better quality food and supplements, not less. The US should not be able to punish other countries for not buying our chemical-laden beef. These policies which take a one-size-fits-all approach to anything are missing the point and running the world off the rails.
There is a concerted effort by the drug companies and government agencies to keep the people on long term drug treatments as it is immensely profitable for the drug companies and government agencies (lobby money) to do so. The health of the people be damned for obeisance to mammon.
Normal food supports normal cell growth.
Abnormal food supports abnormal cell growth.
So send me to jail for saying that.
This would be equal to the FDA requirement to deny that any substance other than medicine is intended to treat, prevent, or cure—. Perhaps they can help us out by showing the causes for the many non-contagious chronic diseases. You mention iodine but I would add Vitamin C, Niacin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, etc. for thyroidism, scurvy, pernicious anemia, spina bifida, Can they name any one of the remaining chronic diseases that has been found to be caused by anything other than one or more deficient nutrients? Those individuals supporting such foolishness likely have an agenda other than the health of individuals as suggested in the comments above.
The Codex people should be made aware of “Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life,” by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber (rev. ed. 2010). It makes some surprising claims about the relationships between certain foods and susceptibility to cancer, both first occurrences and recurrences. But each claim is immediately and clearly linked to the specific studies on which the claims are based.
My own experience confirms those claims. While it is of course only anecdotal, it is also impressive: I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer five years ago (bone metastases), but have been cancer-free for more than a year (while still taking a minimum dose of oral chemo, capecitabine, or Xeloda). I am in good health, have little pain (mostly from arthritis) and high energy.
While I cannot prove that my “anti-cancer” diet has a significant role in my health, I defy them to prove that it does not!
“You Can’t Tell People that Food Prevents Disease!”
So, I guess we need to change all the history books that describe how the name “Limey” came about when the British sailors ate limes to cure scurvy.
Total defiance is in order about the squelching of speech about nutrition and illnesses! Another famous example is citrus foods and scurvy. Any person or agency who tries to subjugate our honest speech needs to be confronted with withering ridicule and unrelenting criticism. First amendment rights, just to start. How about sponsoring health food fairs where people are encouraged to “tell their stories” about how certain foods have helped them,and (with their permission) video tape and put on YouTube of cable TV. We need to be at least 2 steps ahead of our opponents. We need to take the message to Durbin and Waxman proactively and let them know that we will mobilize on behalf of their opponent in the next election should they even try to promote nefarious legislation. Making this a credible threat, even to the point of finding and supporting an alternative candidate is a good tactic as well. Defiance all the way,. Jon
They are afraid to tell the truth because they are in bed with Big Pharma. So what else is new? So is the FDA and every other country’s Food and Drug Admin. It’s all about money as usual.
The issue for GMOs is less their threat as food and more connected to the high percentage of GMOs or hybrids that produce sterile seeds; eventually, most seeds will be sterile and will lead to global starvation when seeds are no longer fertile and corporation providing seeds are gone from the globe.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I feel like pulling my hair out! Will this relentless battle ever Stop? I will keep doing anything I can to help fight these big greed mongers off and make them leave us alone.
Thank You.
Citizen of all Nations should have absolute freedom in chossing of their foods and sumplements.
We are what we eat, natural food is the best choice for all of us.
The purpose of governments is to protect us from others, not from ourselves. When stationed overseas in a small Asian land, I was having stomach problems (nothing new) and the sacrosanct medical types could nothing for me. So I took my problem to a Chinese pharmacy and was simply told to eat the local food. The pharmacist, seeing the question marks crossing my face, said th e herbs and spices contained in local dishes would ease my difficulty. And they did! And still do as a regularly patronize those types of establishments here in the States. And, so far, I’ve lived 16 years longer than my childhood doctors estimated. PLEASE leave me alone! I’m doing quite well without anyone’s science-free opinions!
Food is medicine, period. It is amazing to me that this organization that claims to be on “our” side resists saying so! Inflammation is at the core of almost every dis-ease (and I only use “almost” because there might be something out there that’s not…but my doctor is the one who taught me about inflammation) and it is lowered in the human body by lots of fresh fruits and veggies, high quality fish oil and exercise. Two of three of those things are food!
