Think You Are Safe From 5G? Think Again!

The feds want to extend 5G expansion into small, rural communities. Action Alert!
The federal government is working on multiple fronts to make it easier for 5G towers to be installed in rural communities. We must push back against these and other efforts to expand 5G deployment.
First, there is a bill in Congress, the Rural Broadband Acceleration Act, which would direct the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to accelerate an FCC program designed to bring broadband to rural communities and small businesses. Separately, the FCC passed an order to make it easier for companies to install 5G in rural communities by streamlining the process to upgrade existing towers to 5G.
5G networks are being rolled out across the country, so far mainly in more urban areas. This map shows where each carrier has begun 5G implementation. Now it looks like those living in rural areas can expect this technology sooner than they expected.
Astoundingly, there are no independent safety studies about the safety of 5G. During a Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked members of the FDA and FTC if any studies were being conducted on the safety of 5G. At the end of the exchange, Blumenthal concluded, “So there really is no research ongoing.  We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.”
We’ve been sounding the alarm about the dangers of 5G technology for some months now. A group of hundreds of scientists from around the world recently sent a letter to the United Nations and the World Health Organization warning of “serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices.” The scientists explain that EMF “affects living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines,” causing increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders.
Others have pointed to 10,000 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating an array of negative health effects from EMF exposure, including: altered metabolism, cancer, cardiovascular disease, DNA damage, impaired sperm function, cognitive impairment, neurological damage, and many more.
We’ve also pointed out that Israeli researchers found that our sweat ducts act as antennas for millimeter waves, meaning we would absorb more of this energy into our bodies. Millimeter wavelengths are also used in crowd control systems, making people caught in the high-powered millimeter wave feel like their skin is on fire.
It is deeply concerning that the federal government is ignoring the warnings from scientists and researchers across the world and is in fact making it easier for cable companies to install this dangerous, untested technology.
So what can we do to protect ourselves? As much as possible, keeping your distance from the source of radiation will dramatically reduce your exposure. Using speakerphone rather than holding the phone against your head is an example, as well as keeping your phone away from where you sleep at night. Our friends at ANH International presented takeaways from an expert conference on the subject of 5G. Christian Blank, an indoor environment analyst, had the following advice:

There are a couple of smartphone settings that can reduce our exposure a great deal because the smartphone is the number one source of RF radiation in our day-to-day life. It’s very important to turn off mobile data, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whenever possible, and make these active only when you want to check for messages. Do not leave them on during the night, ideally, switch on airplane mode [otherwise] your cell phone is emitting RF radiation 24/7 non-stop.

You can also buy EMF readers that measure the amount of radiation in your surroundings. This will allow you to spend the most time in areas least bathed in radiation.
Some sources suggest turning your house into a Farraday cage, or a full metal enclosure that repels radiation. If that isn’t possible, individual rooms where the most time is spent can be individually protected with EMF paint and other products for the windows and doors. These resources have some more information and examples of products that are available.
We shouldn’t have to contemplate ways to protect ourselves from this radiation, but that is the reality in a crony capitalist system like ours where industry calls the shots and the government does nothing. We must call on our elected officials to the right thing and call for a moratorium on 5G expansion and implementation until its safety can be confirmed.
Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them to halt 5G until it is proven safe. Please send your message immediately.


  1. As an R.F. engineer I have used glaus meters & other devises to check for high SUSTAINED E.M.F. fields. It’s so ubiquitus and subtle most do not know or feel it. Once a conscious person steps into a Faraday cage and notices the inner murmur of “self-talk” drop off they will know of the problem-effect.

  2. Why have a cellphone at all? Arthur Firstenberg, who wrote the book The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life” has called for all of to STOP using them so that the technology isn’t needed in the first place. I was in the ground floor group for this and we call ourselves EchoEarth: End Cellphones Here on Earth. I stopped using my cell after I finished reading his book and he had a call to action on this. Not only are the masts going to in the country; the plan is for the tech companies to have 24,000 or so satellites launched for 5G by the time it’s all said and done. No where will you be able to escape radiation, unless you build yourself a Faraday Cage or suit like Anne Mills did for herself. Follow Mr. Firstenberg’s advice and stop using your cell!

  3. There are 10,000 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating an array of negative health effects from EMF exposure, including: altered metabolism, cancer, cardiovascular disease, DNA damage, impaired sperm function, cognitive impairment, neurological damage, and many more.
    Please HALT 5G UNTIL it is PROVEN SAFE.

  4. There is NO WAY this weapons system can EVER BE PROVED SAFE WHEN ITS DESIGNED to be Weapons system

  5. Take this thru common law court and charge them with damaging our health. we have a voice if we decide to use it. there is a common law court in california starting up and have done all the necessary paperwork to be legit. time to act before it is too late.

  6. Why is this petition against Federal Bills being sent to State House legislators when the bill is a Federal Bill? I didn’t realize to whom it was being sent (my lack of observation) and as a result I received a reply from a State Legislator pointing out to me that the petition was regarding a Federal Bill and that I should contact the my Congressional Legislators.

  7. We want to have options. Not all want or need this. Why can we have the choice to sign up and use the 5G!?

  8. This 5g is very dangerous. I know people who have been impacted. Intelligent seniors suddenly losing abilities. Children developing frequent headaches. It is too much. Please oppose this.

  9. These types of fields have not been adequately tested for effects on Americans. You need to demand rigorous testing for your community. A community that is already facing many chronic illnesses and effects from living in a first world country – toxins in food, environment, and in the electrical current which studies shows have an effect on our electromagnetic bodies.
    Don’t give in to lobbyists. Think of your legacy and what you are leaving for our children. Please at least have your constituents look into the studies that show the effects. There are studies out there.
    You have an obligation to men and to God to do your do dilligence. Please don’t let us down.

  10. As citizens of the free world, in a democracy, our rights to safety and protection of our health must not be violated with the 5G project which has not been tested:
    “Astoundingly, there are no independent safety studies about the safety of 5G. During a Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked members of the FDA and FTC if any studies were being conducted on the safety of 5G. At the end of the exchange, Blumenthal concluded, “So there really is no research ongoing. We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.”“

  11. What will OUR DEMISE BE? a)Global Warming b)5G or c) BOTH!!!
    WE NEED to heed what scientists are warning us !!

  12. I am already chronically ill from EMF exposure, with about a dozen symptoms typical of such exposure. They include such classics as chest pain, heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and neuropathy. And this is before the widespread introduction of 5G. I fear greatly for my future.

  13. 5G is a known living cellular and emotional disrupter. That is why the government invented it and used it for crowd control and to harm disobedient groups. There are countless experts– that have warned the world– against the use of 5G, yet the nefarious telecommunications groups insist on still using it. No different then the pharmaceutical industry, pushing deadly and damaging vaccines.
    The irony, is that 5G will kill an infinite number of people. These are your consumers or future consumers.
    What good are is your greed based technology if it kills everyone?
    This is not a very smart business plan.

  14. What they all said, below.
    I’ve been hearing about the potential dangers of 24/7 EMF fields since my childhood. I find it difficult to accept that there are such willfully ignorant, greedy people out there who not only don’t seem to care about the harm these fields cause to other people, but also to themselves! What a shame.
    Please, for the world’s sake, STOP the proliferation of 5G technology!
    Thank you.

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