According to AAHF’s legislative director, Tami Wahl, since 1984, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) has been actively sponsoring state legislation that establishes registration and licensing protocols for dietitians. Their efforts have been successful in over 40 states. Now the ADA is attempting to have nutritionists and practitioners of nutritional therapy be locked into the same… Continue reading The American Dietetic Association Seeks a Monopoly over Nutritional Therapy
Month: August 2009
The Trans-Fat Ban Is Working in New York. Can we legislate and tax our way to good health?
The July 21 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine has reported on New York City’s efforts to phase out artificial trans fats from restaurant food. According to N.Y.C. health officials, the effort has been successful. The use of trans fats for frying, baking and the like has declined from 50 percent to 2 percent of… Continue reading The Trans-Fat Ban Is Working in New York. Can we legislate and tax our way to good health?
An influential group of U.S. senators say it is time to embrace an array of alternative therapies
Has the Time Come for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) to Join the Mainstream? An influential group of U.S. senators say it is time to embrace an array of alternative therapies! The Boston Globe reports that Sens. Harkin, Mikulski and Enzi are sponsors and supporters of an amendment to the healthcare reform legislation that would… Continue reading An influential group of U.S. senators say it is time to embrace an array of alternative therapies