Thanks for a very important and informative article, with lucid discussion of the impacts of the current worldview on natural health. The most disturbing aspect to me is that our federal government, as well as the global committee, want to take away our individual sovereignty to make our own decisions about the food we eat. I want the freedom to even make a mistake as I learn about dietary choices and what is best for me – which only I can determine even with professional medical support. Otherwise we have become as fattened cattle to the slaughter, just a herd!
GMOs should be labeled!!!
I have been protesting this for the last 6 years and, to date, there is absolutely nothing that is being done. Why don’t we have any rights anymore? Certainly we should be able to have a voice in this dangerous Code information. I am thoroughly against our natural supplements being tampered with and feel we should be heard on this. certainly I can’t be the only one who feels this way. Why do the chemical and drug companies have all the say? I can’t believe that in our great United States of America, we do not have the right to be heard.
In my opinion, the only solution is to get the United States of America out of the United Nations.
How do we go about doing that? If a concerted effort were made by the readers of this and other health related publications to inform our Representatives at all levels of government, City, County, State and Federal, that the elected and appointed officials are our agents, (the law of agency applies in this case) and to conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interest of the voters, we would have a start on solving the problem.
Health food store owners, employees, and customers could be recruited to write a letter to each of the Senators in their respective States and remind them of their position. Some might want to write a monthly letter or a weekly letter. Faxes, snail mail, telephone, and electronic mail could be used. A snail mail letter sent registered, return receipt requested, carries a lot of weight.
A contingent could be sent to all City Council and County Commission meetings to monitor and report back to a group that would work to elect new representatives at all levels. We have such a group in Southern Nevada. We are The Reclamation Group ( There is a Naturopathic Doctor and an M. D. in the group and we meet in the back room of a health food store. We are making changes. Peace, Robert Walker
I heartily applaud your efforts to set US standards and try where possible to harmonize with those of other countries in the relationship of food to disease, especially when dealing with
Not being a scientist and having very few funds available I can only assist with spreading the word if you need my help.
I heartily applaud your efforts to set US standards and try where possible to harmonize with those of other countries in the relationship of food to disease, especially when dealing with
Not being a scientist and having very few funds available I can only assist with spreading the word if you need my help.
The USA should reject any attempts by international organziations to regulate or influence our food labeling standards and policies. Any treaties which contain such provisions should be vetoed.
How can we, as U.S. citizens, petition to be removed from association with the WTO and CODEX? Knowledgeable people understand that, just like the FDA and the USDA, they are run by those most interested in the profits of industries with which they have ties to rather than by individuals who have the health and welfare of all citizens in mind.
But I do not like to eat meat products with growth promoting harmones in it! I do not want all Americans suffering from allergies to growth harmones and/or antibiotics or any other foreign contaminant the FDA decides is OK to put into our food. Don’t the consumers have any say at all?
I know many people who don’t care what is in their food. They aren’t ill from it yet, and they need food. I am ill, severely, and am unable to eat a lot of different meats sold in food markets. No beef, no lamb, no turkey, only some chicken, and I can eat seafood and most pork products. I do not eat bacon, or fatty pork. I now eat many veggies, especially non or low carb veggies, but I look for local market raised veggies, or organics, even though the prices are higher.
Why do I have to be subjected by the FDA to thoughtless rules which are careless with our food items? Why isn’t our FDA looking out for “human beings” living in the US? Are they, like our President and Congress, taking a blind eye look at what they are doing to “human beings” living in America? I have a book full of diagnoses, all leading from bad health, to worse, and most were started with contamination, or bad water or bad air to breathe, or bad additions to what we eat. I do not like being forced to accept bad and unhealthy food and drink and air! FDA is not God, they cant even produce good laws for edibles! The President is not God, though he may bellieve so, and Congress is definitely made up of human beings, fallible, for sure. Don’t they realize they and their children, and their relatives are going to be eating this filth and contamination? I guess not. Maybe they have already signed up their families to live on Mars or the “outer limits”. Shame, shame on them and the FDA, and all who approve of thier follies. I am just mad and mean georgia
So they are squelching Hippocrates and their own related oaths. It is becoming increasingly profitable for doctors to create supplements also.
