More Poisonous than Glyphosate….

Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini has now found that other, supposedly “inert,” ingredients associated with Roundup are even more dangerous than its primary toxin. Action Alert!
For many months, we at ANH-USA have been telling you about the wide spectrum of negative health effects that are linked to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. Last year, the World Health Organization finally declared glyphosate a “probable carcinogen.”
Séralini’s recent study, however, shows that glyphosate alone is actually less toxic than Roundup.
Regulators evaluate the safety of a pesticide or herbicide mainly by looking at the active ingredient—such as glyphosate—while commercial versions of pesticides contain other adjuvants that may be kept confidential by industry.
Companies say that they add ingredients to pesticides other than the active ingredient (the chemical designed to kill weeds, pests, etc.) in order to make the product easier to spray, more readily stick to plants, store longer, and less likely to wash off in rain. These additives can make up as much as 95 percent of a pesticide. But based on this study, the adjuvants may be doing much more.
The EPA requires that only the active ingredient be studied for medium- and long-term toxicity. Companies are not required to list inert ingredients on most pesticide labels.
The work of Prof. Séralini and his colleagues shows just how dangerous these pesticide adjuvants can be. The team found that eight out of nine pesticides tested were up to 1,000 times more toxic to human cells than just the active ingredient.
The authors of the study conclude that the distinction by regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) between active ingredients and “declared inert” compounds is “a regulatory assumption with no toxicological basis.”
This represents a massive failure on the part of the EPA to hold industry accountable to even basic standards of safety. The fact that so little is known about the safety of inert ingredients for human health is a scandal.
When we do have information, the facts are hardly reassuring: according to one study, more than 200 chemicals used as inert ingredients are listed as hazardous pollutants in federal statutes governing air and water quality. Another report found that a 1995 list of inert ingredients included 394 chemicals that were listed as active ingredients in other pesticides.
Action Alert! Write to the EPA and tell them to test entire formulations of pesticides, rather than just “active” ingredients. Please send your message immediately.
Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:
Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released
The Eight Biggest (and Sneakiest) Threats to Your Health
“VAXXED” Film Axed


  1. All the more reason to ban Glyphosate from use on tobacco, the sixth most pesticide intensive crop…not that we’d know that from any of the anti-pesticide activist groups. The lungs are far more efficient in getting toxins and carcinogens into ones body than even the digestive system. The very last place that pesticides and their residues ought be allowed is on a crop meant to be inhaled. No industry has better gotten away with murder…literally…than the tobacco pesticide cartel.
    If typical cigarettes can, at long last, be referred to as “Pesticide Pegs”, maybe then there would be some action. And if participating pesticide producers can at long last be rightly described as arguably the most toxic part of the Cigarette Industry, that would help as well. It goes to the businesses’ lack of credibility and trustworthiness.

    1. I agree with your comment, but I would like to add, just like the ‘studies’ suggest, if anything at all, is the government’s complicity in letting the detrimental, dangerous, and deadly ‘findings’ slide in favor of the corporations’ profits– in addition to their partners in crime kickbacks. Of course, this is all done at the consumers’ and constituents’ expense, health and lives. Nothing but greedy bastards- both sets of them…

    2. The most dangerous thing in SMOKING is the SMOKE. If you don’t want to inhale carcinogens, than stop smoking. It is that easy.

      1. And stop Church Incense and Candles, dinner table candles, BarBQues, Boy Scout campfires, wood-burning kits, and the rest…vehicle exhaust, etc.

        1. Your examples have all a far lower concentration than tobcco smoke, or are sticking a chimney or a candle into your mouth?

          1. That was about so-called “second-hand” smoke, an absurd target of prohibitionists who haven’t yet found, on earth, one certifiable victim of 2nd hand tobacco smoke. But, it’s a good bet that if there were any tests of 2nd hand smokers for harmful dioxins and those rads, that might be a different story.

  2. We’ve been poisoned by companies and these “inert” ingredients for years. So long as they haven’t had to list them, which has been a long time. Never ever use these or other household products!!!

  3. no wonder! when you eat anything with canola oil (corn gmo) your gut wretches in pain in 10 minutes or less and you barely have time to get your pants off, and its violent. But FDA sees no problem with GMO foods- but our guts do! your not supposed to get sick by eating food. Also this removes all nutrients from your body so you die from lack of nutrition and disease sets in and the big pharma makes a profit tying to keep you alive. when all along it was the canola oil poison from gmo that killed you. hmmm

    1. Canola oil is NOT food. It is a derivative of rapeseed oil (toxic erucic acid) which was the primary industrial lubricant prior to the refinement of petroleum based lubricants. Chemical engineers worked to make it less toxic so they could feed it to unsuspecting Americans. Stop eating Big Agra’s junk!!! Our grandparents, & theirs before them, used tallow, lard & butter. Cattle & hogs convert plant products into healthy, completely bio-available foods for us to eat. Your gut will tell you what not to eat. Listen to it! (ps corn oil, etc is only marginally safer. Most seed based oils are high in Omega 6 and low in Omegas 3s while being devoid of key essential nutrients that are only found in animal fats. Animal fats from properly raised animals (ie grass or the animal’s normal diet, sunlight, etc) are appropriately balanced in Omega 3 to Omega 6, as well as good sources of essential fat soluble vitamins: K2, A retinol, D) There are “safe” seed oils – olive, macadamia nut, coconut & avocado but they lack the fat soluble vitamins so necessary for human health.

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