Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
At a conference last Thursday, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.
A fellow panelist reported that after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the 70 or so people in attendance were squirming, likely because they now had serious misgivings about serving their kids, or themselves, anything with corn or soy, which are nearly all genetically modified and thus tainted with Roundup and its glyphosate.”
Dr. Seneff noted the ubiquity of glyphosate’s use. Because it is used on corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef and poultry since cattle and chicken are fed GMO corn or soy. Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.
Other toxic substances may also be autism-inducing. You may recall our story on the CDC whistleblower who revealed the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps, and rubella) and a sharply increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys. Other studies now show a link between children’s exposure to pesticides and autism. Children who live in homes with vinyl floors, which can emit phthalate chemicals, are more likely to have autism. Children whose mothers smoked were also twice as likely to have autism. Research now acknowledges that environmental contaminants such as PCBs, PBDEs, and mercury can alter brain neuron functioning even before a child is born.
This month, the USDA released a study finding that although there were detectable levels of pesticide residue in more than half of food tested by the agency, 99% of samples taken were found to be within levels the government deems safe, and 40% were found to have no detectable trace of pesticides at all. The USDA added, however, that due to “cost concerns,” it did not test for residues of glyphosate. Let’s repeat that: they never tested for the active ingredient in the most widely used herbicide in the world. “Cost concerns”? How absurd—unless they mean it will cost them too much in terms of the special relationship between the USDA and Monsanto. You may recall the revolving door between Monsanto and the federal government, with agency officials becoming high-paying executives—and vice versa! Money, power, prestige: it’s all there. Monsanto and the USDA love to scratch each others’ backs. Clearly this omission was purposeful.
In addition, as we have previously reported, the number of adverse reactions from vaccines can be correlated as well with autism, though Seneff says it doesn’t correlate quite as closely as with Roundup. The same correlations between applications of glyphosate and autism show up in deaths from senility.
Of course, autism is a complex problem with many potential causes. Dr. Seneff’s data, however, is particularly important considering how close the correlation is—and because it is coming from a scientist with impeccable credentials. Earlier this year, she spoke at the Autism One conference and presented many of the same facts; that presentation is available on YouTube.
Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless to humans. Bacteria, fungi, algae, parasites, and plants use a seven-step metabolic route known as the shikimate pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids; glyphosate inhibits this pathway, causing the plant to die, which is why it’s so effective as an herbicide. Monsanto says humans don’t have this shikimate pathway, so it’s perfectly safe.
Dr. Seneff points out, however, that our gut bacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids. Roundup thus kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids including methionine, which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese; and much more.
Even worse, she notes, additional chemicals in Roundup are untested because they’re classified as“inert,” yet according to a 2014 study in BioMed Research International, these chemicals are capable of amplifying the toxic effects of Roundup hundreds of times over.
Glyphosate is present in unusually high quantities in the breast milk of American mothers, at anywhere from 760 to 1,600 times the allowable limits in European drinking water. Urine testing shows Americans have ten times the glyphosate accumulation as Europeans.
“In my view, the situation is almost beyond repair,” Dr. Seneff said after her presentation. “We need to do something drastic.”
Comments are closed.
Because of “exogenous semiotic entropy” ?
I’ve been on your site. You are nothing but an apologist for the industrial ag industry that dominates our food supply. Who pays you?
No one. I am an independent scientist. But it is better to discuss Seneff’s science than engage in ad hominem attacks.
Aren’t you the James Cooper that writes on the Fairfield County Food Examiner? The blog where every article debunks natural food? That James Cooper? As I asked you, “Who pays you?” I always follow the money, especially when I see a pattern like yours.
It strikes me that you debunk Seneff’s credentials. Aren’t you a chemist, not a biologist? If you care to do some research, you will see that Seneff’s focus for a long time has to do with food and the way we raise it.
Of course, attacking her research just begs the real question, doesn’t it? Which is, why do we have to put up with ANY CHEMICALS AT ALL IN OUR FOOD?
You have just nitpicked a failure in error checking. Way to go. Google exogenous BIOsemiotic entropy, and her meaning will become clear to you.
Seneff’s papers are all written using computer software to draw inferences between existing papers. She does no actual biology research and none of her papers contain any actual data to support her conclusions. Then she publishes them in low level pay-to-play journals. This is why most scientists do not find her work significant or convincing. And Googling the phrase you suggested brought up http://www.sci-phy.com/detecting-bogus-scientific-journals/
In what field does Dr. Senneff hold her degree? Ahh…electrical engineering, and, computer science.
Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the *B.S. degree in Biophysics* in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master’s and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).
*In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written over a dozen papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.*
So, what training does she have in nutrition and health? Correlation is the basis to begin to ask questions about cause and to then do the research to show cause. For this person to suggest that the cause for HALF of all cases has been “proven” based on correlation? I call B.S., although I am very concerned about autism. We all want an easy answer, and I feel deeply for the parent of a stricken child to have to deal with a time when well meaning people have to condemn and personally attack each other (ALL big businesses, ALL chemicals, ALL GMOs). Let’s realize the world is a big place, and take the time to do our homework, shall we? If a few people can engineer enough false science to create a bunch of Climate Change deniers, it is time to do your homework on every claim you make. Fake science news is really a part of an economic and political war strategy. Has nothing to do with facts.
To appreciate this good biochemical research, a sound foundation in chemistry is necessary; so that you can appreciate the size and scale of molecules, proteins, atoms. Many chemical reactions occur in our body every nano-second. Poisons and toxins are dangerous due to the speed of these adverse reactants. The entire field of chemistry: organic; inorganic; physical and metallic is used to study mechanisms. I am by education an Organic chemist but I use all branches to comprehend. I can see how a layperson may not understand the intersection of sciences as Dr. Seneff used them. Yes, I taught chemistry but like many never saw a single atom.
The chemist has a concept of dimensions very small and very large. The
biochemist can see molecules like DNA & RNA in 4D space & time. Toxicity is real; people die quickly. Scientist like Dr. Seneff have all the tools of science needed. She is doing great humanitarian work.
This is the most intelligent answer in the Seneff camp I have seen, and I am most certainly listening. But what self-respecting scientist (of any kind) would make the claim that the title claims? None would make a prediction of that level of certainty, and still be credible, and that is a huge red flag. 2025? Half of all kids? I am sure glad I am not her, because someone like me will remember that claim.
When I see this study corroborated…which the opposite has happened, I will be the first to jump on the band wagon…I treat it like deadly poison. So far, I believe our population demands intensive agriculture, and we need these tools to be used to control alien invasive plant species. Thanks for your time.
This is all anecdotal nonsense. Seneff may be a complete wack job as far as you know. I’ve seen that whole “you don’t understand science” crap before, in the Climate Change Fraud. There is barely any truth to the use of Roundup in the first place.
Yeah she is by equating correlation with causation. That’s the REAL Scientific Method, my friend. Due to the fact that the rise in cellphone use over the last 20 years has increased drastically, it’s safe to assume that cellphones cause autism. Lets face it, autistic people aren’t actually people; they’re disease-ridden savages that will stop at nothing until the world is destroyed and they’ll make it unlivable for us neurotypical people by being an annoyance to us.
You lost me at “Climate Change deniers”….the climate has been changing for billions of years…for some that is still a revelation
All credibility lost after that…
She doesn’t have any common sense, with all that education.
Bill.. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in BIOPHYSICS in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master’s and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written over a dozen papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
And your job Bill G.?
What has she done to qualify herself as an expert in the fields she is claiming expertise in? That is the question that has not been answered. My great uncle, (a PhD) always said, “Get your PhD…in anything…people will think you are an expert in everything.”
Didn’t you say you worked with Monsanto research in St. Louis?
Where is the original research behind this article?
I was going to mention that, too. However, that’s no barrier to an intelligent person’s ability to correlate data, is it? I mean, even I can add!
Thank you Dr. Seneff for going up against the Big Dogs and for informing the people. Your research and your voice will stop these criminal behaviors in the food and drug industry if enough of us circulate this information to wake the uninformed and stand together against Big Pharma, Monsanto and government. Please continue what you are doing.
Hey Bill you are a complete idiot use your common sense you Troll!!! Do you research. Not going to argue with a Monsanto employee not worth my time .
Name’s not Bill, not an idiot, not a troll and not a Monsanto employee.
I think you replied to the wrong person Derrick.
Yours truly,
Yeah just because you have correlation, it means that you have causation as well! The rising use of computers over the last 20 years as well the rising amount of people diagnosed with autism means that COMPUTERS CAUSE AUTISM. Do you know what else causes autism? GEORGE W BUSH!! This is due to the fact that the diagnoses of autism increased during his time as a president. That CLEARLY means that HE CAUSES CHILDREN TO BECOME AUTISTIC!
That was ultimately so well thought out. Thank you for your well researched arguments. I have often thought President Bush created autistic like behaviors within certain groups of people. Unfortunately we may NOT be able to fix the issues of people who are not able to read for content in context and realize implications involved. Perhaps in a couple of decades?
Again, realizing a research Doctor from MIT reading hundreds of peer reviewed articles over three decades is highly under qualified to jump to any conclusions. What ever was she thinking?
A learned friend, hearing the Bush and Shrub theory, proposed that autism was caused by Donald Trump.
I pointed out that Trump was still in the private sector during the sharp increase in Autism. The reply was that he was alive.
The logic was as compelling at the MMR, GMO, genetic protein insufficiency, GUT connection, obesity during pregnancy, frigid mothers, doughnut and most of the other theories.
Personally, as a father, I did put on some weight during pregnancy and have put on more weight since – so maybe my expanding waistline is causing autism. Gad, I may be responsible for a world epidemic!!
She wasn’t thinking and isn’t highly qualified.
Trying to speak sense here is a waste of time. They lost me at the mmr link.
By presenting such a confection to someone diagnosed and running the protocols gain, they can fall outside the guidelines.
The MMR link to autism has been debunked repeatedly. Any website that cites an MMR link to autism immediately loses all credibility in my book.
The vaccine/autism link however, has not been debunked a single time given no study exists comparing rates of autism between fully vaccinated and never vaccinated individuals. This article doesn’t state there is a link between MMR and autism, and a study comparing autism rates (Danish MMR study) between children receiving 48 doses of 15 vaccines with those receiving 42 doses of 14 vaccines does not debunk a vaccine/autism link.
Are you purposely ignoring/hiding your eyes from the CDC whistle-blower who said there was indeed a known vaccine/autism link that was being covered up?
Most likely, eh? Truth is always uncomfortable and inconvenient when facing off against dogma.
> Truth is always uncomfortable and inconvenient when facing off against dogma.
LOL at crazed anti-vaxxers talking about ‘dogma’.
Attack foul on the field.
Defense attempted to enhance his point by denigrating the opponent.
The opponent deserved to be denigrated.
How do you explain the rest of the world?
You mean, like Britain which recently awarded the parents of brain-damaged vaccinated kids millions of dollars in damages? In fact, just Google “family wins millions vaccination.” Many countries represented in that search – NOT JUST BRITAIN.
You made the claim about CDC – your job to deal with problems with it.
As for millions of dollars of damage, did anyone ever state that vaccines were 100% safe? Over how many doses and how many years is that? How much went to lawyers/solicitors? How does it compare to a hypothetical NNIICP?
Pass the buck and equivocate. Typical of today. CDC is American; I dealt with it. You asked about the rest of the world, I dealt with that, too. Scorn is the “science of the ignorant.”
That doesn’t matter to the anti-vaxxers. Its a religious issue for them, facts are irrelevant.
Prove that.
Mike.. Really? Name one study that debunks the causal relationship. One.
Acronym foul on the field.
Offense failed to define specific meaning of MMR.
Fifteen post penalty and loss of credibility.
LOL this is not a soccer game…it is about people with a terrible burden in life. I for one really want to find out a cause.
Not you really don’t though.
Repeatedly? One of those studies was the one that got its whistleblown. People like you who just state things as fact because you read phony studies are really dangerous.
Prove it.
Too bad because a CDC whistle blower has the proof that the CDC knew that the MMR vaccine caused autism and they skewed research to show that it didn’t. The CDC has little credibility in my book.
Nice post.
What do glyphosphate and antibiotics have in common? They destroy gut bacteria, which are essential to the immune system. Then tax the immune system with a barrage of vaccines, and you have a double-whammy. Ask any parent of an autistic child, and they’ll tell you that the more effectively they treat the intestinal problems that always accompany autism, the better their child does overall. The link between the immune system and the gut bacteria is likely where the cause of autism is to be found.
They only destroy it at really, really high amounts. Like you’d have to drink it. At least, that is what has actually been described by the data.
create BIOFILM a link to all chronic diseases including dementia
B vitamins (folate and b12 in particular) and zinc need to be much higher. B vitamins are essential for the production of good gut flora, like lactobacillus acidophilus, and zinc is essential for a strong immune system. These nutrients are compromise in glyphosate and antibiotic use. They are also compromised with alcohol use and with other medical drugs and toxic substances.
Actually, gut bacteria do not have to make their own aromatic amino acids because they can metabolize the ones you eat so blocking their EPSPS doesn’t actually kill them. But it was a nice try.
Glyphosate is a registered antibiotic, so it kills bacteria good and bad. As far as the comment about having to drink it to have a adverse effect is not good science. Chronic exposures to antibiotics has contributed to antibiotic resistance world wide.
There is no such thing as a “registered antibiotic.” Glyphosate does not have antibiotic activity. It does not kill any bacteria in the minuscule amounts a person might ingest even over an entire lifetime.
Monsanto patented glyphosate as an antibiotic. Your explanation sounds like it came from Monsanto scientists. Like we should believe them.
Glyphosate has antibiotic properties. It will kill bacteria good and bad. People are not consuming minuscule amounts of glyphosate every day, as it is used as a desiccant on wheat crops. Glyphosate has even been detected in organic crops. Countries are banning glyphosate. Good idea.