I am wondering if you all have ever publicized the way phamaceutical companies gained ground in medicine and this company, namely through the ‘old money’ families that promoted them because they owned them.
Something has to give in our favor. Keep the pressure on.
If the United Nations or the World Health Organization has anything to do with any subject:
2. Tell everybody you know about it.
3. Object to it.
4. Vote against it.
5. Let your Senators & Representatives know where you stand. THREATEN THEM with your vote.
Under the false cloak of World Peace and Global Health, these Despots seek nothing but Other People’s Wealth (for themselves) & To Hell With Your Health.
Joe Mac Bates, Jr.
923 Koon Rd., Irmo, S. C. 29063
[email protected]
PS: Rated 27th in the world (2006), the US Health Care System is only an “Illness Care System.” If you are NOT worn out, sick or dying, you get no CARE. If you do “get care,” it is only in the form of Deadly Drugs, i. e. Cut, Burn, Poision. Note: We (USA) do have the #1 Injury/Trauma Care System in the World.
If the United Nations or the World Health Organization has anything to do with any subject:
2. Tell everybody you know about it.
3. Object to it.
4. Vote against it.
5. Let your Senators & Representatives know where you stand. THREATEN THEM with your vote.
Under the false cloak of World Peace and Global Health, these Despots seek nothing but Other People’s Wealth (for themselves) & To Hell With Your Health.
Joe Mac Bates, Jr.
923 Koon Rd., Irmo, S. C. 29063
[email protected]
PS: Rated 27th in the world (2006), the US Health Care System is only an “Illness Care System.” If you are NOT worn out, sick or dying, you get no CARE. If you do “get care,” it is only in the form of Deadly Drugs, i. e. Cut, Burn, Poision. Note: We (USA) do have the #1 Injury/Trauma Care System in the World.
If the United Nations or the World Health Organization has anything to do with any subject:
2. Tell everybody you know about it.
3. Object to it.
4. Vote against it.
5. Let your Senators & Representatives know where you stand. THREATEN THEM with your vote.
Under the false cloak of World Peace and Global Health, these Despots seek nothing but Other People’s Wealth (for themselves) & To Hell With Your Health.
Joe Mac Bates, Jr.
923 Koon Rd., Irmo, S. C. 29063
[email protected]
PS: Rated 27th in the world (2006), the US Health Care System is only an “Illness Care System.” If you are NOT worn out, sick or dying, you get no CARE. If you do “get care,” it is only in the form of Deadly Drugs, i. e. Cut, Burn, Poision. Note: We (USA) do have the #1 Injury/Trauma Care System in the World.
If the United Nations or the World Health Organization has anything to do with any subject:
2. Tell everybody you know about it.
3. Object to it.
4. Vote against it.
5. Let your Senators & Representatives know where you stand. THREATEN THEM with your vote.
Under the false cloak of World Peace and Global Health, these Despots seek nothing but Other People’s Wealth (for themselves) & To Hell With Your Health.
Joe Mac Bates, Jr.
923 Koon Rd., Irmo, S. C. 29063
[email protected]
PS: Rated 27th in the world (2006), the US Health Care System is only an “Illness Care System.” If you are NOT worn out, sick or dying, you get no CARE. If you do “get care,” it is only in the form of Deadly Drugs, i. e. Cut, Burn, Poision. Note: We (USA) do have the #1 Injury/Trauma Care System in the World.
If the United Nations or the World Health Organization has anything to do with any subject:
2. Tell everybody you know about it.
3. Object to it.
4. Vote against it.
5. Let your Senators & Representatives know where you stand. THREATEN THEM with your vote.
Under the false cloak of World Peace and Global Health, these Despots seek nothing but Other People’s Wealth (for themselves) & To Hell With Your Health.
