Stop Osteoporosis!

How strontium can help you rebuild your bones. Last December, a seventy-seven year old woman (we’ll call her Sarah, although that’s not her real name) told me that she’d been advised that her recent bone scan was 100% normal. In 2010, she’d been told she was “into osteoporosis.” She’d been advised to use a patent… Continue reading Stop Osteoporosis!

It’s (Literally) in the Book: Natural Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease, Scleroderma

PABA (vitamin B10) can help treat Peyronie’s disease and scleroderma. Side effects are very rare and disappear when PABA treatment is decreased or discontinued.   So far, no researchers have discovered the cause of either Peyronie’s disease or scleroderma. Peyronie’s disease (scar tissue forming in the penis which can progress to causing curvature, sometimes severe)… Continue reading It’s (Literally) in the Book: Natural Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease, Scleroderma

When Will They Ever Learn, Encore

Major medical journals don’t want women to know of effective natural treatments for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It’s happened again! Another major American medical journal has refused to inform physicians—and of course without publication, the physicians won’t know to inform their patients—that there’s a safe, effective, and rapidly active (within three days!) cure for… Continue reading When Will They Ever Learn, Encore

Skin Wrinkling: What You Eat Can Make a Lifetime of Difference!

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. Like other organs, it needs to be nourished and protected from damaging stressors. The damage can be from sunlight, inflammation, and limited blood supply, which can deplete the antioxidant nutrients. If the depletion of nutrients persists, our skin ages and wrinkles are formed. A study published in the… Continue reading Skin Wrinkling: What You Eat Can Make a Lifetime of Difference!