I am am autistic adult and it has absolutely nothing to do with my immune system or toxicity. It has everything to do with how your brain & it’s neuronal wiring development. Autism occurs in utero and is passed through families geneticall. People need to stop trying to blame autism on something environmental and take responsibility for the genetics of they’re passing on.
try to imagine this, your “brain” is a car engine, this engine needs specific type of fuel, the fuel comes out from your “tank” i.e. your guts, if , for any reason your fuel have low quality (mixed with water or any other pollutants) the car engine (brain) will loose its efficiency if it started at all!! the guts and the brain are directly connected.
another thing to add, if it was genetic (as some people claim without any evidence!!), then the rate of autism will depend on “passing these bad genes”, believe me, almost all of the autistic people missing a normal life, they do not marry and breed, so how can you explain this huge increment in autistic children? it is doubled almost every two years!!!!!
I don’t need you to use an analogy to explain it. Autism is genetic and has been consistant in prevalence over time. The reason people think it is more prevalent now than before is because its more frequently diagnosed. Also consistently prevalent that 10% of all autistic individuals are genus or savants. Caltech quarterly posted a study relating neuronal structure in the pre-frontal cortex of autistic and neurotypical brains; the study found that they were consistently different. In 1971 it was linked to genetic factors by a British researcher.
Dr. Steven Novella the great courses lecture “Your Deceptive Mind”
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman.
the fuel-engine analogy is much simpler for me to explain the relation between the the brain and the defected digestive system…. a story in a book made for sale is not a reliable source.. also, you should know that the genes are not concrete blocks, they can be affected ( mutated ) by the environmental and other factors… according to many peer reviewed papers and the national fragile X syndrome: “About 10 percent of children with ASD are identified as having another genetic and chromosomal disorder, such as Fragile X syndrome. Given the possibility of a link, it is recommended that all children with ASD, both male and female, be referred for genetic evaluation and testing for FXS and any other genetic cause of ASD.”
what about the other 90%???
This conversation is futile have a nice day.
My baby sister is autistic and I’m really frustrated by her at times. I want her to use her words and she is verbal and even sings but fails at communicating.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ce16db0b2f49bd5dcb50d647bf7dfb4330fb8687016286bc0c4c4f600486c61b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45c8f43e584f5f98bc88662645d89d234bbd1e52445d341070c39de39d337fbc.jpg i have one request,,, please please, save your kids just like i saved mine , autism is treatable ,with 60-100% recovery , look for doctors work under (defeat autism now , DAN) , they have a protocol that can change ASD children conditions, in only 4 months, my son ( which has autism and ADHD) was non verbal hitting himself millions times a day, aggressive toward everyone , now he is singing and talking and stopped harming him self completely , of course he is still suffer from social disorders, but at least i am in the right path using only vitamins … let me tell you another thing, try sublingual ( methylcobal amine or methyl B12) and ( the activated B6,, or P5P 50 mg) for one month only, you will see some good changes by yourself…. i am from iraq so i have no interest in making promotion for anything, i just feel that i have to help all children because of what i passed through. please save your kid
please find this. book online , it is free, read it and i promise you
that you will get a good idea about the ASD condition and how to treat
it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/760f11de70250c2731c5bc88b2115a48055312a4c89ac7fb101f821fe76ed240.jpg
what do you mean by spam?
it is only two images of the active form of B6 and methyl B12!!
Spam, AKA junk.
you can also read this book, it is on amazon, these books are really life saving https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5451cfaf2312e72efa949ae1ef58641391e10dca88549c01372e6ec5e72c4601.jpg
What does this book have to do with GMOs causing autism?
this book is about what the autistic children suffer, and the methods to eliminate or at least reduce the symptoms.. please focus on healing the kids , leave the cause for later.
Spam isn’t good sonny
Yes Amber you are correct, Autism is genetic, in that the mutations happen in the DNA, but no, humans werent born WITH autism. Autism is from environment toxins.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/760f11de70250c2731c5bc88b2115a48055312a4c89ac7fb101f821fe76ed240.jpg please find this. book online , it is free, read it and i promise you that you will get a good idea about the ASD condition and how to treat it
Being born autistic is genetic
Being born with MS is genetic
Being born a serial killer is genetic
Being born a pedophile is genetic
Being born stupid is genetic
Being born smart is genetic
Being born a Presidential candidate is genetic
Getting cancer is genetic
Getting heart disease is genetic
Getting high blood pressure is genetic…..
Etc etc etc…
None of the above has anything to do with what we eat, drink, breathe or inject.
Just sayin…
You are so right. Our genes are not a sentence to develop a given disease or disorder. It takes an environmental trigger to activate them. The food we eat, the air we breath, the chemicals we use, and the medications we take can all be possible triggers.
Thanks for standing up for sanity!
Near as I can figure, there is still no clear evidence what causes Autism.
There is a possible genetic link and there is still a possible environmental link.
There is strong evidence that it is a second trimester insult.
There is strong evidence that there are degraded nerves (myelin sheath) and a sort of confused neural pathways (tangled dendrites).
There is strong evidence that brain tissue is generally 20% above normal.
There is strong anecdotal evidence that this involves other body structures, such as skin (diagnosis generally comes with “good looking”).
It is unclear what all this means and I have not heard any clear – reproducible evidence as to why.
After 325 years one might think we would learn to avoid hysteria.
So explain how mt son, who is adopted and has two half siblings who are older, onw who also has a spectrum disorder, is not genetic? So far, every study showing the genetic componet matches him perfectly, even the brain growth at 20 weeks gestation.
it is very easy to explain, they live in the same environment, eating the same genetically modified food GMO, the air, water, and food pollution affecting every living cell in his body, our food is sterilized, with no natural good microorganisms (our first natural defense against the pathogens ) due to the excessive use of antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc, all of our food come in plastic containers, which leaks very toxic materials, especially the endocrine disrupting compounds like BPA, big companies use toxic chemicals (like Arsenic in chicken as additive) and they try to convince you that it is safe because it is under the allowed amount !?? , do you want more explanations?
More is not needed. Correct would be a drastic improvement. For starters, our food isn’t sterile. Whether it is GE (learn the correct term) or not isn’t relevant.
wow!! you just solve this problem only by using short and smart replies like “spam and junk” ,and giving a different name for the same class of food, really it was enlightening , my posts were to the people who care enough to read a book on how to heal the autism, or at least reduce its symptoms… again, the title of the book is “Autism pathways to recovery by amy yasko”
I didn’t solve the problem. But perhaps I stopped some folks from wasting their time reading your book and spending money on your pills.
Please stop being ignorant.
Just because you have autism doesn’t mean you know anything about the etiology or the pathophysiology involved. You have people thousands of times more qualified than yourself, having done research for decades, giving an explanation based on sound logic and reason that is contrary to your grossly uneducated attempt at shutting down a conversation. Sad, really.
You have no idea what my qualifications are. I’m not uneducated. I have a 145 non-verbal IQ. I’m an aspiring neuropsychiatrist. I base my opinions off of legitimate peer reviewed research instead of using conformation bias to find data that aligns with what I already believe. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f551c226a16162733888d92ec3a61afbef25a13e8fd66923f495a032ab566b3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/984ee02cdfeedc71c712b690897e73073807b806719da84b25d40bb9cc404df7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c423408aa09c555f94185521e2ad6e8b5f4a2787c43a9e70200e67d9ba9f3e7.jpg
My son is autistic. Has nothing to do with his vaccines or gut. He showed early signs of autism long before vaccines. He was born with respiratoty issues and could not be vaccinated while sick so he was behind schedule the first two years. His autism showed uo before he received any vaccines. He was born with meconium aspiration (50%mortality rate). We were told on day 3 after he was born to watch for autiam. He carried a genetic factor commonly found in autistic boys, a combined heart defect usually only incidentally found. This doc has every baby get an ultrasound. So far 50% of boys born with these two defects has developed autism. So no, it is not gut or immunity. It can be genetic too.
I believe it’s a combination of genetics (bad or damaged DNA passed on from parents) and environmental factors.
I really like how the USDA just happened to not study glyphosate in it’s studies. That is crony capitalistic government at it’s worst! It’s ironic how many disease ravaged families still defend those poisoning our food and water supplies.
We are anti-vax and eat organic and our kids are significantly surpassing our mind/body health when we were kids. It must be genetic? Well, they actually are surpassing almost everyone in the family at their age. Just a coincidence? I think not….
OK, autism appears to be the result of a second trimester insult.
So, how can the gut be involved when the problem traces back to before eating?
In the case of my son, I am not aware of any vaccines administered during pregnancy.
I’d just like to say, I have 2 autistic children. Neither has any gut problems that I am in any form aware of. I have heard that a number of children do, but mine do not.
What a boatload of crap.
Maybe we would be farther along in understand autism if it weren’t for those crazy anti-vaxxers who keeping going on and on about the imaginary connection between autism and vaccinations.
Before my kids were born I actually did a lot of reading about vaccinations. How many people do that? Not many, which ridiculously irresponsible. But I can tell you this:
1) I never met anyone who did any amount of reading, and I mean books and articles by doctors, not comments online (this was before the internet) not advertising pamphlets put out by the pham industry, who decided to go ahead with a full vaccination program for their kids.
2) I never met anyone who went ahead with the full vaccination program for their kids who actually did any research at all before making that decision. They all just had in their head the words that have been parroted down for decades as long as I can remember.
3) The anti-vaxxers, as you like to call us, that I have met, have all had more college education than the “go along with the program without thinking people” that I have known.
So, as I can see that your are just parroting words like “anti-vaxxers” is seems clear that you are one of those who do not like to do any actual reading.
Whether or not there is a connection between vaccines and autism is only one issue. That is not the only problem with vaccines. But if you want to only listen to the people who profit from vaccines, and are therefore the last ones you should listen to, I can’t stop you.
Are you referring to the ex-vaxxers?
Great. Expect World War 3 when they get older bc they can’t relate to human experience. Damn you Monsanto. I see you all over North Carolina.
A quick lookup on Wikipedia exposed this bit of info:
On two occasions, the United States EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate.[146] The first incident involved Industrial Biotest Laboratories (IBT). The United States Justice Department closed the laboratory in 1978, and its leadership was found guilty in 1983 of charges of falsifying statements, falsifying scientific data submitted to the government, and mail fraud.[147]
In 1991, Don Craven, the owner of Craven Laboratories and three employees were indicted on 20 felony counts. Craven, along with fourteen employees were found guilty of similar crimes.[148]
Right, so in spite of that it is still on the market? Why?
Because the Craven labs were falsifying the information, as in making it bad when it isnt
It’s called greed.
Nope, it is called a safe product. Correlation is not causation and seneff forgot to tell you that the definition of autism spectrum has been changed. Thus the increasing diagnoses.
Right. Global warming is a big conspiracy theory joke as well.
The wild fear mongering that vaccines have a role in causing autism is a joke. A joke that has nothing to do with global warming or getting 1000 vaccines in a year. Now, why is it that we no longer have smallpox? Oh, vaccines. Iron lungs? vaccines.
And the Earth is flat, right? Now, who told you those stories? The same people who rounded up all those patients and placed them in a single clinic and propagandized the nation. Consider yourself a sucker for government propaganda…
Consider your self an ignoramus regarding history. Plus I am old enough to remember polio victims. Including my Aunt Margaret. What is flat is your head.
back when the society you lived in was a cess pool….. isn’t polio still around renamed enterovirus to protect the scam that the vaccine works so it keeps selling?
The scam is when the shameless advocates for disease call vaccines a scam.
Consider yourself someone who makes life-determining decisions (potentially for innocent victims…your kids) based on what? Suggest you take a little training on critical analysis of sources and then be open-minded enough to reconsider your position.
The problem is what other ingredients are put in the vaccines given.
No, the problem is that people like you lie about vaccine safety. There is only a very few statistically insignificant numbers of unexplained reactions with vaccines. That is more than counter balanced by the protections afforded to the immuno compromised by herd immunity. The bigger problem occurs when people wrongly and often dishonestly spread fear and lies regarding vaccines. Remember, no more smallpox. polio almost gone.
I wonder why Autism is listed as a possible side effect on most vaccinations… weird… seems like someone didn’t do his homework…
If it is it shouldn’t be. there is no reason to even suspect this.
It’s not. He’s either lying, or more likely was faked out by an old anti-vax misrepresentation.
It isn’t, and you are either deliberately, or accidentally mis-stating the case. The Package Insert of every drug has a clearly labeled “Adverse Events” and “Serious Adverse Events” section, the claims therein being been born out by review of the years of ongoing safety studies for a drug. These AE’s are normally considered “most likely causal” events, meaning medical professionals (not online nutritionists) have made determinations based on fact. What you are referring to is entirely something else – you are referring to the DTap label from 2003-ish, which also included a “Reported Side Effects” section, including such things as “autism”. That means someone called in to FDA or the manufacturer and said “your vaccine gave me autism!”. This was written down and included. This also is a practice that has gone by the way-side, so you’re not only holding to an inaccurate point, but an elderly one, at that.
Autism is better than polio or smallpox, so I’ll give you that one.
You are still wrong. Better is incorrect. Not as bad is correct.
Eric, I’m just offering a possibility, please don’t consider this an attack or reply with an insult or condescension. There is a possibility that the vaccines don’t stop the spread of disease. Consider that the immediate actions of the CDC to quarantine any new outbreaks of those types of diseases might be what actually has worked. When there was an outbreak of the measles, in one case that I recall, over half those that were immunized became sick. Actually those that were immunized came down with the measles at a higher percentage than those that weren’t immunized. I’m not against vaccines, my children got immunizations. But, I don’t know about their efficacy.
Nope. The government has paid out over 3 billion dollars for vaccine caused injuries. Many more that are injured are not compensated. The measles vaccine has killed more people than measles in the last 10 years. CDC information. Vaccines do not provide herd immunity. Once you have the measles, which does not kill children, you have lifelong immunity. A vaccine cannot do that.
Nice way to lie about the claims. They ere paid for unproven claims. Not proven. Assuming you didn’t lie about the dollar amounts. My Doc and my science teachers have correctly taught me about herd immunity. Considering the elimination of smallpox alone means that they are correct and you are not.
No. Not a lie. To date, more than 3 billion dollars have been paid out to victims of vaccine injury. These were for proven injuries. The Vaccine Court does not act as intended, and you still have to prove the injury was caused by the vaccine. Herd immunity has not been achieved because even vaccinated individuals have developed the illness they were vaccinated for. Also, vaccines do not afford life time protection, only getting the measles etc can do that.