Joe Mac Bates, Jr.
923 Koon Rd., Irmo, S. C. 29063
[email protected]
PS: Rated 27th in the world (2006), the US Health Care System is only an “Illness Care System.” If you are NOT worn out, sick or dying, you get no CARE. If you do “get care,” it is only in the form of Deadly Drugs, i. e. Cut, Burn, Poision. Note: We (USA) do have the #1 Injury/Trauma Care System in the World.
Will Codex prevent doctors from saying that citrus fruit prevents scurvy? If scurvy is considered to be a disease, and eating of citrus “cures” it, what is Codex’s answer?
CODEX Allimenterias (sp)
Do you know the “history” behind this subject and the facts as to “who” is running the show here?
I do.
Joe Mac
OK. tell me “who: is running the show? Does it point back to the same group as was shown in Thrive?
CODEX Allimenterias (sp)
Do you know the “history” behind this subject and the facts as to “who” is running the show here?
I do.
Joe Mac
CODEX Allimenterias (sp)
Do you know the “history” behind this subject and the facts as to “who” is running the show here?
I do.
Joe Mac
CODEX Allimenterias (sp)
Do you know the “history” behind this subject and the facts as to “who” is running the show here?
I do.
Joe Mac
CODEX Allimenterias (sp)
Do you know the “history” behind this subject and the facts as to “who” is running the show here?
I do.
Joe Mac
RE GMO’s: “…If state bills requiring GMO labeling were to pass, and it eventually became federal law, and Codex prohibited such labeling, there would absolutely be a WTO dispute and the international standard would be hard to beat. ”
SERIOUSLY? Monsanto couldn’t have orchestrated this better had they been allowed to write the report themselves!
It appears the WHO’s CODEX has been established… it’s a done deal. What exactly can we do to maintain US sovereignty in this matter, beginning now? It seems too risky to take a wait and see approach. Our legislator’s need to know our feelings about this by taking a proactive position now, rather than after we’ve already been kicked in the bum by it.
After all the years of trying, the mice still haven’t belled the cat. We can’t even find an effective bell.
What will work? Our protest emails haven’t–Big Money still rolls right over us. Governmental leaders still set no penalties or limits on such corruption.
They just laugh at us all the way to the bank.
Until the gravy train stops, I fear nothing will sway our leaders to act in our best interests.
…Good is good but bad pays better….
Has this lot, known as Codex, forgotten that HIPPOCRATES, the founder of MODERN MEDICINE, promoted the true idea and maxim ‘LET FOOD BE THE MEDICINE AND MEDICINE BE THE FOOD’?
Having visited one of Ireland’s larger hospitals yesterday and having to pass by the A&E department it is very highly noticeable that despite the country being on its knees monetary-wise the SICKNESS INDUSTRY thrives as never before.
How can individuals shout about these standards groups and their meetings to call attention? Would you make up a crowd letter writing web page with news organization’s emails ready on database for locals to fire off these news blurbs of yours to? Works nicely to Congress…
Such trade agreements are tool used by international corporations to over ride governments and the people of nations who elect those governments. If the American people understood that their elected representatives were giving away their constitutional rights with such “trade agreements” I’d expect they would not return those representatives to office.
I’m eating organic and I’m eating local. I don’t care who says what. I have stopped listening to self-interest corporate backed “authorities” a long time ago.
What can individuals do to best facilitate protests against Codex.
Access to good supplements and nutritious foods is important to our health and happiness. There is already a big increase in diabetes and other health problems due to GMO food and chemically contaminated foods. Control of the supplements and food supply by the wealthy will have serious political consequences.
You have succeeded in scaring me half to death. WHY do 185 nations have to agree on nutritional standards? They don’t agree on much of anything else. People in Liberia eat dogs. Should dogs become a popular entree in the USA? When it is clear that corporations are only interested in making money and damn the consequences why are they even allowed in an organization dedicated to the health of people? It is such a huge conflict of interest. ANH-USA is not promoting policies to make money. It is promoting information and policies to make people healthy/healthier. That, to me, is a monstrous division of intent. What can be done about this? Please don’t tell me it is ‘NOTHING’.
