Month: March 2015
Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon
A new bill to let food producers decide whether to label GMOs could prevent states from passing mandatory labeling laws. It’s expected to be introduced in the next few weeks—so we need to dissuade potential co-sponsors now! Action Alert! At the behest of the Monsantos and Cargills of the world, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is expected… Continue reading Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon
GMO Roundup
The GMO labeling issue is seeing some action on Capitol Hill. Maybe that’s because GMOs are in the news across the country. Here are some of the stories you may have missed. Monsanto Settles with US Wheat Farmers Monsanto has settled class-action lawsuits with farmers in seven states over 2013 contamination from their genetically engineered “Roundup Ready”… Continue reading GMO Roundup
Wi-Fi Especially Dangerous for Young Children—Cell Phones Too
Should we be concerned about radiation from our cell phones (which we carry with us everywhere) and our Wi-Fi (which is nearly ubiquitous these days)? A review of recent studies shows reasons for caution, pointing to evidence which demonstrates that children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults. The authors also note the shortcomings in current federal… Continue reading Wi-Fi Especially Dangerous for Young Children—Cell Phones Too
Daily Show Skewers Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) recently announced that it was partnering with food manufacturers and ascribing the label “Kids Eat Right” to certain foods. The qualifications for obtaining this label- donating to AND.
NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack
Having made his initial move based on discredited tests, he is now broadening the offensive and pulling in AGs from other states. Action Alert! Early last month, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to four major national chain retailers, charging them with selling nutritional supplements that were “deliberately mislabeled” and “potentially dangerous to… Continue reading NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack
Will Google Game the System against Natural Health?
For years, Wikipedia has been a prime source of misinformation (or perhaps disinformation) about natural health. Now we worry about what Google is up to. Action Alert! Our reading of Wikipedia coverage of natural health is that at some point it was captured by interests very hostile to it, as we discussed in depth five years ago.… Continue reading Will Google Game the System against Natural Health?
Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science
It’s the same old story of prescription drugs and fraudulent studies, but the FDA doesn’t seem to care. Action Alert! A recent article in Slate magazine shows how the FDA hides important safety information when it uncovers scientific misconduct in clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs. The names of the drugs and the company responsible for the misconduct are concealed, journal… Continue reading Once Again, the FDA Deliberately Keeps Us in the Dark about Bad Science
Peter Pepper Is Panicked
FDA Compounding Committee Is a Stacked Deck
Conflicts of interests and rampant biases on the committee advising FDA on the new compounding rules? Yes—in abundance! Related Action Alert! Last week, we wrote about the FDA’s latest efforts to regulate compounding pharmacies in its draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Although these provisions are still in the process of being completed, it’s looking increasingly likely… Continue reading FDA Compounding Committee Is a Stacked Deck