From the HRSA site on vaccination claims. “The United States has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history. In the majority of cases, vaccines cause no side effects, however they can occur, as with any medication—but most are mild. Very rarely, people experience more serious side effects, like allergic reactions.
In those instances, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) allows individuals to file a petition for compensation.
What does it mean to be awarded compensation?
Being awarded compensation for a petition does not necessarily mean that the vaccine caused the alleged injury. In fact:
Over 80 percent of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury.
Attorneys are eligible for reasonable attorneys’ fees, whether or not the petitioner is awarded compensation by the Court, if certain minimal requirements are met. In those circumstances, attorneys are paid by the VICP directly. By statute, attorneys may not charge any other fee, including a contingency fee, for his or her services in representing a petitioner in the VICP.
What reasons might a petition result in a negotiated settlement?
Consideration of prior U.S. Court of Federal Claims decisions, both parties decide to minimize risk of loss through settlement
A desire to minimize the time and expense of litigating a case
The desire to resolve a petition quickly
How many petitions have been awarded compensation?
According to the CDC, from 2006 to 2015 over 2.8 billion doses of covered vaccines were distributed in the U.S. For petitions filed in this time period, 4,528 petitions were adjudicated by the Court, and of those 2,962 were compensated. This means for every 1 million doses of vaccine that were distributed, 1 individual was compensated.
Since 1988, over 18,426 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29-year time period, 16,555 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,581 of those determined to be compensable, while 10,974 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $3.7 billion.” Geee, I wonder why jean omitted the “life of the program” part when lying about the fact that the claims are not proven.
So, did you notice that only one case of(unproven) compensation was awarded for every one million vaccines given? I wonder why dishonest jean left that out?
Gee Eric, can’t you read? I copied the last 2 entrees on the vaccine compensation report and posted it here. So far in 2017 they have paid out over 250 million dollars in claims. The total payout in vaccine compensation was clearly shown as over 3 billion dollars. I didn’t think I would have to explain that to you. And this info you posted is from the government. They can make the claim that these are unproven cases, but we will never know because most them are sealed and unavailable to anyone. Why no transparency? The government has admitted that only 1 to 5 percent of all adverse reactions are reported. Many doctors are unaware of where they should report and what they should report. Frankly we don’t know the scope of adverse events.
Here is some information on one compensated case: In vaccine court, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services acts as the defendant and Justice Department attorneys act as counsel.
In 2009, Ryan’s case was transferred to vaccine court’s Autism Omnibus Proceedings, according to the docket. A year-and-a-half later, the government conceded that MMR vaccine had indeed caused Ryan’s encephalopathy.
HHS agreed that “Ryan suffered a Table injury under the Vaccine Act — namely, an encephalitis within five to fifteen days following receipt,” of MMR, records show. “This case is appropriate for compensation.”
Whether HHS agreed with Ryan’s parents that his vaccine-induced brain disease led to ASD is unknown. The concession document is under seal.
The government doesn’t have to admit to anything in public because we aren’t allowed to know the truth. Bottom line is that vaccines are not safe for everyone. You have anger at folks who question vaccine safety because you believe that the rights of the immune-compromised trump the rights of the rest us. What about the rights of the children who are vulnerable to vaccine injuries? Where is your sympathy for their safety? Oh, that’s right, you don’t believe in vaccine injury. HHS said that Ryan experienced one…..a serious brain disease.
Yes, I can read. That is why I pasted in th facts. The ones you choose to ignore. The fact that only 1 claim per million doses is recognized as Maybe being due to an explained possible reaction. That is what is relevant. Not your anecdotal maybe story.
Fact: 3 billion dollars paid in compensation for vaccine injury equals vaccines are not safe.
Um, an entree is what you have as the main course for dinner. And obviously your ability to count is compromised too, if you don’t consider prevention as a valid reason for vaccination and compare the drop in numbers of cases over time with the infinitesimally small number of bad reactions….yes they do exist, but cause autism? Cause and correlation are not the same thing, any more than your beliefs are facts.
Iron lungs were replaced with modern ventilators.
Not in areas where polio was eradicated by the wonderful meds called vaccines.
People go on vents for may reasons other than polio. I suggest you look up the difference between “iron lung” and “ventilator” because I doubt you will believe me that an iron lung was a device where the entire patient except the head was put into the machine in order to artificially induce respiration, and the modern equivalent is where they intubate the patient and hook the tube up to a machine that induces artificial respiration (called a ventilator) by intermittently blowing air, usually with extra oxygen, into the patient’s lungs – allowing for easier and more efficient access to the rest of the patient’s body.
I know the difference. I have seen both modern ventilators and the photos of the type of Iron lung that my second cousin Margaret was in.
Nope. Measles and polio and smallpox were all but gone before vaccines. This information is available on the CDC website.(Better sanitation and nutrition were the main reasons.)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr has offered anyone $100,000 to provide the proof that mercury in vaccines is safe. No one has come forward. Because there is no proof that they are safe. In fact, the Supreme Court in 1986 ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Why would anyone want to inject something unsafe into their body or their child’s? And now they have found that some vaccines are contaminated with glyphosate. This is no joke. Vaccines are harmful and if you think they are so safe, go to your doctor and get the 69 doses of vaccines that are given to our babies. And the CDC has known that vaccines cause autism for many years and hid the truth. It’s all about the money.
More lies from the disgusting side. How do you explain why those diseases were eliminated in areas where there has never been good sanitation or nutrition? Post this so called info from the CDC site. Kennedy is as nasty as thou. Jut dumber. We educated folks ignore him as much as possible.
Yes. The vaccines work in areas where there is no sanitation and poor nutrition and they should probably be used there UNTIL proper sanitation and nutrition can be established. Once it is, the vaccine should no longer be needed. Go to the CDC website and get the information on the various diseases and then look up when the vaccine was introduced. You will see that the diseases were already in fast decline before the vaccine. Better sanitation and nutrition were responsible.
No, dishonest one. Vaccines should be used everywhere. There is no reason to expect them to work in one area and not in others. Plus there was alreay good nutrition and sanitation in many areas such as the U.S. and people still got polio and smallpox…..Until vaccinations were used.
They shouldn’t be used everywhere and by everyone until they have been properly studied for safety…..not for just one injection….but for numerous ones given simultaneously to infants and small children who do not even have an established immune system. Some people are injured by vaccines and there is no way at the present time to test to determine who might have a severe reaction. Mercury and aluminum are recognized neurotoxins and should NEVER be injected into a human being. Most of your immune system is in the gut. Glyphosate is a registered antibiotic. Antibiotics destroy not only the bad bacteria, but the good as well. We have an epidemic of antibiotic resistance in the world fueled by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Surely glyphosate has played a big part in that having been used as a desiccant on wheat crops since the early 1990s. And now that same antibiotic is being found as a contaminant in vaccines. Read the history of smallpox and polio. The definition of polio was changed which also lowered the incidence of the disease. Sanitation and nutrition improved after World War II.
They have been tested for safety. That is why they have been used so safely and effectively. Quit lying about mercury and aluminum. The tiny amounts used are safe and effective. Glyphosate may be registered as such. But it is not used as such. Conflating it with antibiotic resistance is dishonest. Most of the immune system is not effected by glyphosate. thus that comment is stupid. Start posting proof along with your lies or get lost.
No they have not and 3 billion dollars in payments to the vaccine injured is proof of that. I did not lie about mercury and aluminum. I’ve already told you how you can look it up for yourself. Glyphosate isn’t used as a antibiotic but it is one. It’s on all the conventional wheat we eat, so we are taking an antibiotic every single day. To say it doesn’t affect the gut is ludicrous. Antibiotics kill bacteria….good and bad….where ever they are encountered. How is the gut safe from glyphosate? Please point me to that research.
The gut is safe as the MRLs are almost never even approached. Also, you just lied again. “all the conventional wheat” not even close. Don’t lie about farming to a farmer. The 3 billion came from a wacko site. Find an actual source. Kinda like I did.
MRLs are NOT toxicological safety limits. And show me the research that shows that the MRLs are actually safe. An antibiotic will kill bacteria no matter how low the dose. Well, if you consider the CDC a wacko site, then I guess you are right. Just go to pages 8 and 9 of the vaccine compensation data page at the CDC. It shows that it has paid out over 3 billion dollars for vaccine injury. You didn’t look hard enough for the source.
You have failed to read even one source I have posted. Why would I go to the effort of looking up more? You are dishonest and have backed up none of your lies. You are too stupid to even admit the basic efficacy of vaccinations. Now, in spite of the clear success of the MRL system of preventing pesticide caused issues in pour food supplies you want to deny this as well. Pathetic. The proof lies in the almost complete lack of problems. I already posted the info refuting your vaccine claims misrepresentation. You and your ilk are garbage.
You didn’t provide any sources. You will not look up the information I have directed you to because you don’t want to know the truth. Vaccines cause injury. That is a fact that you refuse to believe. Complete lack of problems? More babies die in the US in the first year of life than in any other developed country, and we give the most vaccinations. We use more pesticides than any other country too. Get your head out of the sand and stop calling names. It only proves your ignorance.
And another lie. I have posted well over a dozen links to actual qualified scientists and they almost all have embedded links. Your stupid claim regarding babies is another correlation is causation claim. Slow learner aren’t you?
You have posted no links in response to me. Please post them and I will gladly look them up. Here is the information I copied from the CDC website on payments for vaccine injury:
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Monthly Statistics Report
Updated 08/01/2017 Page 9
Fiscal Year
Number of
Petitioners’ Award
Number of Payments
to Attorneys
(Dismissed Cases)
Number of
to Interim
Total Outlays
FY 2017 610 $232,667,154.63 $19,115,679.76 108 $3,783,818.42 46 $3,153,930.53 $258,720,583.34
Total 5,571 $3,468,916,800.58 $167,545,317.02 5,207 $73,968,458.84 360 $27,453,911.23 $3,737,884,487.67
It won’t post as the table in the report, but you can see that the last entry is Total Outlays and were over 3 billion dollars. Check it out.
Yea, about the doctors and babies not dying when they washed their hands. They didn’t believe the doctor about that either back then, yet it was the truth.
In 2017 they paid out over $250 million dollars.
Here is a statement regarding mercury: Mercury is the only metallic element that is liquid at standard temperature and pressure. It was once widely used in thermometers and amalgams for dental fillings, but use of mercury in these applications is being phased out because of its toxicity. If it’s too toxic to be used in amalgams what is it doing in vaccines????? I found this information by googling….Is mercury inert.
I said inert form, not inert. You are either lying again or can’t read. Try this from Science Nordic. April 19, 2015 – 06:25
The MMR vaccine has been accused of many things, from containing mercury to triggering autism. Here we look at four of the most serious claims and separate fact from fiction.
Keywords: autism, Children’s health, mercury, MMR, Vaccine
By: Rasmus Kragh Jakobsen
The MMR vaccination: More and more parents opt out of vaccinating their children because they are afraid of the consequences. In Denmark, every tenth child goes unvaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Out of all our medical achievements, vaccines have had some of the largest impacts on our health. In fact, due to vaccination programs, many countries have irradiated a number of serious infectious diseases.
Nonetheless, more and more parents around the world choose not to vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine. In Denmark this has resulted in 1 in 10 children not being vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella, and it has created a fierce debate.
In the US, rates of vaccinations are lower than in Russia and Zimbabwe, with an increasing number of measles cases being reported. As a result, the infectious and dangerous disease is spreading.
Recently, a child died in Germany, while in Denmark there has been a limited number of cases reported. Each time this occurs, it threatens to spread through other unvaccinated children which could cause a major outbreak.
Given the risks associated with opting out of vaccinations, we have taken a look at some of the most prominent anti-vaccine claims to separate the myths from the facts.
Myth 1: MMR vaccine contains Mercury
This is a very common misconception, but actually the MMR vaccine has never contained mercury, which is a neurotoxin. The misunderstanding arose because people often confuse vaccines with each other.
Mercury was used in childhood vaccines against whooping cough, and it was argued that it could be the cause of autism. Mercury is also found, though rarely, in some influenza vaccines. However, there is no link to autism.
The myth has arisen due to the use of thimerosal, an antimicrobial molecule which contains ethylmercury, but its use in vaccines ended globally in 1990.
Studies of autism in children show that removal of thimerosal from the vaccination program, had absolutely no effect on the occurrence of autism. If thimerosal was an important factor, then it would have resulted in a sharp drop in the number of autism cases in children vaccinated without thimerosal. This is not the case.
These kinds of studies have been carried out in many countries, and none have demonstrated a correlation between autism and thimerosal.
“There is more mercury in a can of mackerel in tomato sauce, than in a vaccination shot,” says Jan Pravsgaard Christensen, professor of infectious immunology at the University of Copenhagen.
Claim 2: MMR vaccine causes autism
The now infamous myth that the MMR vaccine causes autism stems from a single fraudulent study published in 1998. It was in fact, withdrawn by the journal when it was revealed that the lead author Andrew J. Wakefield had manipulated with the study. He subsequently lost his medical license.
In the paper, Wakefield and colleagues claimed to show an overlap between the MMR vaccine and autistic behaviour in children. They published their findings in the prestigious scientific journal Lancet, despite significant flaws in the study. For example, the study was only based on 12 children, which is no way near representative of the entire population.
Wakefield held a press conference and recommended that parents should avoid the MMR vaccine until scientists had figured out exactly what was going on. The following media storm spread his message around the world: the MMR vaccine causes autism. Meanwhile, scientists were questioning Wakefield’s research.
Researchers from around the world, including Denmark, searched for a convincing link between MMR vaccine and autism, but they found none. To this day, nobody has found any indication that autism is more common among vaccinated children than unvaccinated children.
Meanwhile, the British journalist Brian Deer discovered that Wakefield had applied for a patent for an alternative vaccine against measles and stood to benefit financially if the MMR vaccine was discredited.
In 2010, a study of scientific fraud showed that Wakefield had manipulated the data. He lost his license, and the Lancet withdrew the article.
Nevertheless, Wakefield is still considered a martyr in some anti-vaccine circles, and his message has never completely gone away.