I’m not so worried about what the WHO says. I’m ver worried about our own bent FDA who are funded primarily by Big Pharma. Big Pharma does all the testing and gives to FDA the results they choose. When people are made ill or die, Big Pharma then admits they did not give FDA all of the test results. Why is this allowed to be? Well, I tell myself, “We want a balanced budget don’t we?” Follow the money. Only when the American Voter votes carefully for people who are willing to stretch the budget far enough to assure honest work, will we have honest FDA decisions based on tests funded from the US Treasury. As it stands now that has a snowball’s chance at the equator.
I believe that it is my right as an American to decide to read and purchase whatever the heck I want. I will NEVER buy GMO or modified food. I will never buy processed food. Nothing these big corporations an do will ever change my mind nor the world’s.
Unless you grow your own food and buy local farmers mart ,,the nonllabeling clause of the WHO
presupposes you will not know even if your food is dung….
Until the profit motive is transformed into the values of health, wholeness, support and cooperation…we will continue to see the progressive march of the international trade power brokers’ wishes into our lives. Everyone who maintains ONLY a profit motive, to the exclusion of all other values, will assure this form of global, power-hungry paranoia that has anything but consumers’ interests in mind. Wake up!
As someone once famously said, “It is far too late and things are far too bad for pessimism.”
As a chinese medicine doctor also trained in Chinese nutritional therapy, I can say without a doubt that foods prevent disease! The Chinese have known this for thousands of years! I teach a nutrition class on this very subject and I teach students how to choose foods that nourish and heal them based on their individual constitutions. Has Codex not heard of Hippocrates? He said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Take that, Codex!
What’s the bottom line here? What can we do to nip this in the bud?
What can we do? Exactly what we have been doing and what they want us to do. Stretch ourselves thin and donate millions to a fight group, take this to court and lose the battle.
Just as Corporations have competition. Just as Political Parties have competition. So shoulld World Organizations have competition. I say we should start a world alliance dedicated to peoples health of which corproate interests are not allowed. It could be called the Global Peoples Health Organization (GPHO). We could address climate issues as it takes a good climate to grow our foods. We could address food practices to insure healthy foods. We could address nutrition issues and thus disolving the bars on spreading nutrition advise. With the Internet, it could take off.
I am totally nauseated by the blatant disregard for TRUTH! These world organizations need to butt out of everyone’s business! They know that they are hypocrites, but the job security just keeps them in their own little world…making others miserable! It is encouraging to see that others recognize the level of greed involved and refuse to believe these lies. Some days, I can’t decide if they are really ignorant or just great deceivers. Thank you for alerting us to this farce of protecting people. Keep up the good work!
I am not getting sick of these corporations, I am getting sick of people commenting negatively about them. I am sick of reading ‘we must’, ‘someone’, ‘somehow’, ‘one day’, ‘eventually’… etc. Not somebody but you, not some day but now! Use your head for crying out loud. I can’t create your world for you, you and only you can do it and nobody else. Don’t think in biblical or universal terms, think in your own small terms. Don’t try to change universe, start by changing yourself. How? I’ll show you how. I refuse to buy produce that is not either organic or certified to be GMO-free. Period. No exceptions. Too expensive? How much did you pay that iPad 3, $800? Crap to that. How many electronic gadgets you have at home which frankly you don’t need? You do have the money if you get your priorities right. I don’t use fluoride water or toothpaste. Organic toothpaste is the easiest thing in the world to find. Vaccination? You can, but you will be vaccinating my or my child’s dead body. Let me put it this way. What would happen inf only 10% of US consumers would take this approach. GMOs would become a liability overnight and that would mean the end of it once and for all. So why bloody don’t you!!! Say NO to this evil now, not tomorrow.
So you can’t tell anyone that limes can prevent scurvy. Why not?
…because some drug company might want to shove a drug down the public’s throat under the pretense that it treats scurvey.