According to Christensen, the myth is still present in the minds of the public.
A big problem is that the MMR vaccine is typically administered around the same time that symptoms of autism would also typically appear in children.
“You may find that your child is vaccinated at the doctor, and 14 days later, it looks like they may have autism. So people start to put two and two together, but the cause and the link is not there,” says Christensen.
Whilst the cause of autism remains elusive, doctors and scientists do not suspect the MMR vaccine.
You can still read the infamous retracted article in the lancet journal.
Claim 3: MMR vaccines are full of chemicals that are bad for our health
“Yes, as a layman it [the amount of chemicals] looks dramatic, but none of them are dangerous,” says Christensen.
Concerns about ‘dangerous chemicals’ in the MMR vaccine primarily relate to thimerosal, aluminium hydroxide, and formaldehyde. In fact, none of these substances have ever been used are in the MMR vaccine, though they are present in other vaccines.
However, as with thiomersal, the misunderstanding of these chemicals is so widespread that it is worth clarifying it here.
Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, so you might be surprised that it is actually a completely natural substance produced in our bodies. It is only dangerous in large amounts, and in much higher levels than are found in any vaccine. In fact, the body typically produces more formaldehyde during the time spent reading this article, than any vaccine contains.
Aluminium hydroxide has a strong reaction with skin, resulting in lumps (granulomas) and inflammation, but this is actually a good thing. Aluminium hydroxide acts as an adjuvant in the vaccine. In effect, it stimulates the immune system and helps ensure that the patient’s immune response reacts appropriately. What may appear as a problem actually shows that the vaccine has worked correctly.
“It’s an inert substance that is not in any way dangerous,” says Christensen. “It is also why we use it in our cookware instead of nickel, which we used in the old days.”
Claim 4: MMR vaccine is artificial and does not work. Children should have the disease to strengthen their immune systems
The active ingredients in the MMR vaccine are the live viruses (measles, mumps and rubella virus) — so in a way, the MMR vaccine infects you with the measles virus when administered.
This is why some experience a measles rash as a side effect. The reason why you do not contract full-blown measles is that the viruses are weakened so that the immune system can fight them quickly.
Crucially, having the vaccine allows the immune system to get to know the enemy, i.e the virus. A vaccinated person is then prepared and can quickly mobilize “defence troops” to fight the disease if exposed to it later in life.
The MMR vaccine offers protection against measles for as long as if you had had the disease itself.
According to Christensen, Denmark has administered the MMR vaccine for almost 30 years. He thinks that if it is still effective after so long, then it probably offers lifelong protection.
However, the vaccine does not work on everyone. It fails in around 1 in 1000 vaccinated individuals who still get sick. What you need to remember is that so long as it works in the other 999 cases, then they limit the spread of virus by neither getting sick themselves nor passing the virus on to others.
“It may well be that the disease gives a slightly better immunity to the vaccine, but you must remember that you also add all the other risks associated with having the natural infection,” says Christensen.
Where are all the cited references so one can read the studies? And I would debate that statement that the measles is a dangerous and deadly disease in the US. Never was deadly by CDC statistics.
As you well know deleted by vermin such as yourself. Romania 30 deaths. Thus deadly. Your desire to argue against reality proves only that you are guilty of complicity in the crime of opposing disease reduction.
I didn’t say it isn’t deadly, the CDC says it isn’t deadly. They state on their website that dying from the measles is rare.
Sanitation and nutrition are not relevant and improved in many areas well before WW2.
Natural immunity dominated after that era and better sanitation and hygiene. Regardless of vaccines, when enough mothers/citizens die off with their natural immunity the diseases will come back mutated despite your placebo vaccines w/ their toxins.
Please have yourself injected with 1000 vaccines and report back next year to tell us they’ve had no effect on you.
Dr. Paul Offit
Sorry but this made me laugh
What an elaborate and well thought rebuttal. The reason why you and most of us are here is because of inoculations. Stop being a selfish baby.
brain dead citizen above obsessed with mob rule, but claims to love liberty…. ^^^^^
No, it’s the fact that many ex-Monsanto employees now work for the government approving these poisons.
Wrong, “many” name a few dozen. “Poisons” baloney, if glyphosate was poisonous. Farmers would quit feeding it to their livestock and families.
All easily verified by a Google search. I’m not your internet welfare officer providing you results at your demand. Do your own searching if you really want to learn.
“Scoffing is the excuse for the ignorant.”
In other words your dumb self read the comment as written by other wacktivists and you have no clue if there really are any Very stupid and very expected. I have learned. I am simply exposing liars like you.
What branch of government do you work? Surely, you aren’t that enslaved.
I am a farmer and do landscape work. I oppose any decrease in liberty.
I’m forced to pay school taxes yet am told vaccinations are MANDATORY to enter public schools.
How is that good for individual liberty? Assuming you really believe that, I would think you would be supporting efforts for those NOT attending public schools to be excluded from paying school taxes.
You should vaccinate your kids. To not do so is idiotic. You should not have to pay taxes for gov’t schools. that is the violation of liberty. I have always opposed the existence of and mandatory nature of gov’t schools. The list of chemicals you mentioned are not all harmful. You need to do some research.
Says who? Traditional medicine that still poisons humans with chemotherapy? Diseases are wiped out by excellent hygiene, sanitary conditions and diet (strong immune systems can fight any disease including cancer).
To do what crony science always tells you to do is idiotic.
My kids are superior with regards to intelligence than their vaccinated counterparts. They’re both geniuses, but their heavily vaccinated parents weren’t and whom also have cronic conditions and allergies which once again our children don’t.
Explain that, genius?
Easy, Vaccines got rid of diseases where there still isn’t good hygiene sanitary conditions or diets. The rest of your claims are just as stupid.
Representative Bill Posey has introduced a bill, H.R.1636, requiring the NIH to do studies on vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. If you really want an answer, call or write to your representative to sponsor and support this bill. We need definitive answers and maybe this will provide them.
I have the answer. Get your brats vaccinated. I will not support spending money for this when the existing system works so well.
Studies have already been done, and are continuing be done without government participation. First studies show that unvaxxed children are healthier than vaxxed children. I feel sorry for you to be so brainwashed by Big Pharma that you won’t support viable research.
brain dead neurological case ^^^^^^
MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG) = Neurotoxin (banned in Asia, but still used in the USA)
INDUSTRIAL FLUORIDE added to water = Neurotoxin (Currently, banned from Asian water supplies, but still not banned in the USA), China has determined fluoride in the water supply decreases human IQ 5 to 10 points (other damage as well). Listed as the #3 most toxic chemical.
ASPARTAME = Neurotoxin (Progressively being banned in numerous countries, but not the USA)
** Yet it has been linked to multiple sclerosis, lupus, brain tumours, blindness, seizures, mental health problems and birth defects, probably because its components can, in high enough doses, be harmful. But aspartame doesn’t contain high quantities of aspartic acid (also found in avocados and asparagus), or methanol (found in beer, wine and tomatoes). Phenylalanine is harmful, but only to the unlucky few with phenylketonuria, a rare genetic disorder. For everyone else, aspartame is safe. The daily recommended dose is 40mg per kg of body weight. For perspective, you would have to drink 12 cans of Diet Pepsi to hit that.
ALCOHOL = seriously addictive substance said to be more addictive than heroin. Destroys families and kills the liver. This substance is known to turn ordinary humans into physically/verbally abusive people.
TOBACCO = known carcinogen and linked directly to cancer. Nicotine is said to be more addictive than heroin.
I think I’ve applied enough information above to show the substances and chemicals above are destructive to the human mind and body.
With a .001% chance of getting the diseases you get vaccinated for and a higher chance of getting either some obvious side affects (under-reported to the Govt) and those not so obvious (allergies, asthma, MS, Crohn’s, Autism later, etc.), you’d have to be an idiot to accept vaccinations from a pharma industry that is overseen by a government that has a history of NOT protecting it’s people (but only it’s interests).
It is a violation of my liberty to be forced to take a vaccine that has never been properly tested for safety. It is a violation of my liberty to be injected with known neurotoxins. Not all chemicals are harmful to all people but some people are harmed by them. Are they just dispensable? We need to back away from one size fits all medicine, and we need to get chemicals out of our environment for the greater good.
The liberty of the immuno-suppressed takes liberty over that of dishonest anti-vaxxers. Again, look up inert forms of elements. This time include the phrase biologically insignificant. Finally try thinking. You are composed of chemicals. To get rid of them means you die.
Chemicals suppress the immune system. Sugar suppresses the immune system. Inert forms of elements? Get real. The human body has no need for mercury or aluminum. You will not die from a deficiency of mercury or aluminum.
My kids never get sick…..your point is????
Your kids do get sick. All kids do. You are a liar.
All the while all the vaccinated children around them are chronically ill and spend excessive amounts of time annually in the doctor’s offic or hospital. How does that work? Please explain real life events based on actual human experience in and around our family. Oh, that’s right. When people with views like yourself defend crony science over real life parent accounts you’ll next say “ANECDOTAL!!!”…….ZZZZZZZ
Because anecdotal is the correct response to your delusional rants. Name and explain why and how vaccine studies are crony science.
NVIC.ORG Check your State requirements! Many times when they say “Mandatory” it is a LIE! Just like the Vaccines are in every way! #VAERS #VAXXED
I see we have a slow guy that doesn’t understand that vaccines got rid of smallpox and reduced many other diseases. Polio is almost gone now.
Very well said….. Couldn’t agree with you more, Keith. When you farm with Monsanto poison or another GMO garbage company, I wouldn’t expect anything else from this farmer.
Then you should be opposed to mandatory vaccinations. My body, my choice.
Nope, I am opposed to the reduction of freedom foisted upon the immuno-compromised by inhumane anti vaxxers.
Please educate yourself. The measles vaccine is live virus. Those getting the vaccine can shed measles for several weeks. Don’t you think they should be kept from the immuno-compromised? Most people are not anti vaxxers……they just want SAFE vaccines and only when they are necessary.
I am educated. Your use of standard antivax Lies such as the stupid nutrition and sanitation claim have marked you as vermin.
Gee, then why are we told to wash our hands often especially during cold/flu season? Why did babies stop dying from infections once doctors were taught to wash their hands? Why was everything sanitized that was around people with smallpox? Weren’t contaminated blankets given to the Native Americans so they would contract smallpox? If they had been able to sanitize those blankets, they never would have gotten the disease. Sanitation is the first step in fighting any disease, as is clean water and nutritious food.
Gee, we are Told to wash hands to minimize the spread. That doesn’t mean stop the spread. The way that vaccines have stopped smallpox and almost has polio finished off.
Yes, it does. If you keep your hands clean you won’t get sick and then you cannot spread the germs. Again, read the history of smallpox and polio and you will see the part proper sanitation played.
Baloney, like most precautions it simply reduces the odds. Though not nearly as much as our safe and effective vaccines. I have not only read the history I remember the some of the victims, Including my Aunt Margaret. Sanitation? No, vaccines. Sanitation was just fine when she got polio.
Read the history of hand washing and the death of babies. You didn’t read the history of smallpox and you should. Go get yourself 69 vaccinations over the next several months like our babies get and come back and tell me how you feel. Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and that’s why we have a vaccine compensation program.
You won’t believe what you are being told here, so you need to go do the research yourself instead of believing what you are being told by Monsanto and Big Pharma who have no interest in anything but the money to be made.
I have done the research. I am a vaccinated farmer ho understands reality very well. Take your delusional garbage to a flat earth convention.
If you did any research at all you would know that mercury and aluminum are neurotoxins that should never be injected into the human body. It’s not a safe thing to do. Glyphosate is an antibiotic. It kills all bacteria good and bad. It is going to leave the earth sterile because good bacteria is not added to the soil in mega conventional farms. People are demanding NON-GMO and organic foods and that will turn the tide. I hope we can do it sooner than later. When was the last time you had a vaccine? I haven’t been vaccinated since I was a child and I rarely even get a cold. I’m good with that.
I agree so much with this!
We are farmers and we HATE Glysophate! We eat organic and dont eat any of our own ‘sprayed’ produce. This year is our last year farming as we are OVER the chemical regime we are forced to use on our crops. It has caused havoc with our health. Showed up as an allergen in tests for the whole family and caused a variety of symptoms. What a naive thing to say Eric. If you have the list of farmers that use glysophate, please send it to me – my name isnt on it. You sound as though you are speaking for all us farmers! Well, you’re not.
It’s possible that such chemicals may effect some people and not others. I used to think that idea was a bunch of crap. However, I found out that due to some small genetic variations, the body’s ability to eliminate such chemicals becomes impaired. Thus they accumulate and interfere with metabolism and the nervous system. I don’t know about glyphosate yet. But, why dismiss the possibility that it is potentially harmful for some people?
What choice do farmers have as to whether they use Roundup or not? I think the choice is more theoretical than actual. Maybe many farmers just rationalize and convince themselves that it is safe enough, then feed food treated with glyphosate to their livestock and families. Then, they might become angry, condescending, and belligerent when their original misgivings appear to be validated.
No they would not because our government/Monsanto is where their pay checks come from essentially. Why don’t you watch the documentary “What the Health” and then try to tell me that our government isn’t BOUGHT. ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS $$$$$$$$$
Vaccines got rid of smallpox, and reduced other diseases. There is no evidence for the stupid autism claim. Monsanto doesn’t make vaccines. And people who scream errors with all caps and watch stupid propaganda flicks need help.
Look up “Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness” for a good history of the smallpox vaccine. When tens of thousands of parents witness their children regressing into autism after they have received one or a series of vaccinations, there can be no doubt that the vaccines contributed to the regression. Contrary to what many medical doctors believe, this really isn’t a coincidence. Documents show that the CDC knew that mercury was problematic in vaccines but did nothing to remove it. The CDC sells 4.6 million vaccines a year, and owns like 50 patents for vaccines. The CDC mandates the vaccines we are required to get. There is a conflict of interest here. The CDC should not be selling vaccines and owning patents. They should be requiring that the vaccines on the market have been properly tested for safety. They haven’t done their job. Again, it’s all about the money.
More lies from the pro-disease camp. You have no proof that anyone has ever “regressed into autism” due to anything in a vaccine. http://www.autism-society.o… Money? Are you even capable of typing truth.
Here’s a paradox for you. The CDC website has a warning to all pregnant women not to eat fish because of the mercury contamination in fish. This is because it is known that mercury is a neurotoxin that can have an adverse effect on the fetus. Yet, this same CDC has recommended that these same pregnant women get a flu vaccine that contains mercury, and mandates many vaccines that contain mercury be injected into newborns and young children. How can this be? This is not science at all. The CDC knows that mercury was a problem in vaccines and hid the truth.
Monsamto doesn’t make vaccines. Many companies now make glyphosate. They are allowed to do so because it is a safe product.
Sources please? Hard growth rate in agriculture is not sustainable. Modern science is making it possible for us to have less impact on the earth and last water use. Research before posting please.
Other toxic substances may also be autism-inducing. You may recall our story on the CDC whistleblower who revealed the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps, and rubella) and a sharply increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys. Other studies now show a link between children’s exposure to pesticides and autism. Children who live in homes with vinyl floors, which can emit phthalate chemicals, are more likely to have autism. Children whose mothers smoked were also twice as likely to have autism. Research now acknowledges that environmental contaminants such as PCBs, PBDEs, and mercury can alter brain neuron functioning even before a child is born.
Great that there was something going on. But how does that support the OP?
The article and most of the posts all support the suggestion that we do something drastic. Perhaps we should have everyone review the scientific principles and techniques, then apply them to every post and flag them as within scientific principle and practices or hysteria.
It wouldn’t be a problem if Monsanto and Big Pharma actually used scientific principles and techniques. Even when they do, they lie about the results.
They do use scientific principles. That is why glyphosate is safely used and vaccines are so effective.
And Monsanto knew that glyphosate is a carcinogen and lied about it. Look up the current litigation against Monsanto. Documents acquired during discovery prove they knew and they lied. The risk of vaccine injury is too high for my family, so I will not participate. They need to get the mercury, aluminum, glyphosate and other contaminants out of the vaccines. The CDC knew that mercury was causing problems and did nothing for many years. Then they removed mercury from some childhood vaccines but not all vaccines. Look up mercury in vaccines and read the data provided by the CDC. Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and that’s why we have a Vaccine Court to compensate for injuries.
The scum who moderates here deleted my comment that contained links to the FAO and WHO statement that said not a carcinogen.
It no longer matters what the WHO said. Documents received in discovery for the lawsuit against Monsanto clearly show that Monsanto knew and covered up the fact that glyphosate is a carcinogen. Look it up.
More lies. There have been no documents that show any such thing. That is almost as obvious. Lie as your sanitation bunk. If there was any carcinogenic effect. There would be cancer clusters among Applcators and a causative mechanism. Neither exists. Btw, the EFSA, EPA and many others agree with the WHO.
This is from the law firm website, copied and pasted:
Monsanto Co. is facing hundreds of Roundup lawsuits filed by farmers, farm workers, gardeners, landscapers, government workers and a host of other individuals from all across the nation who allege exposure to Roundup weed killer caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto concealed health risks associated with its blockbuster herbicide.
Dozens of these cases were consolidated into a multi-district litigation (MDL) before U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria in the Northern District of California. In March of 2017, Judge Chhabria issued a ruling against Monsanto that allowed documents obtained in discovery by the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee overseeing MDL-2741 (In Re: Roundup Products Liability Litigation) to be unsealed. These court documents are known as the Monsanto Papers.
You can find the papers by doing a search for the Monsanto Papers.
Information copied and pasted from a website run by scum sucking attorneys is not credible. Until you can post information showing a causative mechanism. You are simply posting garbage. Because the vermin who run this site will delete links. I am unable to post the studies showing safety. However as these dishonest lawsuits appeared after the dishonest IARC classification. They are obviously an attempt to take advantage of this and the attendant publicity. That and the ignorance encouraged by people like you.
Look up the Monsanto Papers. They are available online. They came to the attorneys directly from Monsanto on court orders during discovery. You lose all credibility when you start calling names.
Wrong again, pro disease person. Calling you bry the terminology you have earned is not relevant to the facts. Seneff is wrong. Autism is largely genetic. The proofs posted were deleted to hide the truth. I have read those papers. They prove only that Monsanto tries to defend themselves against the bottom feeders that are trying to smear a safe product.
All disease has a genetic component. No, the links you posted were deleted as were the ones I posted to you because Disqus must not allow the inks. The papers are emails and internal Monsanto documents indicating that they knew glyphosate is carcinogenic. Their research showed it was. What papers did you read? And, I’m not a pro-disease person but a pro-safety person. That glyphosate is an antibiotic makes it unsafe to use on food crops. At least I’m not a pro Monsanto and pro Big Pharma person. They care nothing about anything except the money.
Disqualified allows links. I have posted many on disqus arguments before. It is this site deleting. To protect you and your lunacy. I have already shown that money is not a factor. Your ignorant leftist bias is showing. The MRL system shows that it is safe to use on food crops. Only the wacko sites make the stupid antibiotic claim.
Monsanto has registered glyphosate as an antibiotic. It’s not a claim, it’s the truth. No human or animal for that matter should be taking an antibiotic on a daily basis, no matter how small the dose. Some people will get more than others depending on how much glyphosate contaminated food they ingest. Disqus deleted several of my responses to you that included links. I believe Disqus is the monitor on this chat just as it is on other sites using it.
What you believe and what is fact are often waaaayyy different. Registered and used as are 2 completely different things. Again, back to the MRL system tat is working quite well. It is quite the shame that your links have not appeared. They would have been pretty funny and easy to refute.
Stop being so obtuse. Glyphosate is a registered antibiotic. It is an antibiotic whether it is sprayed on fields or used to kill microbes. It kills microbes wherever it is used. That is what an antibiotic does.
If it was effective. It would be used as such. It is not. Plus there is the matter of which microbes. A quit being obtuse.
Try posting key word strings that take us to the sites.
Google this. and there is a snopes page as well. Glyphosate – The New Bogeyman – Science-Based Medicine
As far as the sanitation bunk, please read this long history of measles dating back to the 1800s. I learned a lot, including that many cases of measles were not even measles. Imagine that.
Look up: Measles and measles vaccines: fourteen things to consider.
I know of the history and the oft debunked and largely dishonest article you want me to waste time reading. I also know the recent history of an outbreak in Minnesota due to predators lying to Somali immigrants. Plus there are the deaths due to measles on Romania.
It’s obvious that you have no desire to look at the other side. Somali immigrants were concerned over the large number of their children who were becoming autistic. Some children die from the measles. Some children die or become disabled from vaccines.
There is no other side. That has any validity. Smallpox gone. Rabies vaccine effective, polio almost gone. Tetanus effective. Somalis who believed the vermin and failed to get vaccinated, sick. My vaccinated relatives, not sick.
Somali children dead or disabled from measles: zero. They have a high incidence of autism in their community since coming to the US. You like to recite the mantra correlation is not causation. Better to say correlation means you’d better look closer instead ignoring what it happening.
More lies from the disgusting pro disease side. 30 deaths in Romania. Why? Anti vaxxers, like you. The fact that there is an outbreak among Somalians is due to liars like you. And you are dishonestly claiming higher autism rates since arrival ignores the fact that they are first exposed to modern diagnosis here. Thus more deception by you.
Quit with the modern diagnosis garbage. Surely Somalis are intelligent enough to recognize that their children did not act autistic before coming to the US. The symptoms are profound. Measles is a mostly benign childhood illness that does not present a serious death threat…..death by measles is rare according to the CDC. If given the choice, I am sure that most parents of autistic children would rather their child have measles for a week or two rather than a lifetime of brain damage.
Not garbage, truth. The definitions for autism spectrum have been broadened. There is no reason to think that in this war torn place short on so many necessities, including a functioning gov’t. That diagnosticians are up to date or have the tools needed. Death by measles is not rare in Romania. Also you are using a false dilemma. As vaccines do not cause autism.
The definition being broadened cannot account for the numbers of autistic children going from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 43. Death by measles is rare according the CDC of the United States of America. Vaccines have never been properly evaluated for causation in autism. Correlation means that more studies need to be done and pronto before we lose more children to this horrific brain damage. Get your head out of the sand and promote research to find the truth, otherwise you are just another industry lackey.
There is no more reason to suspect vaccinations or glyphosate than there is for other things that correlate. Like organic food sales or cell phone use.
and yet millions of american children swimming and spinning in auto immune disease…. its called an immune system for a reason, and igniting it before its ready is wreaking havoc on our population. I am totally unvaccinated and never never sick. I had my childhood illness and i am your herd.. Ps we are world traveller and never sick, but I also know that organic food, trace minerals and clean fluoride free water is key to a long life. I don’t shoot anything into my children or body made by Continuing Criminal Enterprises and neither should any human on the planet.
I just posted links to sources that give the real causes of autism and that list vaccinations required before traveling to certain nations. You hare either woefully misinformed or just a liar. “swimming and spinning?” Nonsense.
LOL, we are so doomed.
Please provide the link to those documents and/or the search terms. I do read these things and will go look.
I would have no problem with you refusing vaccines for yourself…if you were not putting others at risk…then it would be a simple matter of me surviving the next epidemic and you not…for goodness sakes, look at the history of epidemics and vaccines! The problem is that your kids are innocent victims of your opinions (I know you think I would be victimizing mine…if I had some…by vaccinating them), and so is the rest of the community. The next big disease outbreak will be very interesting as a result of people who think the way you do. You will at least be contributing to solving overpopulation, but in a way that is as gruesome as war, when we could simply voluntarily choose to downsize to save ourselves and the planetary diversity.
How does my refusing a vaccination put others at risk? Risk of what? It would be better for a child to get the measles than to be vaccinated against it. Next epidemic? Do they have a vaccine for that yet? The influenza vaccine is ineffective and recent research shows why it is. A big fraud on the American public. Ah, I see, you don’t have any children. That explains your position. When there is a way to determine which children will have adverse, life changing reactions to vaccines so that they can be protected, then and only then should vaccines be required. What next disease outbreak are you referring to? Measles? Not a chance. Me and mine would know just what to do to bolster our immune systems. And you’d better do some research on what is being done about solving overpopulation. Already happening by spiking vaccines. What a non-gruesome way to lose a child.
Search: Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are putting others at risk Washington Post. You have a problem with statistics and grasping the meaning of numbers in relation to each other. All choices in life have risks and benefits. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks. Guessing you probably have no fire prevention in your house because it has not burned down yet. That is the kind of logic you are using. You also conveniently side-stepped polio. Sorry, appreciate your passion for your subject, but try a little FACTivism for a change.
I have no problem with factual statistics unlike the ones Big Pharma and the CDC use to promote vaccines and pharmaceuticals such as Relative Risk Reduction as opposed to Actual Risk Reduction. They manipulate the figures to show fraudulent efficacy. Yes, all choices in life have risks and benefits. Vaccine adverse events are under reported and clearly indicate that the risks far out weigh the benefits. If vaccines work as being sold, vaccinated people should have no fear of the unvaccinated. Sad that you are so passionate about putting innocent children at risk of serious injury to promote vaccines that have never been tested for safety. And what about polio? Better do some research on the history of polio. The definition has changed many times.
A) No acknowledgement that you read the reference I provided, B) This was a discussion about glyphosate and we have strayed off topic…(if it was me, I apologize to the group), C) Since parroting anti-vax dogma is your dominant tactic to get people off vaccines, I suggest when (not if) you have a medical emergency that you find a priest to give you medical advice/tx since you are too paranoid to trust a medical professional or scientist. I will stick with my doctor (who, if anything has been too successful in prolonging our life spans by the use of fact-based study). Is the system perfect? Nope…but how about this? What if everyone took your advice, hmm? No vaccines at all. Now you can go back to the history books and see what that was like.
Yes I did read your referenced article. Search: Harvard Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone. I am not parroting anti-vax dogma. The CDC knows that mercury in vaccines can cause autism and they lied. That’s fact not dogma. Being against unsafe vaccines is not being against all of mainstream medicine, however, I choose environmental and functional medicine doctors over conventional doctors when it comes to chronic illnesses, because they address the cause rather than promote chemical medicines that only treat symptoms and are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. We have them to thank for the current opioid crisis. As far as trauma medicine goes, I don’t think any country can beat our trained professionals in saving lives. We need safe vaccines and we only need vaccines that are absolutely necessary. A newborn infant does not need a Hep B vaccine. It would be better for children to get the measles than to be vaccinated against them. Same with chicken pox. Another unnecessary vaccine. If you think that you can vaccinate good health, well, good luck with that. Nothing beats a strong immune system and the only way to achieve that is to stay away from chemicals in the environment…..including, and especially, glyphosate. Search: Survey Reports Improved Health After Avoiding Genetically Modified Foods. One of the first things a functional medicine doctor will do is prescribe a non-GMO, preferably organic diet. The results speak for themselves.
Obviously you are a professional and I should believe you if you are wishing the return of measles and chicken pox on the population, LOL. Your arguments speak for themselves. Organic is another marketing idea, and its farming methods are, in many instances, more harmful environmentally than current ones. Can we at least agree on a less impactful lifestyle and a smaller population? Your arguments succinctly speak for themselves, and you clearly see the CDC and all conventional doctors as part of a conspiracy. Our species is spectacularly successful, almost too much as a result of these advances. Those on the fence can google CDC Hepatitis B Fact sheet. I would love to see us solve some of our problems peacefully and without an epidemic, but it appears people like you have to believe what you do on faith…which is a belief held in the absence of evidence, and often contrary to evidence pointing to different conclusions. Good luck with that….
I am a concerned future grandparent. I was lead to this article by someone in a vaccine discussion. I wish to say to you what I said to her.. Please do not confuse, Diet (food), GMO, and Monsanto glyphosate toxicity. The combination of all is certainly important to our health issues and should be studied but to assume all problems with our children are vaccine related does nothing for your argument but remove your credibility. If we need change we will need to work within the system and best it can be done.