We were warned a long time ago that in signing on to a trade treaty, the US agreed to abide by the Codex Alimentarius, and as was mentioned, the Congress drew up DSHEA to protect our use of supplements. If memory serves, that was NAFTA, signed by President Clinton, followed by CAFTA. Now, we’re stuck with the possibility, thanks to Sen. Dick Durban and others, of losing any ground we gained previously. I’m reading in these posts that people are saying they aren’t using and won’t use GMOs, or adulterated foods to which they object. If you shop in American supermarkets, you can’t escape them. Diabetes is running rampant, thanks to HFCS, which is in everything you use and it’s poisoning us and our children from birth. Imagine the arrogance of government officials, who actually considered giving newborns cholesterol lowering drugs, some of the most dangerous drugs, ever! Fluoride, an industrial waste product and a poison, is in most of the municipal water supplies, and in my community, mandated by our County government -the City has no power here. You know what they say, ‘money talks and BS walks’ – so we’re held hostage by the world’s largest companies. Where is government of the people, by the people and FOR THE PEOPLE?? Out to lunch, as usual.
For openers, we need to start a petition to remove ALL the FDA commissioners.
Dear ANH-USA and members :
So let us get this straight. According to your article, the USA collects tariffs on $ 116.8 million worth of imports from the EU, in the amount on money that the US meat industry lost each year ( from 1989 to 1996 ) from the EU ban on US beef imports. This is because the EU banned the import of US beef contaminated with genetically engineered hormones ( not normal hormones ), dangerous chemical antibiotics, and bacteria from filthy animals covered in their own animal waste up to their knees. And the EU allows the USA to collect a financial penalty from them because the EU wouldn’t accept USA’s poisoned meat ? Is the European Union brain dead ? The WTO should be tried in the World Court for Crimes Against Humanity, period. And why did 185 stupid countries join the WTO in the first place ? Did they have the foggiest idea what they were joining ? The WTO is a tool to ram Genetically Engineered Food down the World’s throat ! The WTO is the reason the ” Battle of Seattle ” was fought.
We know Senator Durbin promoted S. 510 as well as opposed our supplements. Durbin and Waxman shouldn’t be congressmen. They should be in a Federal Penitentiary for criminally endangering the health of the American People by selling themselves out to drug companies. Anyone who signed a treaty with Codex Alimentarius is a traitor. The US Constitution is the Law of our Land, in the USA.
yours truly,
Roger Fuller
Used to be. Now the law of the land is handed to our bought-and-owned Congress by the banks and giant corporations so that they can do whatever they want to increase their bottom line, including killing people. Welcome to the Land of the Lie and the Home of the Slave that USED to be America.
I am appalled at this, who in the hell made codex our God? We have a right to know what we are putting in our mouths. I am so saddened by the fate of Americans right now, overweight, dying from knowledge. I am a mom of 7, 3 of which have cleft lips and pallattes. I am 53, already lost both my parents to cancer. I was diagnosed this year for lung. I’m fighting back and will let no one tell me I cant. Im upset at the fact that others can dictate our right to knowledge let alone nutrition. Who are these a**holes and what do they eat?
Please watch “Run From the Cure”. May save your life.
They can make any laws or rulings they want. I will continue to say as I’ve always said. What you eat effects your health.
… now I’ll just sit here and wait for the black helicopters. 😀
More political BS.Continues to destroy the health of the country, with complicit MDs and Big Pharma, and since drugs are 17% of our Gross Domestic Product, they are also bankrupting the country. Medicine is beginning to crash, and it should have never started. Food and alternative healing outshine any medical program other than first aid and necessary surgery. What a travesty this country is developing into. Checking all of the crib deaths in the world, the only coiuntry worse than the US, is Latvia. We are 49th, they are 50th!
Back in the mid ’70’s Henry Kissinger said, “Control the money and you control the country. Control the food and you control the people.”
The public thought he was too extreme when he said this. How unfortunate he’s correct.
there are no medical pharm poison cures. There are natural cures. CODEX quacks should be imprisoned for fraud.