You do realize anyone can post and edit Wikipedia? It is not a reputable source.
the elites are creating too many epsilons. so by 2025 the epsilons will equal all the rest of the other classes. this is of course a reference to Aldous Huxley’s book “Brave New World” which is free on youtube so watch and see how much of that book is already installed in our modern society. Now with children going to porn store field trips and using the purple penguins bathroom after their no bullying gay training they will be ready to play hunt the zipper as a continued sexualization of children as the book requires.
nice article. roundup was originally developed as a chemical nerve gas for vietnam but did not work how they wanted. so because it has mineral leeching properties it became an industrial pipe cleaner. once it was observed that when spilled on grass it killed it, the substance was re-marketed as an herbicide/pesticide. the fumes after an application and side effects are a result of the original nerve gas development.
I can’t believe some of the argument I read in these comments. I expect differing views, but not personal attacks. Let’s not forget that there are actual people attached to the numbers. It is easy to argue the greater of the evil that the many corporations for on us, it is all hypothetical, until you are personally affected. I knew nothing of autism, until I had an autistic child. I find myself neck deep in a cesspool of information, most of it amounts to little more than guessing. What people don’t realize is the spectrum that they refer to varies so dramatically, the treatments are barely hit and miss. So roundup, chem trails, vaccines, air , water, bigfoot, vampires, aliens, whatever the information is as to possible cause none of it will help in the current social and political climate where money rules all and the corporate bottom line is of more importance than lives. Everyone wants to be right, and people love the sound of their own voice above all. With all that said, I realize I have done nothing more than waist time with my comment, so off I go to the next article explaining what may have caused this and what may or may not help my family, cause if I don’t go searching for information, I will continue to be uninformed. Funny how that works…
I have read how cleansing the body of heavy metals has a dramatically positive affect on kids with autism. Check it out
Really?! Were’s the evidence that this will help. Do you know what will really help autistic people?! Treating them like human beings instead of disease-ridden savages!
woah there Ivan. a little too strong.
No it doesn’t. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f551c226a16162733888d92ec3a61afbef25a13e8fd66923f495a032ab566b3.jpg
Comparing rigorous scientific research to chasing Bigfoot and space aliens is a very ill-informed undertaking.
Innocence about Science is the worst crime today.
Sir Charles Percy Snow (1905-80)
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.
To say that a man is made up of certain chemical elements is a satisfactory description only for those who intend to use him as a fertilizer.
Hermann Joseph Muller (1890-1967) U. S. geneticist. Nobel prize for medicine 1946.
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it is tied to everything else in the universe.
John Muir (1838-1914) U. S. naturalist, explorer.
Science is simply common sense at its best that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) English biologist.
[worth repeating]
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. – Hippocrates
Hippocrates also said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” And: “All Disease Begins in the Gut.” It’s just too bad that good science hasn’t been demonstrated in giving 69 doses of vaccines to infants and small children, nor has it been used in determining the safety of the myriad of chemicals allowed into our environment. The CDC knew mercury was a problem in vaccines, and Monsanto knew that glyphosate causes cancer. So much for science. It’s all about the money.
While I agree it’s a huge contributing factor, let’s be sure we don’t let Pharma use this to take the spotlight off of vaccine culpability in autism.
Oy vey…what a muddle we are in…. Neither of these has any body of proof, and to assert that it does only results in money chasing to disprove these theories. It drains momentum from legitimate autism research.
I am being poisoned by grapes and raisins in South Africa. I have had to stop eating them! I get the most awful muscle cramps if I eat them! They are poisoning us! Monsanto MUST be kicked out of every country and people need to stand together against this evil monster that has gotten into bed with our governments!
What total horseshit. A computer scientist claims that an increase in autism diagnoses is the rsult of glyphosate, despite any real scientific evidence. And you suck it all up because you want to believe that “Big Agro” is evil. You should be ashamed.
The cost to parents with autistic kids going down blind pseudo-science alleys is huge. And the cost to disprove pseudo-science draws money away from the search for the causes. People need to go look at what the Autism groups are saying.
Wtf are you chatting?
Wheat is not sprayed just before harvest in large numbers! Dr Senneff miss uses USDA data and omits information that proves this. She lies with numbers. Only 17% of “wheat ground was sprayed with glyphosate during crop year” if you read all the USDA survey data. A “crop year” is the time from the last harvested crop until next crop is harvested. Most glyphosate is used for weed control before the wheat is planted, and can’t be absorbed by the newly planted wheat. I think about 98% of the 17% of wheat acres have it applied before planting,not pre-harvest as she claims! I have grow wheat for 40 year, I know what is done to grow wheat. Dr Senneff just makes up scary numbers to try to prove her bad science. She should use her knowledge to help the world, not scare people with it!
The wheat crop is sprayed before harvest as a desiccant not to control weeds. This is so they can harvest the crop sooner rather than waiting for it to dry on its own. Monsanto sold this idea to farmers in the early 1990s. Then in 1989 many new vaccines were mandated for our babies. This was after Congress gave the manufacturers immunity from any lawsuits for any injuries caused by vaccines. So we have glyphosate being used as a desiccant on wheat crops and many more vaccines mandated for our children. And this is the same time that we had an explosion of autism in this country. Also to note, countries that do not mandate as many vaccines as we do have a lower incidence of autism.
And you would listen to anything the big time Liberal couple who runs Snopes I have caught them in lies.. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in BIOPHYSICS in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master’s and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written over a dozen papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
If this logic were to lie true then every single inventor and innovator on the face of this planet has no credentials. Bill Gates knows nothing about computers he didn’t graduate college. Einstein, Benjamin Franklin. The list goes on. Part of the corruption in our system is the formation of tribes and casting out everybody else who does not believe in their dogma. Even the New York Times published that half of scientific research is a joke, run by your so-called experts. Sending my heart vibration to you. Much love – that everyone can awaken from the truth!!!
“Half of scientific research is a joke.” Modification. Scientific research works. A more accurate representation would be “Half of what is reported to be as scientific research is a joke, LOL.” Examine motives, and yes, follow the money, that helps. But so does critical analysis. “Sending my heart vibration”? “that everyone awaken from the truth”? Kum-bay-yah, and love to you too, but WTF? LOL
That makes me only want to send you more of my heart vibration.
Tim bodies never lie only people do
I have a simple question: Roundup is used to kill landscapes (I own an environmentally friendly landscaping company). Why would anyone use Roundup on crops? I would never use Roundup because of its’ toxicity, but this article makes no sense whatsoever. I would appreciate it if anyone can share why a farmer would use Roundup on crops. Roundup also can destroy the soil. Something is not right….
“Why would anyone use Roundup on Crops?” 1. It is frequently used just prior to harvest on wheat to dry the wheat up and make it easier (more profitable) to harvest. (Another reason I’m sure that people are having so much trouble with wheat/glutin these days.) 2. Roundup is sprayed on “Roundup-Ready” crops. These are GMO crops which can tolerate the Roudup being sprayed on them but the weeds next to them will die.
I told the history of this chemical to someone the other day (see the post by badintense at the bottom of this page). Their eyes got big and said that they were living in an apartment complex and they had sprayed the property heavily and the fumes seeped into their apartment and had to smell it for a day or so. within a week his wife had a miscarriage and had always wondered if there was a link.
Well, that sews it up! 100% proof! Why would we need scientists? Let’s just go back to religion.
Very simple equation. Fifteen month old child goes to doctor to get 7 to 9 vaccines to help prevent a list of diseases. His immune system is weakened by all the toxins in the vaccines and he becomes ill. Now, he goes to the doctor to get antibiotics further weakening his immune system (80% of immune system resides in the gut). When he’s feeling a little better, his parents take him to McDonald’s to get a “happy meal” full of GMOs, which further destroy his immune system via his gut. A couple of weeks later he is not the same person. He can’t talk or walk anymore. He takes fits. When he’s not taking fits, he stares into space. Months later he is diagnosed with autism. He will be dependent on his parents the rest of his life.
The parents can’t sue the vaccine companies because they are exempt according to a ridiculous law passed in 1986. They can’t sue the makers of Roundup either because they are not rich enough. So they sue the government and taxpayers pay for the settlement. When the child’s parents die, the “child” will likely go into an institution paid for by taxpayers again. Now we have forced vaccinations in California which will help speed up the autism rate. The reason for the autism rate increase is probably closely related to the increase in Alzheimer’s—Roundup in food, vaccines, and aspartame. My prediction is by 2050, half the country will be neurologically damaged if we don’t do something now to stop the fraud and greed. The US is already bankrupt, so who will pay for the care for all these people?
OK, so lemme get this right. You support NO capitalist companies? ALL humans love money first? Another use of absolutes. Life is not black and white, and someone who disagrees with you is not a troll. Calm down, and go do your homework. If you want to look at political pseudo science (which is happening in many disciplines now) try Netflix the Merchants of Doubt to learn about how this is done. I hate Monsanto, but I hate bad science more than that.
Hmmm. So you DO hate Monsanto? Any reason? Any actual proven scientific reason?
Yup, worked in St. Louis in research and know the company and its personnel practices pretty well. Look, it is fine to have an opinion. It just needs to be stated as such, and not presented as fact. Opinion is based on beliefs formed from looking at a set of facts. The size of the set, and the sources matter.
Hi…I’d first submit to all within this that the information I want to share is purely anecdotal. I’ve worked many years within the the imaging disciplines of our health care system. My education has been as much through academic means as can be practically applied. My specialty is as a sonographer. I’ve endeavored to attain my credentials and maintain them with continuing education. The scientific method is valuable to my ability even to the extent that in application time constraints demand it’s application be abbreviated. This having been said I depend to a certain degree on the application of an algorithm to reveal to my eye inconsistencies which may be utilized to reveal systemic problems relevant to a specific study. I want to share with you that I became aware of a trend beginning in he 1998-1999 and through the 2000s wherein I noticed a huge increase in the number of younger patients I was scanning for severe abdominal pain with unknown etiology. I remained alert to the renal implications and sure enough began to see that the pain manifested all at once and then disappeared just as rapidly. I asked different questions to try and get to a common denominator for the symptoms and sure enough I began to see a commonality owing to the overwhelming majority of these otherwise healthy youngsters replacing water with their preference for dark cola beverages! Further, the majority of these cola drinks had replaced sugar with high fructose corn syrup! It appeared to my understanding that this artificial sweetener while making the beverage palatable was introducing or inhibiting the natural process and function of our renal system. It’s just so uncommon to see a 13 yo patient suffering from kidney stones! And difficult to detect as they might only be described as microlithiasis. I like to think that my concern for this new yet apparent problem may have contributed to the removal of high fructose corn syrup as a safe replacement for sugar…yet as I said, though my experience is anecdotal I do think my discovery of the relationship of one of the products of gmo corn and soy processing for sweeteners might be of some help to the real scientists out there who wish to investigate the relationship of man made food additives to pesticides and the increase in “disorders” such as autism, cognitive disorders, and lowered life expectancy as it goes to nutrition.
These are interesting observations, and I would urge you to present them to experts.
Thank you. As mentioned, I believe short of a research effort that explores what I shared with you, the word of mouth resulted in a quick withdrawal of high fructose corn syrup from many products! In my role as a sonographer, I was battling to save my position as a senior staff technologist. Not because I wasn’t qualified mind you, but because I “was” qualified! You see, everything I was doing was scrutinized by management to the nth degree because I had maintained a standard voluntarily while the remainder of our department personnel were not! Ultimately, despite having successfully defended my position over the course of 7 years I would be forced to retire early as I had been caring for my father on family leave. Meanwhile, the hospital and union had left my status in question with aN allegation that while unsubstantiated, resulted in my plans for a business which addressed the underlying issues that I believe brought about the discrimination and harassment I would be subjected to in the first place we’re adversely affected if not outright killed. My point is…I wanted to write up my observations and submit them for a research project. I’ve no doubt that the stealth-introduction of gmo products into our diets would’ve helped to bolster the affect upon humans, including autism as it may relate to phosates . My dreams of impacting my career-field positively notwithstanding, all I’m able to do at this time is focus my efforts upon my new purpose…which is to protect, maintain, and utilize efficient management of vital resources such as food and water by and through the only thing that I still have since my father’s passing and that is the legacy my parents built that our entire family (our human family) might survive the onslaught of greed and dishonesty delivered by the unseen corporate oligarchy and their unending attacks on humanity.
OT, but to respond to your observations and speculations, perhaps some facts may be helpful. Nutrition is involved, but not in quite the way you think.
First, HFCS is nothing more than amped-up table sugar (sucrose, a disaccharide the dissociates in the gut to its components glucose and fructose) with a higher amount of the much sweeter fructose present. Fructose is almost twice as sweet as sucrose, and technically speaking, 58 percent less could be used for the same caloric content and perceived sweetness. Therefore using HFCS is not a sugar replacement or artificial sweetener. The type used in most soft drinks is 24 percent water and 55 percent fructose (instead of the 50 percent found in table sugar), which permits less sugar to be used (so, fewer calories) than the equivalently sweet amount of sucrose alone would. It costs less, too. With respect to the source of the sucrose being GE sugar beets or sugar cane, it really doesn’t make a difference: the end product is chemically indistinguishable and glyphosate residues are undetectable. HFCS has been in use since the ’50s—although our consumption has increased—so it’s really not the bogeyman that the Food Babe and others woud have you believe[1]. Clear so far?
Second, as you are probably aware, kidney stones (most commonly, calcium oxylate) in general form when there’s an imbalance (for lack of a better word) between water and certain minerals. Colas contain caffeine that promotes dehydration and sodium, of which we already get too much in a typical American diet containing pre-packaged and fast foods. Oxlate is a normal component of many foods, although some are more oxylate-rich, including the TAD mainstays french fries and potato chips. It’s also an end-product of vit C metabolism, so it’s recommended not to supplement more than 500mg daily. Somewhat counter-intuitively, calcium intake should not be reduced, but when included (from milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) in meals high in oxylate reduces kidney stone risk (specific to calcium oxylate) because calcium binds oxylate in the gut, which is then excreted rather than transported to the kidney where it could potentially cause some problems. Of course, there’s more to it than that[2, 3], but those are some highlights.
Ah hah….
Don’t you love how the USDA conveniently studied everything but glyphosate in the foods it tested?
Now that is an awesome scientific study!
Are you lying or just don’t follow the news? monsanto has won awards for being a great place to work.
Yup, and while YOU are doing your homework, you might look at what criticism is leveled against your champion. Science must stand up to rigorous cross-referencing, be repeatable, and be done without a preconceived idea of what will happen. It surprises us every day and gives “unpopular” decisions, but facts are not opinions or popularity contests.
Apparently, you (I’ll refrain from using caps here) have your own preconceived ideas and are not open to an honest debate — only aggressive trolling with opinions, nothing of substance. And yes, I’m well-aware of the criticism leveled against Dr. Seneff, as well as the accolades. I won’t be wasting any further time with this thread because you obviously have an agenda to push — so make sure you have the last word.
And you ThriveLiving, aren’t open to the fact that autistice people are actual people who aren’t disease-ridden savages.
i think you getting a bit too heated – no one said that autists are disease ridden savages on this thread except you. People are trying to help because they feel compassion and want to make the lives of people with autism better if they can – I don’t see the harm in that.
Then please show me the rigorous science that proved glyphosate was safe. There is none. In fact, in a recent lawsuit against Monsanto the attorneys were able to get documents from Monsanto that prove they knew that glyphosate was a carcinogen. So much for rigorous science.
Actually, I read the work Monsanto did on the product which was far more in-depth than for most chemical agents (tests involved all kinds of animals of various types, and that is why it is not recommended for wetland use). I am comfortable that glyphosate is a lot safer than what people will turn to if they no longer have access to it for the control of invasive plant species around here, they turn to heating and diesel oil, which have known, severe and permanent residual impacts on the surrounding areas. Think about that for a moment. Also perhaps think about what company would like to be vilified and have continuous lawsuits thrown at it or be proven to be poisoning…that would be bad business in that it would not be in the company’s best interest. I am no fan of Monsanto…attack their business model of compelling people to use their products, or trying to force seed suppliers out of business. I would be with you there, but to attack them on shaky scientific grounds simply makes serious environmentalists all lumped in with you, and then we are written off as knowing nothing about science or the experimental process.
Well, there should be laws against using heating and diesel oil, and glyphosate should be taken off the market. Not only is it a carcinogen, it is an antibiotic which kills good and bad bacteria in the soil and in the human microbiome. Monsanto cares little about its reputation and much about its bottom line. They lied and I hope they pay dearly for all the damage they have caused.
I originally wrote this in response to an article (which happens to be this article) that my grandfather had sent me. He also asked me the question: What is the FFA’s position on this? I hope this is found to be educational. I happily responded with this:
Well, the FFA is a National organization that has over 600,000 members, but there is no consensus amongst us all. Just like anywhere, there are uneducated pro organic extremists. This article appears to be another absurd stab at convention ag concocted by your run of the mill college PhD with a grudge when it comes to GMOs for whatever reason. All I can say is that a farmer’s crop yield and livestock health are his livelihood. To sell said product, a farmer must receive inspection by governmental health agencies including but not limited to: the USDA, possibly the World Health Organization, and the FDA. Not to mention any antibiotics (which is another hot and pointlessly debated topic among anti conventional farming groups) given to livestock to treat illness must be prescribed by a veterinarian by law. There is also a period of 90 days that an animal who is up for slaughter must be void of any antibiotics, before they can be processed. Although, this may not be the case in Africa, where food insecurity and poor, POOR farming methods run rampant, with not regard for the environment and field runoff. Regarding Glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Round Up, along with round up ready crops, is one of God’s gifts to man. Thanks to genetically modified corn, since the mid 90s, corn production has gone up by 600%. Monsanto is often the target of pro organic activists, since Monsanto is one of the biggest companies worldwide that produce ag fertilizers and pesticides, as well as improved seed varieties and round up. Glyphosate works as a systemic herbicide that disables the synthesis of a special protein in target pest weeds. It does so by disabling a protein called 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, or just EPSPS for short. Round up ready crops are immune to round up because of a trait they possess that causes them to produce a form of EPSPS that is resistant to Glyphosate. Now, Glyphosate is such a popular herbicide because of how extraordinarily safe it is to mammals, birds, and many other types of animals. Not to mention since the widespread adoption and use of round up, we have saved around 6 billion gallons of pesticides. Round up is extremely effective and requires far less to spray a field than many other types of herbicides. The next point I’d like to bring up is that of the LD50 number. An LD50 or lethal dose 50%, which is a number used in toxicology to express how toxic a substance is, refers to how much of a substance is required to kill 50% of a test group. The higher the number, the safer a substance is. The LD50 number of Glyphosate is about 5,600 mg/kg. In comparison, the LD50 of caffeine is 127 mg/kg. To give you an idea of how much caffeine you may take in, (for some even daily) a shot of espresso contains 64 mg of caffeine. Just two shots of espresso could kill you. Salt has an LD50 of 3,000 mg/kg. So you see, I don’t recommend chugging a gallon of round up to prove a point, but it’s safer than salt. Let’s just keep in mind that Glyphosate in roundup has been used for over 47 years, getting its start in the 70s. There are many stories and “studies” out that supposedly “prove” Glyphosate causes autism and other horrible health defects. Only problem is, Glyphosate renders EPSPS inactive, which only plants, fungi, and certain microorganisms produce. Also, as a comparison, organic ag’s most common fungicide is copper sulfate. The LD50 of copper sulfate is 30 mg/kg. I believe it takes around 6 pounds of copper sulfate to treat one acre of wheat, to give you an idea of how much of it organic farmers use. Organic ag also does not have nearly as strict federal regulations as conventional ag operations do on the cleaning and washing of organic produce, which is why you hear about e. coli outbreaks at Chipotle, which is an organic restaurant chain. It is also worthy of note that it is very hard to overdose on copper sulfate, as the body rejects even small amounts of it before it even gets past your throat, as it triggers the gag reflex. Roundup also breaks down into a neutral substance in less than 12 hours after being sprayed. Improved seed variety coupled with precision agriculture are the future of our survival. By the year 2050, agriculturalists will need to grow enough food to feed themselves, and 9 billion people on this earth. Round up and other pesticides and fertilizers are just one of he many crucial and beneficial factors that will allow us to realize this seemingly insurmountable feat. And there you have it; an opinion on roundup from a proud Michigan FFA member.
If you can’t understand the flaws I the reasoning by Seneff, I am impressed you were able to turn a computer on.
I will say this…….processed foods is the natural killer to all mankind, regardless of all these tangent medical claims. My A1C was at 6.5 (Diabetic), blood pressure 160/90, triglyceride level at 780……YES…..780!!!! I totally cut out all “fast foods”, ate the basic 4 food groups…….”natural grown vegetables” and cut out all corn sugar related products. I lost 40 lbs., My A1C is now 5.6, blood pressure is now 116/65, triglyceride level is now 145. If you look what the older generation ate, it was ALL naturally grown food products, without all the BS herbicides. Also, the rate of cancer has increased in our country and almost everyone knows of someone that has died from cancer or someone fighting it. The byproduct of mans intervention into natural processes I truly believe has resulted in ALL these sicknesses and genetic mutations and birth defects. I believe the FDA is the U.S. Federal Governments own “Legal Genocide” council!
I am a person with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and I like being this way…I do not consider “normal” people as “better”than me; “different”,yes…I would not like being “cured”, being accepted the way i am makes me happy.
However autism manifests in different ways and vaccine-induced autism, such as in the Minnesota Somali community – and yes it’s very real – is very severe. The children affected won’t be typing comments on a thread like this probably ever.
I agree, it’s a spectrum disorder. Luc Dereck seems to have high functioning autism but what about the non verbal child who cannot communicate, who screams all day long, who bangs their head on walls, who wont eat, can’t type, suffers from debilitating noise sensitivities etc. The people on this thread are offering ideas as a way to improve lives of those autistic individuals who are more seriously affected – no one said it s a cure because there is no cure for autism.
Being Autistic myself, sometimes i feel there should be more of us…
This has to be the most disreputable ridiculous claim any “scientist” has ever made. It is so crazy and so hysterically over the top it can’t be taken seriously. HALF of ALL children Autistic by 2025, EIGHT YEARS from now…because of Roundup!? Preposterous. The dumbest thing in years. One in 68 is the figure and that is questionable based on changing criteria to define Autism, which is something “scientists” do and then politicians and media spread as a disaster.
Glyphosate was initially patented as an antibiotic
If the study isn’t reproducible or peer reviewed it’s not science but pseudoscience. This article only appeals to the science illiteralte willfully ignorant reader. Always check the data and references beforing forming an opinion.
Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true!
From Wikipedia, “The Pacific Standard noted that, contrary to Seneff’s claims, many scientific reviews have found that the rise in autism rates over the past 20 years is due to changes in diagnostic practices, and that a number of studies, including a 2012 review in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, have found little evidence that glyphosate is associated with adverse development outcomes.”
This “MIT Researcher” has a PhD in Computer Science, not medicine. She publishes her medical opinions in non-peer reviewed open access journals, meaning no other expert can defend her ideas scientifically.
There may be a link or this may be another bout of hysteria.
If an MIT researcher says something, one would assume that the scientific process had been applied and that hysteria was not the cornerstone of the investigation.
I fear that this is another hoax…
Jelly doughnuts cure autism! I know it’s highly unlikely to be true, but i’m willing to keep trying!
Anxiety accompanies crisis and people are agitated and easily angered when anxious because of fear. Autism, in my opinion, is a crisis for our species’s survival. Simply, we continue to survive on this planet because of our social nature. The rising rate of Autism is scary. I’m scared. We all agree that we need to get to the bottom of it. Notwithstanding it’s accuracy or effectiveness, the quickest way to address it is to practice precautionary measures. If we suspect glyphosate has a hand in developing Autism, it’s simple, stop using it. Glyphosate use vs. health human race. Do we want to take chances with this?????
has a theory,
Before taking hasty action, get real!
Yes the autism epidemic is a problem.
Yes there are probably toxins that are to blame.
But then it may be pink frosted jelly doughnuts…
Or RED M&Ms!
The way to respond to this sort of public health concern is with research!
If Dr. Seneff has a theory, then get funding, build a research team and get to it!
At this point we should have scads of research teams tracking all sorts of possibilities.
A proper study may be to join forces with an existing study, expand their protocol to include the new ideas and soberly proceed.
Arbitrarily making changes is irrational and can do more harm.
To be clear, 20 years ago I had some ideas about the potential source of autism. With only personal diligence, there is plenty of data to show those notions in a broad sense were wrong. So have all of the other theories I have heard over the years.
To date I have not heard a clear, objective definition of what autism is, what causes it or how to treat it.
I have heard lots of people cry publicly, “the cure is secretin”!
The cause is MMR vaccines! The “cause is gluten” and the, “the cure is fecal transplantation”!
You don’t understand the type of spectrum disorder that autism is. There is no one cause because it is not a disease. Is is a spectrum disorder. Some autism is caused by vaccines, this is known, admitted, paid for and proven. But not all of it. Autism is a manifestation of behaviors, that is how the diagnosis works. Look it up. The causes will be varied, multiple and complex, and in some cases completely avoidable – as with roundup – which has been banned in many countries, western, European, wealthy countries.
> autism is caused by vaccines, this is known, admitted, paid for and proven.
Interesting. Where can I read up on that research?
> Autism is a manifestation of behaviors
So autism is a behavioral issue, sort of like tourettes?
So, is being arrogant also caused by vaccines?
Yep because having a B.S. in biophysics that you got in 1968 makes you an expert on nutrition and health
Sorry for you.
Utter and complete bullshit, Stephanie Seneff has zero academic credentials, she has never published anything in any peer reviewed medical journal.
This is bull-crap like the barrage of sensational, fear-mongering articles being widely distributed on the internet. Please do some critical research into the claims made in this piece.
What utter crap
No, it doesn’t include biochemistry any more than physics includes chemistry. And a degree in biophysics is NOT qualification for Seneff to go spouting crap like this.
it’s now July 2017. Kids are aged from 0 to 18. We have 8 yrs to go. Every single kid born from now on will have to be autistic to come even close to this prediction.
Excellent point.
When your children are affected by the MMR shot, then you will consider this seriously.
You mean like when they do not get measles, mumps or rubella?
This is not science, but fortune telling – when you claim a prediction is fact. Now, using science, the claim that 50% of children will have autism by 2025 is a hypothesis that will proven or disproven on 12/31/2025. Then we will know for sure whether this statement is a fact or was a wrong prediction. But for anyone to claim their predictions of future events are facts is not science.
And you are a sorry excuse for a woman. Your snotty remark amounted to accusing the farm mothers and fathers of being as evil as tobacco companies. Your momma needs to slap your face.
What branch of government do you work? Surely, you aren’t that enslaved…
psst – Farmers grow tobacco.
Not relevant to the lies in this article.
Ok. Lol
Also within she let go from MIT for falsification?
Debbie, it’s no use. Trying to convince the ignorant always produces the same results: they demand proof; always scoff at it when you give it; and then call you names. These kind of people are happy being ignorant and just enjoy the name-calling.
You have provided no proof. Thus can make no claims that you have.
rofl you provided the proof yourself by doing precisely what he said you would do, first in your comment above to him, then the comment below to her. So you even did it in the order he predicted.
Demanding proof is normal for these arguments. Did your less than bright self observe that neither has any?
Where is the proof that vaccines are safe? Please provide it. The Supreme Court has already ruled that they are unavoidable unsafe.
Millions of baby boomers got safely and effectively got vaccinated. Polio, almost gone, smallpox, gone. You lied about the court. Case closed.
Yes, we did get vaccinated. I think I had a total of 5. Our babies are now given 69 doses of numerous vaccines before the age of 2…..and NOT ONE study has been done to show that this is a safe thing to do. If I gave my child 250 mcg of aluminum, I would arrested and charged with child abuse. This is the amount of aluminum being given by injection to our children for one vaccine.
More lies. All vaccines have had safety studies done. Look up inert forms of chemicals.
The research that has been done was flawed by the fact that they didn’t use a true placebo in the studies. They used other vaccines and they even used the adjuvants as placebo. What a way to skew the results. This is not good science. Go read the inserts provided in the vaccines. Look at the ingredients. Look up what is the safe amount of aluminum for a 8 pound newborn and compare that to what is actually being injected into that newborn. If you want to believe it’s a lie, go look it up yourself. I’m sure you can find everything online.
Prove your placebo claims. Prove that a placebo is needed. You disgusting pro disease vermin are abusing your first amendment rights by spreading your bunk. Bottom line is the results. No more smallpox. Many other diseases reduced. Autism is not caused by vaccinations. More and more they are realizing the spectrum is largely genetic. Correlation is not causation. The science is fine. Your attitude needs massive adjusting
When testing a vaccine for safety and efficacy, a placebo is needed to judge it against. That is good science. It is not good science to use another vaccine or the adjuvant in the vaccine. That is a way to skew the results in your favor. The bottom line cannot ignore the thousands who have been hurt by vaccines. If they weren’t causing injury there would be no need to give the companies immunity, and no need for a vaccine court.
And don’t forget that Monsanto and Big Pharma pay people to infiltrate these blogs to counter the truth that is being spoken.
Got any actual proof to back up the lie?
Considering you have engaged with me for more than several hours, I’m led to believe that you might be one of those paid individuals. You tell me to get lost. Why? Are you afraid someone might actually look up the information I provide and learn the truth? Why does it bother you so much that some people do not agree with you or the current state of disease care in this country? What’s in it for you?
Paid individuals??? That is known as the shill gambit of ignorance. Use of that clearly confirms your lack of intellect and morals. Considering that I have told the truth while you have lied. Thar scum like you spreads lies has led to measles outbreaks in Minnesota and Romania. In Romania people have died. People like you are almost murders. You deserve no respect.
I have not lied. When you name call it certainly makes you look guilty. I feel sorry for the folks in Minnesota who were scared into giving their children the MMR vaccine, being told that measles is a killer. Never caused high mortality even when there were 57,000 cases in the early 1950s. And the Somali community has a high incidence of autism not experienced until they came to the United States. Imagine that. Must be something in the water. I had the measles as a child as did millions of other children and very few died. You deserve no respect for name calling and not even giving it a thought that some people may have adverse reactions to vaccines.
Another lie. They have no high rate of autism. They got measles because some of wakefield’s verminous followers talked them out of getting vaccinated. Then a straw man. I never said high rate. And the deaths were in Romania.
This is a quote from a news article: “About a decade ago, parents in the community started to notice what appeared to be a disproportionate number of Somali children receiving special education services for autism in Hennepin County, home to Minneapolis.” They have high numbers of autistic children in their community that they didn’t experience before coming to the US. Here’s a quote on the incidence of death due to measles in Romania in the past 18 months: “Romania has been experiencing a large outbreak of measles since February 2016. Cases continue to be reported despite ongoing response measures implemented at national level through reinforced vaccination activities. Between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, Romania reported 7,491 measles cases, including 31 deaths.” Notice that it said despite ongoing vaccinations. People have died from measles and people have died or become injured from vaccinations. Vaccines were never studied for safety because the manufacturers cannot be held accountable for the harm they cause. What a deal for them.
I notice that you claimed a newspaper. Not which one, not what the source for the numbers are and nothing about the timing of vaccinations, vs. incubation periods. So I must conclude you are trying to deceive again.
No deception and no lies. That would be Big Pharma’s forte. You have a computer. Use it.
When asked if measles is a deadly disease, the CDC replied: Measles is a serious respiratory disease (in the lungs and breathing tubes) that causes a rash and fever. It is very contagious. In rare cases, it can be deadly. So to tell people that the measles is a deadly disease is a bold face lie. Statistics back to the 1950s tell the story. Given the right circumstances any disease can probably cause death. We don’t know the health status of the Romanian children who died. The ECDC does not provide that information.
The Financial Times in Belgium said there were 30 deaths as of July. That makes it deadly. Plus, there was an outbreak in Belgium due to someone visiting Romania and returning. Keep on lying. So we do know the health status. Due to the existence of folks like you. The status is deceased.
The information about Romania and the measles was taken directly from the ECDC website. That’s the equivalent to our CDC. The ECDC does not indicate if the people who died from the measles were already compromised by other health issues. Be sure you never drive a car or operate machinery of any kind because that could be deadly too.
You have no clue where the Belgian paper got their info. Often folks who die from diseases have previous issues. That is why I consider anti-vaxxers to be particularly inhumane and disgusting. They refuse to accept the reality that vaccines are safe and effective. That selfish and paranoid attitude leads to higher risk for their victims.
Well, gee, if you can’t trust what the ECDC is reporting who can you trust. That’s right, folks with compromised health do contract measles and other diseases and have a higher incidence of death. To vaccinate millions of people, expose them to toxic adjuvants and other contaminants, and hope that they are the lucky ones who don’t have a serious adverse reaction is crazy imo. There are over 200 vaccinations in development, and they are going to be mandated for all children as well as adults. This is not science at all. It’s madness. Money hungry madness. If vaccines were safe and effective there would be no need for a vaccine injury compensation court, and the government would not have paid out over 3 billion dollars to victims of vaccine injury. I can’t accept that they are safe because they are not. Not paranoia…..it is fact.
I didn’t say I must trust the ECDC. I don’t trust you to be honest in any way. I already posted and the scum deleted proof that there is very little profit in vaccines. They are safe, and effective. Money paid over many many years adds up. Even if it is a trivial sum per year or claim. Plus as you have not posted a source. There is a good chance you are lying again.
The source is the ECDC website. I copied the info and posted it directly from what they stated. If there was no money in vaccines they wouldn’t be produced. You can’t win this one Eric. Vaccines are not safe. Payouts for death and injuries in the amount of 3 billion dollars prove they are not safe. The source of this information is the CDC. Totals are on Page 9 of their report of vaccine injury payouts. Again, I copied and pasted the information directly from the website. You can find the same info if you try hard enough. And I am probably the most honest person you will ever know. I certainly have no reason to lie about this.
No, you don’t have an honest bone in your body. Like the admins on this site who deleted a comment here with links to evidence showing that these claims you refer to have not been proven.
I have no reason to lie. Monsanto has lied. Big Pharma has lied. And even our government agencies have lied.
Nope, the science regulatory bodies have ruled that your position is the dishonest one. How does it feel to be less honest than Monsanto?
Monsanto has lied just like the tobacco companies lied. Doctors used to prescribe cigarettes to their patients. Imagine that.
No, the tobacco companies hired scientists to lie. Just like the organic industry hires fraudsters like serralini and Benbrook. The difference is that glyphosate use is safe.
Monsanto has done the same thing. They hire scientists and others to support their claim that glyphosate is safe when it is not. From a recent article on Mercola website:
Some of the released emails show Monsanto has not properly tested its Roundup formulation, and that company officials are in fact terrified of doing so, for fear of what might be found. The Wall Street Journal also recently reported on Monsanto’s strategy to defend its toxic products by enlisting scientists to act in the company’s defense.24
Academics and journalists are also used to present corporate propaganda to the public. For example, documents posted online by the law firm Baum Hedlund Aristei Goldman25 again exposed Henry Miller as a Monsanto mouthpiece.26
The evidence shows Miller published an article in Forbes Magazine under his name that was actually written by Monsanto employees. Forbes fired him and removed all of his work from the magazine’s website, but there are still plenty of other industry shills spreading corporate propaganda under the guise of academic expertise or independent journalism, both at Forbes and other major magazines and papers.
Mercola is a lying piece of filth that has been caught making false claims for the snake oil he sells on his website. That you would even consider voting his crap marks your posts as being of a miraculous nature. Why so? Because some how some way you are both stupid enough to believe him and smart enough to type. This is known as the IQ conundrum and appears to be caused by a lack of both basic integrity and cholinesterase malfunctions. There could also be vitamin B-12 deficiencies involved. You need to take your shrink to the nutrionist.
Dr. Mercola footnotes all of the references he makes. Please show me when and where he has been caught making false claims. Monsanto and Big Pharma have been making false claims for years. Medications claimed to be safe were removed from the market once they started killing people. BP has even been fined. I have an above average IQ thank you very much and my B-12 status is just fine. I think you need to stop spraying that glyphosate. It may be damaging your brain, for why else would you keep calling people names just because they disagree with you?
Crap footnotes that a junior high teacher would reject lead to crap conclusions. That is what mercola does to confuse folks. Especially easy are the ones who want him to be correct.
So not true. I have actually went to his references and read them. You are the one who wants to be correct no matter who it hurts. You don’t even want research to be done that just might prove you are correct. You must be afraid that you aren’t.
Wow, a liar goes to a dishonest Guy’s site and vouches for his sources. Besides himself, who does he cite? Seneff? Wacko groups? Gmo free whomever?
There is a lot of research outside the realm of Monsanto and Big Pharma…..actual research by independent scientists. You never read anything not coming from the companies that promote these chemicals and if anyone even tries to disagree with what they have been spewing out, you call them names. I for one choose organic produce and/or NON GMO. People are demanding organic and NON-GMO and that inevitably will change the market and farming in general. Can’t happen soon enough for me.
That you choose to purchase more expensive products based upon errors, deceit and ignorance is you right to exercise foolishly. Enjoy wasting that extra money. Independent science? Yep there is plenty. I have read the links embedded in articles by Anastasia Bodnar, SkepticalRaptor, Steven Novella, the Biotorfied site and the genera list.Steve Savage and many others. Nothing supports your bunk.
This will be my last response to you. It is obvious that you are stuck in the paradigms that all chemicals are safe and vaccines never cause injuries neither of which are true. Hopefully I have provided enough information here so that those who want to know what others know or have learned about these issues can easily access it. I’ve checked on other sites you have commented on and the consensus seems to be that you work for Monsanto or Big Pharma. Enjoy your glyphosated fruit and veggies. Organic tastes so much better.
Simply Google Mercola fraudulent claims. The truth will appear.
OMG You believe Quackwatch Stephen Barrett and others like him? hahaha That’s too funny but predictable.
I believe it we have many of the side effects we try to eat all organic when we have the money, but we eat meat too veggies and fruit and lots of corn we have cut out regular suger we eat sugar cane, we have cut out corn syrup now we know lots more to cut out for our family and friends thanks for sharing!!!
Wow cant we all just get along
Thank you Dr. Seneff for this insightful information. For those of you who have Amazon Prime, you can now watch the movies Vaxxed and Injecting Aluminum as part of your membership.
Those are accusations. Not facts. The facts say not a carcinogen. Ask yourself, why no cancer clusters among applicators after 40 plus years of use.
You’ve got to be trolling.
You can’t possibly have your head buried that deep in the sand.
The facts do not say, not a carcinogen. Nobody is stating that as a fact.
The only thing stated in that regard is that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen. Nobody is saying it flat out isn’t a carcinogen.
It’s not been determined yet, if you read the internal emails, you’ll even see that Monsanto strictly prohibits their employees from using wording such as “glyphosate is not carcinogenic”. And you’ll see they directly suppressed studies that showed it was, and hid their own study which showed it was.
They’ve also stated they would be very concerned if anyone came to them for definitive proof it wasn’t carcinogenic.
If you won’t read what’s been released then forget it. I guess you believe all these emails were fabricated to attack Monsanto.
The EPA, EFSA, WHO, and FAO, the 43 year record of non cancerous use, the lack of cancer clusters among applicators, and the lack of a causative mechanism all say not a carcinogen. Case closed.
How any scientist or doctor can support companies such as Monsanto & All the big Pharma continual criminal enterprises is beyond me. I have watched while 10 million american children are drugged before breakfast to “get through their day”. Shame on the continual use of Climate Harming Chemicals, Lab made food, vaccines full of neuro toxins and carcinogens and the total lack of ethical Science free of a conflict of interest.
Conspiracy theorists need to get their conspiracies straight.
Seneff says glysophate causes autism
Wakefield says MMR antigens cause autism
RFK says Thimerosal causes autism
Shaw says Aluminum causes autism
Yet they’re all ignorant about autism. Among other things, the incidence of autism hasn’t really changed in the last thirty years, so their hypotheses are dead on arrival.
Good. That natural immunity will protect those that get the measles for life whereas dolts like you will line up every few years to keep getting injected. Heil Big Pharma… F God…. is your mantra right?
Govt and Big Pharma are your Gods….be honest…. LMAO Mob rule is commie/socialist mantra comprende?
The greater good is for toxic citizens like you to keep your distance from those of us that never get the flu and have never had a shot. Explain that genius…
brain dead neurological case ^^^^^
I see, thanks for pointing out that you can’t refute the science.
This is some real dumb stuff right here.
Be sure and get to the heart of what is being said here. It is click bait and a HOT-take issue. I also assume there have been an amazing amount of Tweets and Facebook postings about this. Just check this out on snopes.com. They have done actual research into this article and what it is really telling or not telling us. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/glyphosatan/
Or the upswing could be caused by global warming, increased computer usage, rising household water usage, industrialization in China, overpopulation, rising food prices, soil erosion, rising college tuition, declining religiosity in Western countries, rising living standards… All of these are positively correlated with the rise in the number of diagnosed autistic children (and late-diagnosed autistic adults).
OK but even if you are right Autism growth does not stop.. a few years from now we will even have more cases. this is becoming a real problem.
Autism is definitely on the rise but there could be other factors in play such as the use of growth hormones in cattle, and other ‘special ingredients’ we are getting in our food, altering our epigenetics. Glyphosate is certainly a problem, so try to eat organic when ever possible and avoid corn and soy as they are also contaminated with BT Toxin.
I have a question, why are these pro pharma trolls even allowed to comment?
I know this is an old thread… but let me just ask: Is it worse to do a bunch of research and share your findings in a warning to people, or to blindly trust that our government, fda, cdc, vaccine mfg. etc. have our best interest at heart? Monsanto, vaccine makers, and our government deal with money. Because of that, they may not always be looking out for what is best for citizens. If you could rake in a few extra billion dollars, would you? If your business model included requiring every citizen in the USA to use your product, would you make a few bucks (monsanto product isn’t required, but it may not be long before vaccines are required)?
It’s not about anti-science. It’s not about anti-vax. It’s not about I’m right, you’re wrong. It’s about seeing a possible problem and trying to make sense of it. If you turn a blind eye because the monsanto funded study shows perfect results, it’s not I that is an idiot, it’s you.